I/usr/share/doc/firebird2.5-common-doc/examples/empbuild/employee.orig.fdbTue Feb 2 10:56:53 2016 N I/usr/share/doc/firebird2.5-common-doc/examples/empbuild/employee.orig.fdb NONE FIRSTNAME%   )*+LASTNAME%   )*+ PHONENUMBER%   )*+ COUNTRYNAME%   )*+ ADDRESSLINE%   )*+EMPNO   ,DEPTNO   299/000:104999=L$KCHECK (VALUE = '000' OR (VALUE > '0' AND VALUE <= '999') OR VALUE IS NULL))*+PROJNO    /gL$CHECK (VALUE = UPPER (VALUE)))*+CUSTNO   1L$CHECK (VALUE > 1000),JOBCODE%   199999L$CHECK (VALUE > '99999'))*+JOBGRADE   8L$CHECK (VALUE BETWEEN 0 AND 6),SALARY    L1L$CHECK (VALUE > 0)' DEFAULT 0, BUDGET    PL:1'4L$+CHECK (VALUE > 10000 AND VALUE <= 2000000)'DEFAULT 50000, PRODTYPE%   softwareLI999/software/hardware/other/N/AL$:CHECK (VALUE IN ('software', 'hardware', 'other', 'N/A'))&) 'DEFAULT 'software'*+PONUMBER   7VL$ CHECK (VALUE STARTING WITH 'V'))*+RDB$1%   ) *RDB$2%   )*RDB$3    *RDB$4%   )*RDB$5%   )*RDB$6%   )*RDB$7%   )*RDB$8#   RDB$9% %  %'' LAST_NAME,  FIRST_NAMEL%"(last_name || ', ' || first_name))*RDB$10%   )*RDB$11     *RDB$12   ,RDB$13   ,RDB$14#   RDB$15%   )*RDB$16   RDB$17   7" OLD_SALARY%$ OLD_SALARYPERCENT_CHANGEdL%1(old_salary + old_salary * percent_change / 100)RDB$18%   )*RDB$19%   )*RDB$20%   )*RDB$21%   ) *RDB$22   )*RDB$23%   )*RDB$24#   RDB$25#   RDB$26#   RDB$27   )*RDB$28   ,RDB$29   , RDB$30   RDB$31   # SHIP_DATE ORDER_DATEL%(ship_date - order_date),RDB$32   ,RDB$33   )*+RDB$34   ,RDB$35   )*+RDB$36   )*+RDB$37   , RDB$38   , RDB$39   , RDB$40   , RDB$41   ,RDB$42   )*+RDB$43   , RDB$44   )*+RDB$45   )*+RDB$46   )*+RDB$47   )*+RDB$48   ,RDB$49   ,RDB$50 (  )(*+RDB$51 (  )(*+RDB$52 (  )(*+RDB$53 (  )(*+RDB$54 (  )(*+RDB$55 (  )(*+RDB$56   )*+RDB$57%   )*+RDB$58   ,RDB$59%   )*+RDB$60%   )*+RDB$61%   )*+RDB$62%   )*+RDB$63%   )*+RDB$64%   )*+RDB$4 !RDB$13 !COUNTRYSQL$4 SYSDBACURRENCYRDB$1 %   "&*+COUNTRY COUNTRYNAME %   "&* JOBSQL$5 SYSDBA MIN_SALARYSALARY    "& MAX_SALARYSALARY    "&JOB_REQUIREMENTRDB$3    "*+ JOB_GRADEJOBGRADE    "&JOB_CODEJOBCODE %   "&* JOB_COUNTRY COUNTRYNAME %   "&* JOB_TITLERDB$2 %   "&*+ LANGUAGE_REQRDB$4 %   "*+ !  DEPARTMENTSQL$6 SYSDBABUDGETBUDGET    "MNGR_NOEMPNO    "PHONE_NO PHONENUMBER %   "*555-1234L'DEFAULT '555-1234'DEPT_NODEPTNO    "&* DEPARTMENTRDB$5 %   "&*+ HEAD_DEPTDEPTNO    "*LOCATIONRDB$6 %   "*+ EMPLOYEESQL$7 SYSDBA HIRE_DATERDB$8 #   "& NOWL'DEFAULT 'NOW'SALARYSALARY      "&EMP_NOEMPNO    "& LAST_NAMELASTNAME %   "&* PHONE_EXTRDB$7 %   "*+ JOB_GRADEJOBGRADE    "& FIRST_NAME FIRSTNAME %   "&*DEPT_NODEPTNO    "&*JOB_CODEJOBCODE %   "&* JOB_COUNTRY COUNTRYNAME %    "&* FULL_NAMERDB$9  % %   "*+ SALESSQL$14 SYSDBA PO_NUMBERPONUMBER    "&* ORDER_DATERDB$24 #   "& NOWL'DEFAULT 'NOW' SHIP_DATERDB$25 #   " DATE_NEEDEDRDB$26 #   "AGEDRDB$31      "CUST_NOCUSTNO    "& QTY_ORDEREDRDB$28     "& L' DEFAULT 1 TOTAL_VALUERDB$29      "&DISCOUNTRDB$30      "& L' DEFAULT 0 SALES_REPEMPNO    " ITEM_TYPEPRODTYPE  %    "* ORDER_STATUSRDB$23 %   "&*+ newL'DEFAULT 'new'PAIDRDB$27    "*+ nL' DEFAULT 'n'  PHONE_LIST3CJEMPLOYEEJ DEPARTMENTG/DEPT_NODEPT_NOLSQL$8 SELECT emp_no, first_name, last_name, phone_ext, location, phone_no FROM employee, department WHERE employee.dept_no = department.dept_no SYSDBAEMP_NOEMPNO    "EMP_NO LAST_NAMELASTNAME %   "*+ LAST_NAME PHONE_EXTRDB$7 %   "*+ PHONE_EXTPHONE_NO PHONENUMBER %   "*+PHONE_NO FIRST_NAME FIRSTNAME %   "*+ FIRST_NAMELOCATIONRDB$6 %   "*+LOCATION  DEPARTMENT  DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE  EMPLOYEE PROJECTSQL$9 SYSDBA PROJ_DESCRDB$11    "*+ PROJ_NAMERDB$10 %   "&*+ TEAM_LEADEREMPNO    "PRODUCTPRODTYPE %   "*PROJ_IDPROJNO    "&* EMPLOYEE_PROJECTSQL$10 SYSDBAEMP_NOEMPNO    "&PROJ_IDPROJNO    "&* PROJ_DEPT_BUDGETSQL$11 SYSDBAPROJECTED_BUDGETBUDGET    " FISCAL_YEARRDB$12    "&QUART_HEAD_CNTRDB$13    " !PROJ_IDPROJNO    "&*DEPT_NODEPTNO    "&* SALARY_HISTORYSQL$12 SYSDBA CHANGE_DATERDB$14 #   "& NOWL'DEFAULT 'NOW' OLD_SALARYSALARY    "&PERCENT_CHANGERDB$16    "& L' DEFAULT 0 NEW_SALARYRDB$17    "EMP_NOEMPNO    "& UPDATER_IDRDB$15 %   "&*+ CUSTOMERSQL$13 SYSDBA ADDRESS_LINE1 ADDRESSLINE %   "* ADDRESS_LINE2 ADDRESSLINE %   "*CUST_NOCUSTNO    "& CONTACT_LASTLASTNAME %   "*PHONE_NO PHONENUMBER %   "* POSTAL_CODERDB$21  %    "*+CUSTOMERRDB$18 %   "&*+ CONTACT_FIRST FIRSTNAME %   "*CITYRDB$19 %   "*+STATE_PROVINCERDB$20 %    "*+COUNTRY COUNTRYNAME  %    "*ON_HOLDRDB$22      "*+-L' DEFAULT NULL  EMP_NO_GEN CUST_NO_GEN GET_EMP_PROJnBEGIN FOR SELECT proj_id FROM employee_project WHERE emp_no = :emp_no INTO :proj_id DO SUSPEND; END -CJEMPLOYEE_PROJECTG/EMP_NO)PROJ_ID))L SQL$15 SYSDBA   :EMP_NOPROJ_IDPROJ_ID*,eEMP_NORDB$32PROJ_IDRDB$33 ADD_EMP_PROJBEGIN BEGIN INSERT INTO employee_project (emp_no, proj_id) VALUES (:emp_no, :proj_id); WHEN SQLCODE -530 DO EXCEPTION unknown_emp_id; END SUSPEND; END JEMPLOYEE_PROJECT)EMP_NO)PROJ_IDUNKNOWN_EMP_IDL SQL$16 SYSDBA   =EMP_NOPROJ_ID!cyEMP_NORDB$34PROJ_IDRDB$35SUB_TOT_BUDGETBEGIN SELECT SUM(budget), AVG(budget), MIN(budget), MAX(budget) FROM department WHERE head_dept = :head_dept INTO :tot_budget, :avg_budget, :min_budget, :max_budget; SUSPEND; ENDI  ----COCJ DEPARTMENTG/ HEAD_DEPT)NMTBUDGETUBUDGETWBUDGETVBUDGET))))))))L SQL$17 SYSDBA    HEAD_DEPT TOT_BUDGET AVG_BUDGET MIN_BUDGET MAX_BUDGET TOT_BUDGET AVG_BUDGET MIN_BUDGET MAX_BUDGETQS  HEAD_DEPTRDB$36 TOT_BUDGETRDB$37 AVG_BUDGETRDB$38 MIN_BUDGETRDB$39 MAX_BUDGETRDB$40DELETE_EMPLOYEE DECLARE VARIABLE any_sales INTEGER; BEGIN any_sales = 0; /* * If there are any sales records referencing this employee, * can't delete the employee until the sales are re-assigned * to another employee or changed to NULL. */ SELECT count(po_number) FROM sales WHERE sales_rep = :emp_num INTO :any_sales; IF (any_sales > 0) THEN BEGIN EXCEPTION reassign_sales; SUSPEND; END /* * If the employee is a manager, update the department. */ UPDATE department SET mngr_no = NULL WHERE mngr_no = :emp_num; /* * If the employee is a project leader, update project. */ UPDATE project SET team_leader = NULL WHERE team_leader = :emp_num; /* * Delete the employee from any projects. */ DELETE FROM employee_project WHERE emp_no = :emp_num; /* * Delete old salary records. */ DELETE FROM salary_history WHERE emp_no = :emp_num; /* * Delete the employee. */ DELETE FROM employee WHERE emp_no = :emp_num; SUSPEND; END -COCJSALESG/ SALES_REP)NM] PO_NUMBER1REASSIGN_SALESCJ DEPARTMENTG/MNGR_NO) -MNGR_NOCJPROJECTG/ TEAM_LEADER) - TEAM_LEADERCJEMPLOYEE_PROJECTG/EMP_NO)CJSALARY_HISTORYG/EMP_NO)CJEMPLOYEEG/EMP_NO)L SQL$18 SYSDBA   ~EMP_NUM ANY_SALES " -q}!(.;4c7EMP_NUMRDB$41 DEPT_BUDGET DECLARE VARIABLE sumb DECIMAL(12, 2); DECLARE VARIABLE rdno CHAR(3); DECLARE VARIABLE cnt INTEGER; BEGIN tot = 0; SELECT budget FROM department WHERE dept_no = :dno INTO :tot; SELECT count(budget) FROM department WHERE head_dept = :dno INTO :cnt; IF (cnt = 0) THEN SUSPEND; FOR SELECT dept_no FROM department WHERE head_dept = :dno INTO :rdno DO BEGIN EXECUTE PROCEDURE dept_budget :rdno RETURNING_VALUES :sumb; tot = tot + sumb; END SUSPEND; END ----CJ DEPARTMENTG/DEPT_NO)BUDGETCOCJ DEPARTMENTG/ HEAD_DEPT)NM]BUDGET/)CJ DEPARTMENTG/ HEAD_DEPT)DEPT_NOx DEPT_BUDGET"))L SQL$19 SYSDBA   DNOTOTTOT$SUMB.RDNO;CNTHJ U   ,.ESDNORDB$42TOTRDB$43 ORG_CHARTJ DECLARE VARIABLE mngr_no INTEGER; DECLARE VARIABLE dno CHAR(3); BEGIN FOR SELECT h.department, d.department, d.mngr_no, d.dept_no FROM department d LEFT OUTER JOIN department h ON d.head_dept = h.dept_no ORDER BY d.dept_no INTO :head_dept, :department, :mngr_no, :dno DO BEGIN IF (:mngr_no IS NULL) THEN BEGIN mngr_name = '--TBH--'; title = ''; END ELSE SELECT full_name, job_code FROM employee WHERE emp_no = :mngr_no INTO :mngr_name, :title; SELECT COUNT(emp_no) FROM employee WHERE dept_no = :dno INTO :emp_cnt; SUSPEND; END END? -------Cw DEPARTMENTD DEPARTMENTHPG/ HEAD_DEPTDEPT_NOFHDEPT_NO DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTMNGR_NODEPT_NO=--TBH--CJEMPLOYEEG/EMP_NO FULL_NAMEJOB_CODECOCJEMPLOYEEG/DEPT_NONM]EMP_NO)))))  )))))  L SQL$20 SYSDBA    HEAD_DEPT DEPARTMENT MNGR_NAMETITLEEMP_CNT HEAD_DEPT DEPARTMENT MNGR_NAMETITLEEMP_CNTgMNGR_NOqDNO *6u  HEAD_DEPTRDB$44 DEPARTMENTRDB$45 MNGR_NAMERDB$46TITLERDB$47EMP_CNTRDB$48 MAIL_LABEL DECLARE VARIABLE customer VARCHAR(25); DECLARE VARIABLE first_name VARCHAR(15); DECLARE VARIABLE last_name VARCHAR(20); DECLARE VARIABLE addr1 VARCHAR(30); DECLARE VARIABLE addr2 VARCHAR(30); DECLARE VARIABLE city VARCHAR(25); DECLARE VARIABLE state VARCHAR(15); DECLARE VARIABLE country VARCHAR(15); DECLARE VARIABLE postcode VARCHAR(12); DECLARE VARIABLE cnt INTEGER; BEGIN line1 = ''; line2 = ''; line3 = ''; line4 = ''; line5 = ''; line6 = ''; SELECT customer, contact_first, contact_last, address_line1, address_line2, city, state_province, country, postal_code FROM CUSTOMER WHERE cust_no = :cust_no INTO :customer, :first_name, :last_name, :addr1, :addr2, :city, :state, :country, :postcode; IF (customer IS NOT NULL) THEN line1 = customer; IF (first_name IS NOT NULL) THEN line2 = first_name || ' ' || last_name; ELSE line2 = last_name; IF (addr1 IS NOT NULL) THEN line3 = addr1; IF (addr2 IS NOT NULL) THEN line4 = addr2; IF (country = 'USA') THEN BEGIN IF (city IS NOT NULL) THEN line5 = city || ', ' || state || ' ' || postcode; ELSE line5 = state || ' ' || postcode; END ELSE BEGIN IF (city IS NOT NULL) THEN line5 = city || ', ' || state; ELSE line5 = state; line6 = country || ' ' || postcode; END SUSPEND; END{ (((((( (-(-(-(-(-(-&-&-&- &-  &-  &-  &-  &- & --CJCUSTOMERG/CUST_NO)CUSTOMER CONTACT_FIRST CONTACT_LAST ADDRESS_LINE1  ADDRESS_LINE2 CITY STATE_PROVINCE COUNTRY  POSTAL_CODE;=;='' ;=  ;=  / USA;= '''' ,   ''  ;= '' ,   ''  ))))) )  ))))) )  L SQL$21 SYSDBA   CUST_NOLINE1LINE2LINE3LINE4LINE5LINE6LINE1LINE2LINE3LINE4LINE5LINE6CUSTOMER FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME ADDR1  ADDR2  CITY  STATE  COUNTRY POSTCODECNT #-7AK   !"4$;$A&I&O)W)e+g+m-022469CUST_NORDB$49LINE1RDB$50LINE2RDB$51LINE3RDB$52LINE4RDB$53LINE5RDB$54LINE6RDB$55 SHIP_ORDER[ DECLARE VARIABLE ord_stat CHAR(7); DECLARE VARIABLE hold_stat CHAR(1); DECLARE VARIABLE cust_no INTEGER; DECLARE VARIABLE any_po CHAR(8); BEGIN SELECT s.order_status, c.on_hold, c.cust_no FROM sales s, customer c WHERE po_number = :po_num AND s.cust_no = c.cust_no INTO :ord_stat, :hold_stat, :cust_no; /* This purchase order has been already shipped. */ IF (ord_stat = 'shipped') THEN BEGIN EXCEPTION order_already_shipped; SUSPEND; END /* Customer is on hold. */ ELSE IF (hold_stat = '*') THEN BEGIN EXCEPTION customer_on_hold; SUSPEND; END /* * If there is an unpaid balance on orders shipped over 2 months ago, * put the customer on hold. */ FOR SELECT po_number FROM sales WHERE cust_no = :cust_no AND order_status = 'shipped' AND paid = 'n' AND ship_date < CAST('NOW' AS TIMESTAMP) - 60 INTO :any_po DO BEGIN EXCEPTION customer_check; UPDATE customer SET on_hold = '*' WHERE cust_no = :cust_no; SUSPEND; END /* * Ship the order. */ UPDATE sales SET order_status = 'shipped', ship_date = 'NOW' WHERE po_number = :po_num; SUSPEND; END ----CSALESSCUSTOMERCG:/ PO_NUMBER)/CUST_NOCUST_NO ORDER_STATUSON_HOLDCUST_NO/shippedORDER_ALREADY_SHIPPED/*CUSTOMER_ON_HOLDCJSALESG:::/CUST_NO/ ORDER_STATUSshipped/PAIDn3 SHIP_DATE##NOW< PO_NUMBERCUSTOMER_CHECKCJCUSTOMERG/CUST_NO *ON_HOLDCJSALESG/ PO_NUMBER) shipped ORDER_STATUSNOW SHIP_DATEL SQL$22 SYSDBA   PO_NUMORD_STAT# HOLD_STAT0CUST_NO:ANY_POJL# 7')+/59hPO_NUMRDB$56 SHOW_LANGSDECLARE VARIABLE i INTEGER; BEGIN i = 1; WHILE (i <= 5) DO BEGIN SELECT language_req[:i] FROM joB WHERE ((job_code = :code) AND (job_grade = :grade) AND (job_country = :cty) AND (language_req IS NOT NULL)) INTO :languages; IF (languages = ' ') THEN /* Prints 'NULL' instead of blanks */ languages = 'NULL'; i = i +1; SUSPEND; END END<&&& &-- 4CJJOBG:::/JOB_CODE)/ JOB_GRADE)/ JOB_COUNTRY);= LANGUAGE_REQk LANGUAGE_REQ/ NULL"))L SQL$23 SYSDBA   CODEGRADECTY LANGUAGES LANGUAGES5IBDO_ a  CODERDB$57GRADERDB$58CTYRDB$59 LANGUAGESRDB$60 ALL_LANGS BEGIN FOR SELECT job_code, job_grade, job_country FROM job INTO :code, :grade, :country DO BEGIN FOR SELECT languages FROM show_langs (:code, :grade, :country) INTO :lang DO SUSPEND; /* Put nice separators between rows */ code = '====='; grade = '====='; country = '==============='; lang = '=============='; SUSPEND; END END &&&&&-&-&-&-CJJOBJOB_CODE JOB_GRADE JOB_COUNTRYC| SHOW_LANGS LANGUAGES))))=======================================))))))))L SQL$24 SYSDBA   CODEGRADECOUNTRYLANGCODEGRADECOUNTRYLANG\^  -%>VCODERDB$61GRADERDB$62COUNTRYRDB$63LANGRDB$64UNKNOWN_EMP_ID&Invalid employee number or project id.REASSIGN_SALES9Reassign the sales records before deleting this employee.ORDER_ALREADY_SHIPPEDOrder status is "shipped."CUSTOMER_ON_HOLDThis customer is on hold.CUSTOMER_CHECK Overdue balance -- can not ship.CUSTOMER RDB$PRIMARY22CUST_NO RDB$FOREIGN23COUNTRY RDB$PRIMARY1 CUSTNAMEXCUSTOMER CUSTREGIONCOUNTRYCITY15500 Pacific Heights Blvd.Little(619) 530-271092121Signature DesignDale J. San DiegoCAUSA P. O. Box 470Brown(214) 960-223375205Dallas TechnologiesGlenDallasTXUSA*2300 Newbury Street Suite 101Buttle(617) 488-186402115Buttle, Griffith and Co.JamesBostonMAUSA66 Lloyd StreetBrocket 61 211 99 88M2 3LA Central Bank Elizabeth ManchesterEngland400 Connaught RoadWu(852) 850 43 98DT Systems, LTD.TaiCentral Hong Kong Hong Kong20 Carling Avenue Suite 150Bright(613) 229 3323K1V 9G1DataServe InternationalTomasOttawaONCanadaP.O. Box 22743 Mrs. Beauvais93953 Mrs. Beauvais Pebble BeachCAUSA3320 Lawai RoadBriggs(808) 835-760596766Anini Vacation RentalsLeilaniLihueHIUSA1 Emerald Cove 22 01 23MaxMax Turtle IslandFiji*2-64-7 Sasazuka Miyamoto 3 880 77 19150MPM CorporationMiwakoTokyoJapanFlorhofgasse 10Granges 01 221 16 508005Dynamic Intelligence CorpVictorZurich Switzerland22 Place de la ConcordeRoche 1 43 60 6175008 3D-Pad Corp. MichelleParisFranceVia Eugenia, 15Lorenzi 02 404 628420124Lorenzi Export, Ltd.AndreasMilanItalyRue Royale 350Hessels 02 500 59401210Dyno ConsultingGreta BrusselsBelgium P.0.Box 702 Neppelenbroek(070) 44 91 182514 GeoTech Inc.K.M. Den Haag Netherlands SALARY_HISTORY RDB$PRIMARY20EMP_NO CHANGE_DATE UPDATER_ID RDB$FOREIGN21EMP_NO RDB$PRIMARY7UPDATERX UPDATER_IDCHANGEX CHANGE_DATE:<K@$admin2<<K @@ U=admin2<<K T@@ L/{admin2<<K `@ P)^admin2<<Kj@ admin2<<KI>@ admin2<<K^@admin2<<K[@admin2<<Kz@admin2<<Koc@admin2<<K^@admin2<<KS`@"admin2<<K-@$admin2<<K5g@%admin2<<KLK@@,admin2<<Km@-admin2<<V^@elaine<<Vm@ elaine<<Vr҈@ elaine<<VN@@ elaine<<Ve(@elaine<<VbkP@elaine<<V9@elaine<<VwL@elaine<<V!@elaine<<Ve(@elaine<<V Z7@"elaine<<V15@$elaine<<V 9iD@%elaine<<VR@,elaine<<Vv`@-elaine<<V>@4elaine<<V[@=elaine<<V-@Aelaine<<VM@Gelaine<<VG@Helaine<<V[@Selaine<<VRe@^elaine<8 .tj88y Utj88O itj88y ktj8< w@#䎊r elaine<<_q@$=elaine<<@$Helaine<<(@$velaine<<q@$yelaine<<= @$elaine<<@$elaine PROJ_DEPT_BUDGET RDB$PRIMARY17 FISCAL_YEARPROJ_IDDEPT_NO RDB$FOREIGN18DEPT_NO RDB$PRIMARY5 RDB$FOREIGN19PROJ_ID RDB$PRIMARY12&41-GUIDE10044@GUIDE67144MAPDB62144= MAPDB62144[ MAPDB62244"MAPDB67144$HWRII67044bZ&HWRII62144(HWRII62244z*MKTPR62344,MKTPR67244.MKTPR100441-0MKTPR110442MKTPR044'4MKTPR62344Ĵ6MKTPR67244 8MKTPR10044':MKTPR11044 S+VBASE62144bZ@VBASE62244ÀBVBASE10044рDVBASE10044FVBASE100 EMPLOYEE_PROJECT RDB$PRIMARY14EMP_NOPROJ_ID RDB$FOREIGN15EMP_NO RDB$PRIMARY7 RDB$FOREIGN16PROJ_ID RDB$PRIMARY12 DGPIIqDGPIIDGPIIVBASEVBASEVBASEGVBASEVBASE,VBASEVBASESVBASEVBASE-VBASEGUIDEGUIDEqGUIDEGUIDEMAPDBGMAPDB.MKTPRiMKTPR MKTPRUMKTPRnMKTPR"MKTPRMKTPRMKTPR4MKTPR PROJECTRDB$11 PROJ_NAME RDB$PRIMARY12PROJ_ID RDB$FOREIGN13 TEAM_LEADER RDB$PRIMARY7 PRODTYPEXPRODUCT PROJ_NAME>HVideo Database-softwareVBASE//Design a video data base management system for *controlling on-demand video distribution. HD DigiPizzaotherDGPII..Develop second generation digital pizza maker $with flash-bake heating element and %digital ingredient measuring system. D@ AutoMaphardwareGUIDE22Develop a prototype for the automobile version of #the hand-held map browsing device. @H MapBrowser portsoftwareMAPDB//Port the map browsing database software to run on the automobile model. HLTranslator upgradesoftwareHWRII77Integrate the hand-writing recognition module into the universal language translator. LHMarketing project 3U N/AMKTPR2/Expand marketing and sales in the Pacific Rim. 2Set up a field office in Australia and Singapore.  PHONE_LIST SALES RDB$PRIMARY24 PO_NUMBER RDB$FOREIGN25CUST_NO RDB$PRIMARY22 RDB$FOREIGN26 SALES_REP RDB$PRIMARY7NEEDX DATE_NEEDED SALESTATX ORDER_STATUSPAIDQTYX ITEM_TYPE QTY_ORDEREDb V91E0210  = hardware shippedy V92E0340j hardware shippedy V92J1003= software shippedy V93J2004Rv software shippedy V93J3100CC wh=v software shippedy V92F3004kk @ software shippedy V93F3088JV B@ software shippedn| V93F2030q hardwareopeny| V93F2051 software waitingn| V93H0030  >Lv softwareopeny|| V94H00796 =L= softwareopenn| V932420088@V~>LH hardware shippedy V9324320??O? software shippedy| V9320630 [>L hardwareopenn|| V9420099` d/> softwareopenn| V9427029>) hardware shippednV93005} software shippedyV93006 other shippedn V9336100 =L software waitingn V9346200? software waitingn V9345200)2> software shippedy V9345139Wbm 2= software shippedy V93C0120Hother shippedy V93C09908P (bJ=H hardware shippedy| V9456220 hardwareopeny| V93S4702y hardware shippedy V94S6400 > software waitingy V93H30090  =L= software shippedn| V93H0500 j>L= hardwareopenn| V93F0020v= software shippedn| V93I4700y hardwareopenn| V93B1002bcg' software shippedy V93N5822I software shippedn EMPLOYEE RDB$PRIMARY7EMP_NO RDB$FOREIGN8DEPT_NO RDB$PRIMARY5 RDB$FOREIGN9JOB_CODE JOB_GRADE JOB_COUNTRY RDB$PRIMARY2NAMEX LAST_NAME FIRST_NAMErt0Nelson250 Robert600VPUSAttYoung233Bruce621EngUSAtpȸLambert22Kim130EngUSAptb Johnson410 Leslie180MktgUSAtprP Forest229Phil622MngrUSApt$. Weston34K. J.130SRepUSAttR Lee256Terri0AdminUSAttjHall227 Stewart900FinanUSAtxfYoung231 Katherine623MngrUSAxx| Papadopoulos887Chris671MngrUSAxp|Fisher8Pete671EngUSApx"Bennet5Ann120AdminEnglandxtj De Souza288Roger623EngUSAtx^ E"Baldwin2Janet110SalesUSAx|3M$Reeves6Roger120SalesEngland||;% Stansbury7 Willie120EngEngland|tUn,Phong216 Leslie623EngUSAtxU{V- Ramanathan209Ashok621EngUSAxt]'. Steadman210 Walter900CFOUSAtxA8J4 Nordstrom420Carol180PRelUSAxph=Leung3Luke110SRepUSApx@/AO'Brien877 Sue Anne670AdminUSAxxWQ GBurbank289 Jennifer M.622EngUSAxx\H Sutherland Claudia140SRepCanadaxp_qSBishop290Dana621EngUSApxU MacDonald477 Mary S.100VPUSAxtU<^ Williams892Randy672MngrUSAtxDȈiBender255 Oliver H.0CEOUSAxp{kCook894Kevin670DirUSApx~)2mBrown202Kelly600AdminUSAxt~#FnIchida22Yuki115EngJapantlI>qPage845Mary671EngUSAlp5grParker247Bill623EngUSApx,v Yamamoto23 Takashi115SRepJapanxxNyFerrari1 Roberto125SRepItalyxt8C# Yanowski492 Michael100SRepUSAtpFSGlon Jacques123SRepFrancept[[Johnson265Scott623DocUSAtp6Green218T.J.621EngUSApxOsborne Pierre121SRep Switzerlandxt!5g Montgomery820John672EngUSAttB0 Guckenheimer221Mark622EngUSA  DEPARTMENTRDB$4 DEPARTMENT RDB$PRIMARY5DEPT_NO RDB$FOREIGN6 HEAD_DEPT RDB$PRIMARY5BUDGETXBUDGET RDB$FOREIGN10MNGR_NO RDB$PRIMARY7bli(408) 5-12340Corporate Headquarters Montereylp U(415) 5 -1234100Sales and Marketing0 San Franciscop`w(408) 5 -1234600 Engineering0 Monterey`\bZ.(408) 5 -1234900 Finance0 Monterey\hр(415) 5 -1234180 Marketing100 San Franciscohl'(408) 5 -1234620Software Products Div.600 MontereylhbZ(408) 5 -1234621Software Development620 MontereyhhÀ (408) 5 -1234622Quality Assurance620 Montereyhd@(408) 5 -1234623Customer Support620 Montereydxk(802) 5 -1234670Consumer Electronics Div.600Burlington, VTxt(802) 5 -1234671Research and Development670Burlington, VTtp@^(802) 5 -1234672Customer Services670Burlington, VTpl (617) 5 -1234130Field Office: East Coast100BostonlhH (416) 677-10140Field Office: Canada100Torontohl"(808) 5 -1234110Pacific Rim Headquarters100Kuauildv 3 5350 0901115Field Office: Japan110TokyodlÀ 3 55 1234116Field Office: Singapore110 Singaporelh,$ 71 235-4400120European Headquarters100Londonhl 1 211 7767121Field Office: Switzerland120ZurichldbZ 58 68 11 12123Field Office: France120CannesddbZy 2 430 39 39125Field Office: Italy120Milan JOB RDB$PRIMARY2JOB_CODE JOB_GRADE JOB_COUNTRY RDB$FOREIGN3 JOB_COUNTRY RDB$PRIMARY1MINSALX JOB_COUNTRY MIN_SALARYMAXSALX JOB_COUNTRY MAX_SALARYhp]@}x@CEOUSAChief Executive OfficerNo specific requirements. pp ՟CFOUSAChief Financial Officer**15+ years in finance or 5+ years as a CFO with a proven track record. MBA or J.D. degree. phz]@VPUSAVice PresidentNo specific requirements. h`rpDirUSA Director@@5-10 years as a director in computer or electronics industries. An advanced degree. ``[#MngrUSAManager'BA/BS required. 3-5 years in management, 'plus 2-4 years engineering experience. ``-[&MngrUSAManager''5+ years office management experience. `t5gS`AdminUSAAdministrative Assistant9/3-5 years experience in executive environment. 9Strong organizational and communication skills required. BA degree preferred. tt= AdminUSAAdministrative Assistant.2-4 years clerical experience. .Facility with word processing and data entry. AA degree preferred. txr`(AdminEnglandAdministrative Assistantxp&%c.PRelUSAPublic Relations Rep.pl= zMktgUSAMarketing Analyst/MBA required. /10+ years experience in high tech environment. llLK@ MktgUSAMarketing Analyst/ BA/BS required. MBA preferred. 3-5 years experience. /Knowledgeable with spreadsheets and databases. lh*S`AccntUSA AccountantACPA with 3-5 years experience. ASpreadsheet, data entry, and word processing knowledge required. hp5g FinanUSAFinancial Analyst335-10 years of accounting and financial experience. Strong analytical skills. CPA/MBA required. p`j EngUSA Engineer%Distinguished engineer. %Ph.D/MS/BS or equivalent experience. ``LK@T@EngUSA Engineer5+ years experience. BA/BS required. MS degree preferred. `d /9EngJapan Engineer%5+ years experience. "BA/BS and/or MS degrees required. %Customer support experience desired. #Knowledge of Japanese and English. U@U Japanese Mandarin English   d`-c.EngUSA Engineer  BA/BS and 3-5 years experience. `dBsEngEngland Engineer!1 BA/BS and +2-4 years experience in technical support. 1Knowledge of several European languages helpful. U8UEnglish German French   d`&%5gEngUSA Engineer BA/BS preferred. 2-4 years technical experience. `h9[DocUSATechnical Writer#"4+ years writing highly technical software documentation. #A bachelor's degree or equivalent. !Programming experience required. Excellent language skills. hh!=  DocUSATechnical Writer77BA in English/journalism or excellent language skills. &Some programming experience required. 2-4 years of technical writing. hp= j)SalesUSASales Co-ordinator))Experience in sales and public relations in a high tech environment. Excellent communication skills. BA or equivalent. pt(GPSalesEnglandSales Co-ordinator#1)Experience in sales and public relations in a high tech environment. Excellent communication skills. BA or equivalent. 1Knowledge of several European languages helpful. U8UEnglish German French   tlSRepUSASales Representative%>0Computer/electronics industry sales experience. >Excellent communications, negotiation, and analytical skills. =Experience in establishing long term customer relationships. $Some knowledge of Spanish required. Travel required. U4UEnglish Spanish    lpr`f;SRepEnglandSales Representative'>0Computer/electronics industry sales experience. >Excellent communications, negotiation, and analytical skills. =Experience in establishing long term customer relationships. 1Knowledge of several European languages helpful. Travel required. U8UEnglish German French   pp(HjSRepCanadaSales Representative)>0Computer/electronics industry sales experience. >Excellent communications, negotiation, and analytical skills. =Experience in establishing long term customer relationships. Travel required. 4English plus speaking knowledge of French required. U4UEnglish French    pt*[ SRep SwitzerlandSales Representative+K0Computer/electronics industry sales experience. >Excellent communications, negotiation, and analytical skills. =Experience in establishing long term customer relationships. KKnowledge of German required; one or more other European language helpful. Travel required. U<UGerman French English Italian  tp @_~SRepJapanSales Representative->0Computer/electronics industry sales experience. >Excellent communications, negotiation, and analytical skills. =Experience in establishing long term customer relationships. Knowledge of Japanese required. Travel required. U8U Japanese English    ppE[SRepItalySales Representative/>0Computer/electronics industry sales experience. >Excellent communications, negotiation, and analytical skills. =Experience in establishing long term customer relationships. 6Fluency in Italian; some knowledge of German helpful. Travel required. U8UItalian German French   pp[`SRepFranceSales Representative>0Computer/electronics industry sales experience. >Excellent communications, negotiation, and analytical skills. =Experience in establishing long term customer relationships. =Fluency in French; some knowledge of German/Spanish helpful. Travel required. U8UEnglish French Spanish   COUNTRY RDB$PRIMARY1COUNTRY"DollarUSA PoundEngland  CdnDlrCanada $SFranc Switzerland$YenJapanLiraItaly FFrancFrance  D-MarkGermany $ADollar Australia$$ HKDollar Hong Kong$$Guilder Netherlands$ BFrancBelgium $ SchillingAustria$FDollarFiji CHECK_1JOB42 MIN_SALARY MAX_SALARYcheck_constraintL  CHECK (min_salary < max_salary)    CHECK_2JOB42 MIN_SALARY MAX_SALARYcheck_constraintL  CHECK (min_salary < max_salary)    CHECK_3EMPLOYEE93SALARY+CJJOBG::/JOB_CODEJOB_CODE/ JOB_GRADE JOB_GRADE/ JOB_COUNTRY JOB_COUNTRY MIN_SALARY-1SALARY+CJJOBG::/JOB_CODEJOB_CODE/ JOB_GRADE JOB_GRADE/ JOB_COUNTRY JOB_COUNTRY MAX_SALARY-check_constraintL CHECK ( salary >= (SELECT min_salary FROM job WHERE job.job_code = employee.job_code AND job.job_grade = employee.job_grade AND job.job_country = employee.job_country) AND salary <= (SELECT max_salary FROM job WHERE job.job_code = employee.job_code AND job.job_grade = employee.job_grade AND job.job_country = employee.job_country))    CHECK_4EMPLOYEE93SALARY+CJJOBG::/JOB_CODEJOB_CODE/ JOB_GRADE JOB_GRADE/ JOB_COUNTRY JOB_COUNTRY MIN_SALARY-1SALARY+CJJOBG::/JOB_CODEJOB_CODE/ JOB_GRADE JOB_GRADE/ JOB_COUNTRY JOB_COUNTRY MAX_SALARY-check_constraintL CHECK ( salary >= (SELECT min_salary FROM job WHERE job.job_code = employee.job_code AND job.job_grade = employee.job_grade AND job.job_country = employee.job_country) AND salary <= (SELECT max_salary FROM job WHERE job.job_code = employee.job_code AND job.job_grade = employee.job_grade AND job.job_country = employee.job_country))     SET_EMP_NOEMPLOYEE3=EMP_NOe EMP_NO_GENEMP_NOL VAS BEGIN if (new.emp_no is null) then new.emp_no = gen_id(emp_no_gen, 1); END    CHECK_5PROJ_DEPT_BUDGET/3 FISCAL_YEARcheck_constraintL CHECK (FISCAL_YEAR >= 1993)    CHECK_6PROJ_DEPT_BUDGET/3 FISCAL_YEARcheck_constraintL CHECK (FISCAL_YEAR >= 1993)    CHECK_7SALARY_HISTORYL93PERCENT_CHANGE1PERCENT_CHANGE2check_constraintL *CHECK (percent_change between -50 and 50)    CHECK_8SALARY_HISTORYL93PERCENT_CHANGE1PERCENT_CHANGE2check_constraintL *CHECK (percent_change between -50 and 50)    SAVE_SALARY_CHANGEEMPLOYEE0SALARYSALARYJSALARY_HISTORYEMP_NOEMP_NONOW CHANGE_DATE, UPDATER_IDSALARY OLD_SALARY%$#SALARYSALARYdSALARYPERCENT_CHANGEL BAS BEGIN IF (old.salary <> new.salary) THEN INSERT INTO salary_history (emp_no, change_date, updater_id, old_salary, percent_change) VALUES ( old.emp_no, 'NOW', user, old.salary, (new.salary - old.salary) * 100 / old.salary); END   # CHECK_9CUSTOMER8:;=ON_HOLD0ON_HOLD*check_constraintL )CHECK (on_hold IS NULL OR on_hold = '*')    CHECK_10CUSTOMER8:;=ON_HOLD0ON_HOLD*check_constraintL )CHECK (on_hold IS NULL OR on_hold = '*')     SET_CUST_NOCUSTOMER6=CUST_NOe CUST_NO_GENCUST_NOL YAS BEGIN if (new.cust_no is null) then new.cust_no = gen_id(cust_no_gen, 1); END    CHECK_11SALES;999/ ORDER_STATUSnew/ ORDER_STATUSopen/ ORDER_STATUSshipped/ ORDER_STATUSwaitingcheck_constraintL ZCHECK (order_status in ('new', 'open', 'shipped', 'waiting'))    CHECK_12SALES;999/ ORDER_STATUSnew/ ORDER_STATUSopen/ ORDER_STATUSshipped/ ORDER_STATUSwaitingcheck_constraintL ZCHECK (order_status in ('new', 'open', 'shipped', 'waiting'))    CHECK_13SALESB:3 SHIP_DATE ORDER_DATE;= SHIP_DATEcheck_constraintL 5CHECK (ship_date >= order_date OR ship_date IS NULL)    CHECK_14SALESB:3 SHIP_DATE ORDER_DATE;= SHIP_DATEcheck_constraintL 5CHECK (ship_date >= order_date OR ship_date IS NULL)    CHECK_15SALESF:4 DATE_NEEDED ORDER_DATE;= DATE_NEEDEDcheck_constraintL 8CHECK (date_needed > order_date OR date_needed IS NULL)    CHECK_16SALESF:4 DATE_NEEDED ORDER_DATE;= DATE_NEEDEDcheck_constraintL 8CHECK (date_needed > order_date OR date_needed IS NULL)    CHECK_17SALES9;9/PAIDy/PAIDncheck_constraintL CHECK (paid in ('y', 'n'))    CHECK_18SALES9;9/PAIDy/PAIDncheck_constraintL CHECK (paid in ('y', 'n'))    CHECK_19SALES/3 QTY_ORDEREDcheck_constraintL CHECK (qty_ordered >= 1)    CHECK_20SALES/3 QTY_ORDEREDcheck_constraintL CHECK (qty_ordered >= 1)    CHECK_21SALES/3 TOTAL_VALUEcheck_constraintL CHECK (total_value >= 0)    CHECK_22SALES/3 TOTAL_VALUEcheck_constraintL CHECK (total_value >= 0)    CHECK_23SALES@93DISCOUNT1DISCOUNTcheck_constraintL (CHECK (discount >= 0 AND discount <= 1)    CHECK_24SALES@93DISCOUNT1DISCOUNTcheck_constraintL (CHECK (discount >= 0 AND discount <= 1)    CHECK_25SALESD:/ ORDER_STATUSshipped= SHIP_DATEcheck_constraintL =CHECK (NOT (order_status = 'shipped' AND ship_date IS NULL))    CHECK_26SALESD:/ ORDER_STATUSshipped= SHIP_DATEcheck_constraintL =CHECK (NOT (order_status = 'shipped' AND ship_date IS NULL))    CHECK_27SALESo:/ ORDER_STATUSshipped