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Revision: 56
Committed: Mon Mar 6 10:20:02 2017 UTC (7 years, 6 months ago) by tony
Content type: text/x-pascal
File size: 6771 byte(s)
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Committing updates for Trunk

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 tony 45 {************************************************************************}
2     { }
3     { Borland Delphi Visual Component Library }
4     { InterBase Express core components }
5     { }
6     { Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Inprise Corporation }
7     { }
8     { InterBase Express is based in part on the product }
9     { Free IB Components, written by Gregory H. Deatz for }
10     { Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst & Doukas Company. }
11     { Free IB Components is used under license. }
12     { }
13     { The contents of this file are subject to the InterBase }
14     { Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not }
15     { use this file except in compliance with the License. You }
16     { may obtain a copy of the License at }
17     { Software distributed under the License is distributed on }
18     { an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either }
19     { express or implied. See the License for the specific language }
20     { governing rights and limitations under the License. }
21     { The Original Code was created by InterBase Software Corporation }
22     { and its successors. }
23     { Portions created by Inprise Corporation are Copyright (C) Inprise }
24     { Corporation. All Rights Reserved. }
25     { Contributor(s): Jeff Overcash }
26     { }
27     { IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express) }
28     { Contributor: Tony Whyman, MWA Software }
29     { Portions created by MWA Software are copyright McCallum Whyman }
30     { Associates Ltd 2011 }
31     { }
32     {************************************************************************}
34     unit IBExternals;
35 tony 56 {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}
37     {$ENDIF}
38 tony 45
39 tony 56 {$IFDEF FPC}
40     {$mode delphi}
41     {$codepage UTF8}
42     {$ENDIF}
44 tony 45 { Some structures, declarations that we need for the IB stuff to work, but
45     that aren't really part of the ib header file. }
46     interface
48     const
49     MaxuShort = 65535;
50     type
51 tony 56 {$IF not declared(FixedInt)}
52     FixedInt = LongInt;
53     FixedUInt = LongWord;
54     {$IFEND}
55     Int = FixedInt; { 32 bit signed }
56     UInt = FixedUInt; { 32 bit unsigned }
57     Long = FixedInt; { 32 bit signed }
58     ULong = FixedUInt; { 32 bit unsigned }
59 tony 45 Short = SmallInt;{ 16 bit signed }
60     UShort = Word; { 16 bit unsigned }
61     Float = Single; { 32 bit }
62     UChar = Byte; { 8 bit unsigned }
63     ISC_LONG = Long; { 32 bit signed }
64     UISC_LONG = ULong; { 32 bit unsigned }
65     ISC_INT64 = Int64; { 64 bit signed }
66     {$IFDEF CPU64}
67     ISC_STATUS = Int64; { 64 bit signed }
68     UISC_STATUS = UInt64; { 64 bit unsigned}
69     {$ELSE}
70     ISC_STATUS = Long; { 32 bit signed }
71     UISC_STATUS = ULong; { 32 bit unsigned}
72     {$ENDIF}
73     FB_API_HANDLE = ^Pointer;
74     Void = Pointer;
75     { Delphi Pointer types }
76     PInt = ^Int;
77     PShort = ^Short;
78     PUShort = ^UShort;
79     PLong = ^Long;
80     PULong = ^ULong;
81     PFloat = ^Float;
82     PUChar = ^UChar;
83     PVoid = ^Pointer;
90     type
91     { C Date/Time Structure }
92     TCTimeStructure = record
93     tm_sec : integer; { Seconds }
94     tm_min : integer; { Minutes }
95     tm_hour : integer; { Hour (0--23) }
96     tm_mday : integer; { Day of month (1--31) }
97     tm_mon : integer; { Month (0--11) }
98     tm_year : integer; { Year (calendar year minus 1900) }
99     tm_wday : integer; { Weekday (0--6) Sunday = 0) }
100     tm_yday : integer; { Day of year (0--365) }
101     tm_isdst : integer; { 0 if daylight savings time is not in effect) }
102     tm_gmtoff: longint;
103 tony 56 tm_zone: PAnsiChar;
104 tony 45 end;
105     PCTimeStructure = ^TCTimeStructure;
106     TM = TCTimeStructure;
107     PTM = ^TM;
109     TISC_VARYING = record
110     strlen: Short;
111 tony 56 str: array[0..0] of AnsiChar;
112 tony 45 end;
114     {***************************}
115     {* Some blob ctl structs *}
116     {* from IB help files for *}
117     {* implementing UDFs . *}
118     {* -- Taken from docs, not *}
119     {* in original ibase.h *}
120     {***************************}
121     TISC_BlobGetSegment = function(BlobHandle: PInt;
122 tony 56 Buffer: PAnsiChar;
123 tony 45 BufferSize: Long;
124     var ResultLength: Long): Short; cdecl;
125     TISC_BlobPutSegment = procedure(BlobHandle: PInt;
126 tony 56 Buffer: PAnsiChar;
127 tony 45 BufferLength: Short); cdecl;
128     TBlob = record
129     GetSegment : TISC_BlobGetSegment;
130     BlobHandle : PInt;
131     SegmentCount : Long;
132     MaxSegmentLength : Long;
133     TotalSize : Long;
134     PutSegment : TISC_BlobPutSegment;
135     end;
136     PBlob = ^TBlob;
138     const
139     { Delphi consts }
140     { Days of week }
141     dSun = 1; dMon = 2; dTue = 3; dWed = 4; dThu = 5; dFri = 6; dSat = 7;
142     { Months of year }
143     dJan = 1; dFeb = 2; dMar = 3; dApr = 4; dMay = 5; dJun = 6;
144     dJul = 7; dAug = 8; dSep = 9; dOct = 10; dNov = 11; dDec = 12;
145     { C Consts }
146     cYearOffset = 1900;
147     { Days of week }
148     cSun = 0; cMon = 1; cTue = 2; cWed = 3; cThu = 4; cFri = 5; cSat = 6;
149     { Months of year }
150     cJan = 0; cFeb = 1; cMar = 2; cApr = 3; cMay = 4; cJun = 5;
151     cJul = 6; cAug = 7; cSep = 8; cOct = 9; cNov = 10; cDec = 11;
153     procedure InitializeTCTimeStructure(var tm_record: TCTimeStructure);
155     implementation
157     procedure InitializeTCTimeStructure(var tm_record: TCTimeStructure);
158     begin
159     with tm_record do begin
160     tm_sec := 0;
161     tm_min := 0;
162     tm_hour := 0;
163     tm_mday := 0;
164     tm_mon := 0;
165     tm_year := 0;
166     tm_wday := 0;
167     tm_yday := 0;
168     tm_isdst := 0;
169     end;
170     end;
173     end.