(* * IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express) * * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's * Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License here: * * http://www.firebirdsql.org/index.php?op=doc&id=idpl * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights * and limitations under the License. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman. * * The Original Code is (C) 2014 Tony Whyman, MWA Software * (http://www.mwasoftware.co.uk). * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * *) program fbsql; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} uses {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads} cthreads, {$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WINDOWS} Windows, {$ENDIF} Classes, SysUtils, CustApp { you can add units after this } ,IBDatabase, ibxscript, IBExtract, DB, IBVersion, IBDataOutput, RegExpr {$IFDEF UNIX} ,TermIO, IOStream {$ENDIF} ; const FExceptionTrapped: boolean = false; type TInteractiveSQLProcessor = class; { TFBSQL } TFBSQL = class(TCustomApplication) private FIBDatabase: TIBDatabase; FIBTransaction: TIBTransaction; FIBXScript: TIBXScript; FISQLProcessor: TInteractiveSQLProcessor; FExtract: TIBExtract; FOutputFile: TStream; FDataOutputFormatter: TDataOutputFormatter; procedure LogHandler(Sender: TObject; Msg: string); procedure ErrorLogHandler(Sender: TObject; Msg: string); procedure loginPrompt(Database: TIBDatabase; LoginParams: TStrings); protected procedure DoRun; override; procedure ShowException(E: Exception); override; public constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override; procedure WriteHelp; virtual; end; { TInteractiveSQLProcessor } {This is a TCustomIBXScript descendent that uses the console for input/output. It additionally supports QUIT/EXIT Commands. The log file can either be redirected to the console or sent to a separate file.} TInteractiveSQLProcessor = class(TCustomIBXScript) private FUseLogFile: boolean; protected procedure Add2Log(const Msg: string; IsError: boolean=true); override; function ProcessStatement(stmt: string): boolean; override; public constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent); override; procedure Run; property UseLogFile: boolean read FUseLogFile write FUseLogFile; end; {$IFDEF UNIX} function getpassword: string; var oldattr, newattr: termios; stdinStream: TIOStream; c: char; begin Result := ''; stdinStream := TIOStream.Create(iosInput); try TCGetAttr(stdinStream.Handle, oldattr); newattr := oldattr; newattr.c_lflag := newattr.c_lflag and not (ICANON or ECHO); TCSetAttr( stdinStream.Handle, TCSANOW, newattr ); try repeat read(c); if c = #10 then break; write('*'); Result += c; until false; writeln; finally TCSetAttr( stdinStream.Handle, TCSANOW, oldattr ); end; finally stdinStream.Free; end; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WINDOWS} function getpassword: string; var oldmode, newmode: DWORD; c: char; begin Result := ''; GetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), oldmode); newmode := oldmode - ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT - ENABLE_LINE_INPUT; SetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE),newmode); try repeat read(c); if c = #13 then break; write('*'); Result += c; until false; writeln; finally SetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE),oldmode); end end; {$ENDIF} { TInteractiveSQLProcessor } procedure TInteractiveSQLProcessor.Add2Log(const Msg: string; IsError: boolean); begin if UseLogFile then inherited Add2Log(Msg,IsError) else if IsError then writeln(stderr,msg) else writeln(msg); end; function TInteractiveSQLProcessor.ProcessStatement(stmt: string): boolean; var RegexObj: TRegExpr; Terminator: char; ucStmt: string; begin Result := inherited ProcessStatement(stmt); if not Result then begin Terminator := FSymbolStream.Terminator; ucStmt := AnsiUpperCase(stmt); RegexObj := TRegExpr.Create; try RegexObj.Expression := '^ *(QUIT|EXIT) *(\' + Terminator + '|)'; if RegexObj.Exec(ucStmt) then begin TInteractiveSymbolStream(FSymbolStream).Terminated := true; Result := true; end; finally RegexObj.Free; end; end; end; constructor TInteractiveSQLProcessor.Create(aOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(aOwner); FSymbolStream := TInteractiveSymbolStream.Create; end; procedure TInteractiveSQLProcessor.Run; begin ProcessStream; end; { TFBSQL } procedure TFBSQL.LogHandler(Sender: TObject; Msg: string); begin if FOutputFile <> nil then FOutputFile.WriteAnsiString(Msg + LineEnding) else writeln( Msg); end; procedure TFBSQL.ErrorLogHandler(Sender: TObject; Msg: string); begin writeln(stderr, Msg); end; procedure TFBSQL.loginPrompt(Database: TIBDatabase; LoginParams: TStrings); var password: string; begin write(LoginParams.Values['user_name'] + '''s Password:'); password := getpassword; if password <> '' then LoginParams.Values['password'] := password; end; procedure TFBSQL.DoRun; var ErrorMsg: String; SQLFileName: string; DoExtract: boolean; OutputFileName: string; i: integer; ExtractTypes: TExtractTypes; Opts,NonOpts: TStrings; OutputFormat: string; SQLStatement: string; begin writeln(stderr,'fbsql: an SQL interpreter for Firebird'); writeln(stderr,'Built using IBX ' + IBX_VERSION); writeln(stderr,'Copyright (c) MWA Software 2017'); // quick check parameters Opts := TStringList.Create; NonOpts := TStringList.Create; try ErrorMsg := CheckOptions('aAhbeu:i:o:p:r:s:t:',['help','user','pass','role'],Opts,NonOpts); {Database name is last parameter if given and not an option} if (NonOpts.Count > 0) and ((Opts.Count = 0) or ((Opts.ValueFromIndex[Opts.Count-1] <> NonOpts[NonOpts.Count-1])) or (ParamCount = 1) or (ParamStr(ParamCount-1)[2] in ['!','A','h','b','e']))then FIBDatabase.DatabaseName := ParamStr(ParamCount); finally Opts.Free; NonOpts.Free; end; if ErrorMsg<>'' then begin ShowException(Exception.Create(ErrorMsg)); Terminate; Exit; end; // parse parameters if HasOption('h','help') then begin WriteHelp; Terminate; Exit; end; SQLFileName := ''; OutputFileName := ''; DoExtract := false; ExtractTypes := []; FDataOutputFormatter := TIBBlockFormatOut; SQLStatement := ''; {Initialise user_name and password from environment if available} if GetEnvironmentVariable('ISC_USER') <> '' then FIBDatabase.Params.Add('user_name=' + GetEnvironmentVariable('ISC_USER')); if GetEnvironmentVariable('ISC_PASSWORD') <> '' then FIBDatabase.Params.Add('password=' + GetEnvironmentVariable('ISC_PASSWORD')); {Process Command line options} if HasOption('a') then DoExtract := true; if HasOption('A') then begin DoExtract := true; ExtractTypes := [etData]; end; if not HasOption('b') then begin FIBXScript.StopOnFirstError := false; FISQLProcessor.StopOnFirstError := false; end; if not HasOption('e') then FIBXScript.Echo := false; if HasOption('i') then SQLFileName := GetOptionValue('i'); if HasOption('o') then begin OutputFileName := GetOptionValue('o'); FISQLProcessor.UseLogFile := true; end; if HasOption('p','pass') then FIBDatabase.Params.Values['password'] := GetOptionValue('p','pass'); if HasOption('r','role') then FIBDatabase.Params.Values['sql_role_name'] := GetOptionValue('r','role'); if HasOption('s') then SQLStatement := GetOptionValue('s'); if HasOption('t') then begin OutputFormat := GetOptionValue('t'); if OutputFormat = 'CSV' then FDataOutputFormatter := TIBCSVDataOut else if OutputFormat = 'INS' then FDataOutputFormatter := TIBInsertStmtsOut else if OutputFormat = 'BLK' then FDataOutputFormatter := TIBBlockFormatOut else raise Exception.CreateFmt('Unrecognised data output format "%s"',[OutputFormat]); end; if HasOption('u','user') then FIBDatabase.Params.Values['user_name'] := GetOptionValue('u','user'); {Validation} FIBDatabase.LoginPrompt := (FIBDatabase.Params.IndexOfName('user_name') <> -1) and (FIBDatabase.Params.Values['password'] = ''); if not DoExtract then begin if (SQLStatement <> '') and (SQLFileName <> '') then raise Exception.Create('An SQL Script File and text cannot be simultaneously requested'); if (SQLStatement = '') and (SQLFileName <> '') and not FileExists(SQLFileName) then raise Exception.CreateFmt('SQL File "%s" not found!',[SQLFileName]); end; if DoExtract and ((SQLFileName <> '') or (SQLStatement <> '')) then raise Exception.Create('Extract and script execution cannot be simulateously requested'); {This is where it all happens} FIBXScript.DataOutputFormatter := FDataOutputFormatter.Create(self); FISQLProcessor.DataOutputFormatter := FDataOutputFormatter.Create(self); if OutputFileName <> '' then FOutputFile := TFileStream.Create(OutputFileName,fmCreate); FIBDatabase.Connected := FIBDatabase.DatabaseName <> ''; try if DoExtract then begin FExtract.ExtractObject(eoDatabase,'',ExtractTypes); if FOutputFile <> nil then FExtract.Items.SaveToStream(FOutputFile) else for i := 0 to FExtract.Items.Count - 1 do writeln(FExtract.Items[i]); end else if SQLFileName <> '' then FIBXScript.RunScript(SQLFileName) else if SQLStatement <> '' then FIBXScript.ExecSQLScript(SQLStatement) else FISQLProcessor.Run; finally FIBDatabase.Connected := false; if FOutputFile <> nil then FOutputFile.Free; end; // stop program loop Terminate; end; procedure TFBSQL.ShowException(E: Exception); begin FExceptionTrapped := true; writeln(stderr,'Error: ' + E.Message); end; constructor TFBSQL.Create(TheOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(TheOwner); StopOnException:=True; { Create Components } FIBDatabase := TIBDatabase.Create(self); FIBDatabase.OnLogin := @loginPrompt; FIBDatabase.Params.Clear; FIBDatabase.Params.Values['lc_ctype'] := 'UTF8'; FIBTransaction := TIBTransaction.Create(self); FIBTransaction.DefaultDatabase := FIBDatabase; FIBXScript := TIBXScript.Create(self); FIBXScript.Database := FIBDatabase; FIBXScript.Transaction := FIBTransaction; FIBXScript.OnOutputLog := @LogHandler; FIBXScript.OnErrorLog := @ErrorLogHandler; FISQLProcessor := TInteractiveSQLProcessor.Create(self); FISQLProcessor.Database := FIBDatabase; FISQLProcessor.Transaction := FIBTransaction; FISQLProcessor.OnOutputLog := @LogHandler; FISQLProcessor.OnErrorLog := @ErrorLogHandler; FExtract := TIBExtract.Create(self); FExtract.Database := FIBDatabase; FExtract.Transaction := FIBTransaction; FIBTransaction.Params.Add('concurrency'); FIBTransaction.Params.Add('wait'); end; procedure TFBSQL.WriteHelp; begin writeln(stderr,'Usage: ',ExtractFileName(ExeName),' '); writeln(stderr,'Options:'); writeln(stderr,'-a write database metadata to stdout'); writeln(stderr,'-A write database metadata and table data to stdout'); writeln(stderr,'-b stop on first error'); writeln(stderr,'-e echo sql statements to stdout'); writeln(stderr,'-i execute SQL script from file'); writeln(stderr,'-h show this information'); writeln(stderr,'-o output to this file instead of stdout'); writeln(stderr,'-p provide password on command line (insecure)'); writeln(stderr,'-r open database with this rolename'); writeln(stderr,'-s Execute SQL text'); writeln(stderr,'-t specify output format for SQL Statements'); writeln(stderr,' BLK (default) for block format'); writeln(stderr,' CSV (default) for CSV format'); writeln(stderr,' INS (default) for Insert Statement format'); writeln(stderr,'-u open database with this username (defaults to SYSDBA)'); writeln; writeln(stderr,'Environment Variables:'); writeln(stderr,'ISC_USER Login user Name'); writeln(stderr,'ISC_PASSWORD Login password'); end; var Application: TFBSQL; begin Application:=TFBSQL.Create(nil); Application.Run; Application.Free; if FExceptionTrapped then Halt(1); end.