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Revision: 380
Committed: Mon Jan 10 10:13:17 2022 UTC (2 years, 3 months ago) by tony
File size: 2227 byte(s)
Log Message:
propset for eol-style

File Contents

# Content
1 object DBLoginDlg: TDBLoginDlg
2 Left = 1297
3 Height = 305
4 Top = 429
5 Width = 385
6 ActiveControl = Password
7 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
8 BorderStyle = bsDialog
9 Caption = 'Database Login'
10 ClientHeight = 305
11 ClientWidth = 385
12 Position = poScreenCenter
13 LCLVersion = ''
14 object Bevel1: TBevel
15 Left = 15
16 Height = 253
17 Top = 16
18 Width = 356
19 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
20 end
21 object TargetCaption: TLabel
22 Left = 33
23 Height = 14
24 Top = 116
25 Width = 60
26 Caption = 'Database:'
27 ParentColor = False
28 end
29 object Label2: TLabel
30 Left = 32
31 Height = 14
32 Top = 160
33 Width = 74
34 Caption = 'User Name:'
35 ParentColor = False
36 end
37 object Label3: TLabel
38 Left = 33
39 Height = 14
40 Top = 208
41 Width = 59
42 Caption = 'Password:'
43 ParentColor = False
44 end
45 object Button1: TButton
46 Left = 296
47 Height = 25
48 Top = 276
49 Width = 75
50 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
51 Cancel = True
52 Caption = 'Cancel'
53 ModalResult = 2
54 TabOrder = 0
55 end
56 object Button2: TButton
57 Left = 215
58 Height = 25
59 Top = 276
60 Width = 75
61 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
62 Caption = 'OK'
63 Default = True
64 ModalResult = 1
65 TabOrder = 1
66 end
67 object DatabaseName: TEdit
68 Left = 142
69 Height = 24
70 Top = 112
71 Width = 192
72 TabOrder = 2
73 end
74 object UserName: TEdit
75 Left = 142
76 Height = 24
77 Top = 156
78 Width = 192
79 TabOrder = 3
80 end
81 object Password: TEdit
82 Left = 142
83 Height = 24
84 Top = 202
85 Width = 192
86 EchoMode = emPassword
87 PasswordChar = '*'
88 TabOrder = 4
89 end
90 object Label1: TLabel
91 Left = 28
92 Height = 88
93 Top = 24
94 Width = 324
95 AutoSize = False
96 Caption = 'You must provide a valid connect string for the database (including the server name, if the database in on a remote server), and an administrator login for the database. You will be logged in with the RDB$ADMIN role, if available to you.'
97 ParentColor = False
98 WordWrap = True
99 end
100 object CreateIfNotExist: TCheckBox
101 Left = 96
102 Height = 22
103 Top = 238
104 Width = 234
105 Caption = 'Create Database if it does not exist'
106 TabOrder = 5
107 end
108 end


Name Value
svn:eol-style native