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Revision: 158
Committed: Thu Mar 1 11:23:33 2018 UTC (6 years, 1 month ago) by tony
File size: 4860 byte(s)
Log Message:
Repository resync

File Contents

# Content
1 object Form1: TForm1
2 Left = 414
3 Height = 468
4 Top = 150
5 Width = 830
6 BorderStyle = bsSingle
7 Caption = 'Identity Column Demo'
8 ClientHeight = 468
9 ClientWidth = 830
10 DefaultMonitor = dmPrimary
11 OnCreate = FormCreate
12 OnShow = FormShow
13 Position = poDefaultSizeOnly
14 LCLVersion = ''
15 object IBDynamicGrid1: TIBDynamicGrid
16 Left = 10
17 Height = 301
18 Top = 9
19 Width = 734
20 Color = clWindow
21 Columns = <
22 item
23 ReadOnly = True
24 Title.Alignment = taCenter
25 Title.Caption = 'KEY'
26 Width = 60
27 FieldName = 'KEY'
28 AutoSizeColumn = False
29 InitialSortColumn = False
30 DBLookupProperties.ItemHeight = 0
31 DBLookupProperties.ItemWidth = 0
32 DBLookupProperties.AutoCompleteText = [cbactEnabled, cbactEndOfLineComplete, cbactSearchAscending]
33 end
34 item
35 Title.Alignment = taCenter
36 Title.Caption = 'SOMETEXT'
37 Width = 200
38 FieldName = 'SOMETEXT'
39 AutoSizeColumn = True
40 InitialSortColumn = False
41 DBLookupProperties.ItemHeight = 0
42 DBLookupProperties.ItemWidth = 0
43 DBLookupProperties.AutoCompleteText = [cbactEnabled, cbactEndOfLineComplete, cbactSearchAscending]
44 end
45 item
46 ReadOnly = True
47 Title.Alignment = taCenter
48 Title.Caption = 'COMPTEXT'
49 Width = 200
50 FieldName = 'COMPTEXT'
51 AutoSizeColumn = True
52 InitialSortColumn = False
53 DBLookupProperties.ItemHeight = 0
54 DBLookupProperties.ItemWidth = 0
55 DBLookupProperties.AutoCompleteText = [cbactEnabled, cbactEndOfLineComplete, cbactSearchAscending]
56 end>
57 DataSource = DataSource1
58 Scrollbars = ssAutoVertical
59 TabOrder = 0
60 ExpandEditorPanelBelowRow = False
61 Descending = False
62 EditorBorderStyle = bsSingle
63 DefaultPositionAtEnd = False
64 end
65 object Button1: TButton
66 Left = 752
67 Height = 28
68 Top = 8
69 Width = 75
70 Caption = 'Add'
71 OnClick = Button1Click
72 TabOrder = 1
73 end
74 object PostBtn: TButton
75 Left = 753
76 Height = 28
77 Top = 43
78 Width = 75
79 Caption = 'Post'
80 OnClick = PostBtnClick
81 TabOrder = 2
82 end
83 object Label1: TLabel
84 Left = 19
85 Height = 132
86 Top = 324
87 Width = 725
88 AutoSize = False
89 Caption = 'This test requires Firebird 3 or later. It demonstrates the handling of Identity columns and how INSERT RETURNING (or Update Returning) can also be used to efficiently update COMPUTED BY columns on insert/update. '#10#10'The Application will create a simple database in a temporary location using a local Firebird Server when it is first run.'#10#10'Click on "Add" to insert a new row and on "Post" to insert the row into the database - or just move the cursor to a new column. Rows can be edited in situ. Note the only the "SOMETEXT" column is editable.'
90 ParentColor = False
91 WordWrap = True
92 end
93 object IBDatabase1: TIBDatabase
94 Connected = False
95 AfterConnect = IBDatabase1AfterConnect
96 CreateIfNotExists = True
97 AllowStreamedConnected = False
98 DatabaseName = '$DATADIR$IDTest.fdb'
99 Params.Strings = (
100 'user_name=SYSDBA'
101 'lc_ctype=UTF8'
102 )
103 DefaultTransaction = IBTransaction1
104 IdleTimer = 0
105 TraceFlags = []
106 UseDefaultSystemCodePage = False
107 OnCreateDatabase = IBDatabase1CreateDatabase
108 left = 149
109 top = 46
110 end
111 object IBTransaction1: TIBTransaction
112 Active = False
113 DefaultDatabase = IBDatabase1
114 Params.Strings = (
115 'read_committed'
116 'rec_version'
117 'nowait'
118 )
119 left = 240
120 top = 46
121 end
122 object IBDataSet1: TIBDataSet
123 AllowAutoActivateTransaction = False
124 Database = IBDatabase1
125 Transaction = IBTransaction1
126 BufferChunks = 1000
127 CachedUpdates = False
128 DeleteSQL.Strings = (
129 'Delete From IDTEST A'
130 'Where A.KEY = :OLD_KEY'
131 )
132 InsertSQL.Strings = (
133 'Insert Into IDTEST(SOMETEXT)'
135 )
136 RefreshSQL.Strings = (
138 'Where A.KEY = :KEY'
139 )
140 SelectSQL.Strings = (
142 )
143 ModifySQL.Strings = (
144 'Update IDTEST A Set '
146 'Where A.KEY = :OLD_KEY'
148 )
149 GeneratorField.ApplyOnEvent = gaeOnNewRecord
150 GenerateParamNames = False
151 DataSetCloseAction = dcSaveChanges
152 left = 400
153 top = 46
154 end
155 object DataSource1: TDataSource
156 DataSet = IBDataSet1
157 left = 326
158 top = 46
159 end
160 object ApplicationProperties1: TApplicationProperties
161 OnIdle = ApplicationProperties1Idle
162 left = 520
163 top = 48
164 end
165 object IBDatabaseInfo1: TIBDatabaseInfo
166 Database = IBDatabase1
167 left = 155
168 top = 114
169 end
170 end