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File Contents

# Content
1 (*
2 * IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express)
3 *
4 * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's
5 * Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
6 * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
7 * of the License here:
8 *
9 *
10 *
11 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
12 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
13 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights
14 * and limitations under the License.
15 *
16 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman.
17 *
18 * The Original Code is (C) 2015 Tony Whyman, MWA Software
19 * (
20 *
21 * All Rights Reserved.
22 *
23 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
24 *
25 *)
27 unit MainFormUnit;
29 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
31 interface
33 uses
34 Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls,
35 ActnList, Menus, IBXServices, IB;
37 const
38 sDefaultDatabaseName = 'employee';
40 type
42 TRunServiceProc = procedure of object;
44 { TMainForm }
46 TMainForm = class(TForm)
47 IBConfigService1: TIBXConfigService;
48 IBXServicesConnection1: TIBXServicesConnection;
49 MenuItem6: TMenuItem;
50 Shutdown: TAction;
51 BringOnline: TAction;
52 MenuItem1: TMenuItem;
53 MenuItem5: TMenuItem;
54 Sweep: TAction;
55 LimboTransactions: TAction;
56 MenuItem2: TMenuItem;
57 MenuItem3: TMenuItem;
58 MenuItem4: TMenuItem;
59 PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu;
60 Validate: TAction;
61 Statistics: TAction;
62 ActionList1: TActionList;
63 CLoseBtn: TButton;
64 BackupBtn: TButton;
65 RestoreBtn: TButton;
66 ServerLOgBtn: TButton;
67 DatabaseBtn: TButton;
68 UsersBtn: TButton;
69 IBLogService1: TIBXLogService;
70 IBOnlineValidationService1: TIBXOnlineValidationService;
71 IBServerProperties1: TIBXServerProperties;
72 IBStatisticalService1: TIBXStatisticalService;
73 IBValidationService1: TIBXValidationService;
74 Memo1: TMemo;
75 procedure BringOnlineExecute(Sender: TObject);
76 procedure BringOnlineUpdate(Sender: TObject);
77 procedure CLoseBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
78 procedure BackupBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
79 procedure IBXServicesConnection1Login(Service: TIBXServicesConnection;
80 var aServerName: string; LoginParams: TStrings);
81 procedure IBXServicesConnection1SecurityContextException(
82 Service: TIBXServicesConnection; var aAction: TSecContextAction);
83 procedure RestoreBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
84 procedure ServerLOgBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
85 procedure DatabaseBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
86 procedure ShutdownExecute(Sender: TObject);
87 procedure SweepExecute(Sender: TObject);
88 procedure UsersBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
89 procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
90 procedure LimboTransactionsExecute(Sender: TObject);
91 procedure StatisticsExecute(Sender: TObject);
92 procedure ValidateExecute(Sender: TObject);
93 private
94 { private declarations }
95 FDBName: string;
96 FServerUserName: string;
97 FServerPassword: string;
98 FShutDownMode: TDBShutdownMode;
99 FDelay: integer;
100 procedure SetDBName(AValue: string);
101 property DBName: string read FDBName write SetDBName;
102 public
103 { public declarations }
104 function IsDatabaseOnline: boolean;
105 end;
107 var
108 MainForm: TMainForm;
110 implementation
112 {$R *.lfm}
114 uses IBMessages, ServicesLoginDlgUnit, SelectValidationDlgUnit, SelectDBDlgUnit,
115 BackupDlgUnit, RestoreDlgUnit, ListUsersUnit, LimboTransactionsUnit,
116 ShutdownDatabaseDlgUnit, ShutdownRegDlgUnit;
118 resourcestring
119 sDBSweep = 'Database sweep started';
120 sSweepOK = 'Sweep successfully completed';
121 sSecContext = 'This database appears to use an alternative security database. '+
122 'You must now log into the alternative security database using login '+
123 'credentials for the alternative security database.';
126 { TMainForm }
128 procedure TMainForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
129 var i: integer;
130 begin
131 {Set IB Exceptions to only show text message - omit SQLCode and Engine Code}
132 IBXServicesConnection1.FirebirdAPI.GetStatus.SetIBDataBaseErrorMessages([ShowIBMessage]);
133 Application.ExceptionDialog := aedOkMessageBox;
134 FDBName := sDefaultDatabaseName;
136 {Open the Services API connection }
137 with IBXServicesConnection1 do
138 begin
139 while not Connected do
140 begin
141 try
142 Connected := true;
143 except
144 on E:EIBClientError do
145 begin
146 Close;
147 Exit
148 end;
149 On E:Exception do
150 MessageDlg(E.Message,mtError,[mbOK],0);
151 end;
152 end; {Loop until logged in or user cancels}
153 end;
155 {Now display the server properties}
156 with IBServerProperties1, ServicesConnection do
157 begin
158 Memo1.Lines.Add('Firebird Library PathName = ' + IBXServicesConnection1.FirebirdAPI.GetFBLibrary.GetLibraryFilePath);
159 Memo1.Lines.Add('Server Version = ' + VersionInfo.ServerVersion);
160 Memo1.Lines.Add('Server Implementation = ' + VersionInfo.ServerImplementation);
161 Memo1.Lines.Add('Service Version = ' + IntToStr(VersionInfo.ServiceVersion));
162 Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('Firebird Release = %d.%d.%d (Build no. %d)',[ServerVersionNo[1],
163 ServerVersionNo[2],
164 ServerVersionNo[3],
165 ServerVersionNo[4]]));
166 Memo1.Lines.Add('No. of attachments = ' + IntToStr(DatabaseInfo.NoOfAttachments));
167 Memo1.Lines.Add('No. of databases = ' + IntToStr(DatabaseInfo.NoOfDatabases));
168 for i := 0 to DatabaseInfo.NoOfDatabases - 1 do
169 Memo1.Lines.Add('DB Name = ' + DatabaseInfo.DbName[i]);
170 Memo1.Lines.Add('Base Location = ' + ConfigParams.BaseLocation);
171 Memo1.Lines.Add('Lock File Location = ' + ConfigParams.LockFileLocation);
172 Memo1.Lines.Add('Security Database Location = ' + ConfigParams.SecurityDatabaseLocation);
173 Memo1.Lines.Add('Message File Location = ' + ConfigParams.MessageFileLocation);
174 for i := Low(ConfigParams.ConfigFileParams) to High(ConfigParams.ConfigFileParams) do
175 Memo1.Lines.Add(ConfigParams.ConfigFileParams[i]);
176 for i := Low(ConfigParams.ConfigFileData.ConfigFileKey) to High(ConfigParams.ConfigFileData.ConfigFileKey) do
177 Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('%d=%s',[ConfigParams.ConfigFileData.ConfigFileKey[i],ConfigParams.ConfigFileData.ConfigFileValue[i]]));
178 end;
179 end;
182 procedure TMainForm.LimboTransactionsExecute(Sender: TObject);
183 var aDBName: string;
184 begin
185 aDBName := DBName;
186 with LimboTransactionsForm do
187 begin
188 if SelectDBDlg.ShowModal(aDBName) = mrOK then
189 begin
190 DBName := aDBName;
191 IBXLimboTransactionResolutionService1.DatabaseName := DBName;
192 ShowModal;
193 end;
194 end;
195 end;
197 procedure TMainForm.StatisticsExecute(Sender: TObject);
198 var aDBName: string;
199 begin
200 aDBName := DBName;
201 if SelectDBDlg.ShowModal(aDBName) = mrOK then
202 begin
203 DBName := aDBName;
204 IBStatisticalService1.Options := [DataPages];
205 IBStatisticalService1.DatabaseName := DBName;
206 Memo1.Lines.Add('Database Statistics for ' + IBStatisticalService1.DatabaseName);
207 IBStatisticalService1.Execute(Memo1.Lines);
208 end;
209 end;
211 procedure TMainForm.ValidateExecute(Sender: TObject);
212 var UseOnlineValidation: boolean;
213 aDBName: string;
214 begin
215 UseOnlineValidation := false;
216 aDBName := DBName;
217 if SelectValidationDlg.ShowModal(IBXServicesConnection1.ServerName,aDBName,UseOnlineValidation) = mrOK then
218 begin
219 DBName := aDBName;
220 Memo1.Lines.Add('Running...');
221 if UseOnlineValidation then
222 begin
223 IBOnlineValidationService1.DatabaseName := DBName;
224 IBOnlineValidationService1.Execute(Memo1.Lines);
225 end
226 else
227 begin
228 IBValidationService1.Options := [ValidateFull];
229 IBValidationService1.DatabaseName := DBName;
230 IBValidationService1.Execute(Memo1.Lines);
231 end;
232 Memo1.Lines.Add('Validation Completed');
233 MessageDlg('Validation Completed',mtInformation,[mbOK],0);
234 end;
235 end;
237 procedure TMainForm.SetDBName(AValue: string);
238 begin
239 if FDBName = AValue then Exit;
240 FDBName := AValue;
241 end;
243 function TMainForm.IsDatabaseOnline: boolean;
244 var Lines: TStringList;
245 i: integer;
246 line: string;
247 begin
248 {Scan header page to see if database is online - assumes that service is already set up}
249 Result := true;
250 with IBStatisticalService1 do
251 begin
252 Options := [HeaderPages];
253 DatabaseName := DBName;
254 Lines := TStringList.Create;
255 try
256 Execute(Lines);
257 for i := 0 to Lines.Count - 1 do
258 begin
259 line := Lines[i];
260 if (Pos('Attributes',Line) <> 0) and ((Pos('database shutdown',Line) <> 0)
261 or (Pos('multi-user maintenance',Line) <> 0)) then
262 begin
263 Result := false;
264 break;
265 end;
267 end;
268 finally
269 Lines.Free;
270 end
271 end;
272 end;
274 procedure TMainForm.CLoseBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
275 begin
276 Close
277 end;
279 procedure TMainForm.BringOnlineExecute(Sender: TObject);
280 var aDBName: string;
281 begin
282 aDBName := DBName;
283 if SelectDBDlg.ShowModal(aDBName) = mrOK then
284 begin
285 DBName := aDBName;
286 if IsDatabaseOnline then
287 MessageDlg('Database is already online!',mtInformation,[mbOK],0)
288 else
289 begin
290 IBConfigService1.DatabaseName := DBName;
291 IBConfigService1.BringDatabaseOnline;
292 if IsDatabaseOnline then
293 MessageDlg('Database is back online',mtInformation,[mbOK],0)
294 else
295 MessageDlg('Database is still shutdown!',mtError,[mbOK],0);
296 end;
297 end;
298 end;
300 procedure TMainForm.BringOnlineUpdate(Sender: TObject);
301 begin
302 (Sender as TAction).Enabled := not ShutdownDatabaseDlg.Aborting;
303 end;
305 procedure TMainForm.BackupBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
306 var aDBName: string;
307 begin
308 aDBName := DBName;
309 if BackupDlg.ShowModal(aDBName,Memo1.Lines) = mrOK then
310 DBName := aDBName;
311 end;
313 {Logon to the current security database on the server}
315 procedure TMainForm.IBXServicesConnection1Login(
316 Service: TIBXServicesConnection; var aServerName: string; LoginParams: TStrings);
317 var aServiceName: string;
318 aUserName: string;
319 aPassword: string;
320 begin
321 aServiceName := aServerName;
322 aUserName := LoginParams.Values['user_name'];
323 aPassword := '';
324 if SvcLoginDlg.ShowModal(aServiceName, aUserName, aPassword) = mrOK then
325 begin
326 Service.ServerName := aServiceName;
327 LoginParams.Values['user_name'] := aUserName;
328 LoginParams.Values['password'] := aPassword;
329 FServerUserName := aUserName;
330 FServerPassword := aPassword;
331 aServerName := aServiceName;
332 end
333 else
334 IBError(ibxeOperationCancelled, [nil]);
335 end;
337 procedure TMainForm.IBXServicesConnection1SecurityContextException(
338 Service: TIBXServicesConnection; var aAction: TSecContextAction);
339 begin
340 if MessageDlg(sSecContext,mtInformation,[mbYes,mbNo],0) = mrYes then
341 aAction := scReconnect;
342 end;
344 procedure TMainForm.RestoreBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
345 var aDBName: string;
346 begin
347 aDBName := DBName;
348 if RestoreDlg.ShowModal(aDBName,Memo1.Lines) = mrOK then
349 DBName := aDBName;
350 end;
352 procedure TMainForm.ServerLOgBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
353 begin
354 Memo1.Lines.Add('Server Log');
355 IBLogService1.Execute(Memo1.Lines);
356 end;
358 procedure TMainForm.DatabaseBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
359 begin
360 PopupMenu1.PopUp(Mouse.CursorPos.X,Mouse.CursorPos.Y);
361 end;
363 procedure TMainForm.ShutdownExecute(Sender: TObject);
364 var aDBName: string;
365 begin
366 aDBName := DBName;
367 FShutDownMode := DenyTransaction;
368 if ShutdownReqDlg.ShowModal(aDBName,FShutDownMode,FDelay) = mrOK then
369 begin
370 DBName := aDBName;
371 if not IsDatabaseOnline then
372 MessageDlg('Database is already shutdown!',mtInformation,[mbOK],0)
373 else
374 ShutdownDatabaseDlg.Shutdown(DBName,FShutDownMode,FDelay);
375 end;
376 end;
378 procedure TMainForm.SweepExecute(Sender: TObject);
379 var aDBName: string;
380 begin
381 aDBName := DBName;
382 if SelectDBDlg.ShowModal(aDBName) = mrOK then
383 with IBValidationService1 do
384 begin
385 DBName := aDBName;
386 DatabaseName := DBName;
387 Options := [SweepDB];
388 Memo1.Lines.Add(Format(sDBSweep,[DatabaseName]));
389 Execute(Memo1.Lines);
390 Memo1.Lines.Add(sSweepOK);
391 end;
392 end;
394 procedure TMainForm.UsersBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
395 begin
396 ListUsersForm.ShowModal;
397 end;
399 end.


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