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Comparing ibx/trunk/fbintf/changelog (file contents):
Revision 45 by tony, Tue Dec 6 10:33:46 2016 UTC vs.
Revision 51 by tony, Fri Feb 24 16:34:51 2017 UTC

# Line 1 | Line 1
1 + FBINTF Change Log  version                                                    (1.0-1) Fri, 24 Feb 2017 12:17:57 +0000
2 +
3 + 1. Limit maximum Blob segment read/write to MaxuShort. Avoids data loss with
4 +   large blobs and the FB3 API.
5 +
6 + 2. Update Event Handling algorithm to avoid looping due to recreation of the
7 +   event block.
8 +
9 + 3. Avoid invalid XSQLDA error when the only parameter is updated to null
10 +
11 + 4. Array Handling: fix problem with text arrays with character set none. When the
12 +   DB connection has a default character set (e.g. UTF8), an error is raised by
13 +   Firebird if the space allocated is not enough to allow for transliteration, even
14 +   though it is not required for character set none.
15 +
16 + 5. IBUtils: List of reserved words brought up-to-date
17 +
18 + 6. Add ISQL style performance statistics collection to IStatement
19 +
20 + 7. Add IFirebirdAPI.CreateDatabase variant to allow execution of user provided
21 +   CREATE DATABASE statement.
22 +
23 + 8. Update SQL Statement parsing to allow for Array Dimensions. That is so that the ':' in
24 +   an array dimension is not mistaken for a named parameter prefix.
25 +
26 + 9. Trim function no longer applied to result of GetAsString for SQL_TEXT
27 +   when Character set is octets. Avoids loss of non printable characters at start of string.
28 +
29 + 10. Add function GetPerfStatistics to IStatement. This returns ISQL like performance
30 +    statistics for the last action. Requires use of procedure IStatement.EnableStatistics
31 +    to enable stats gathering.
32 +
33 + 11. API Version information added as constants to IB.pas
34 +
35 + 12. BlobMetaData character set id should now be the same as that given by IColumnMetaData.GetCharSetID
36 +
37 + 13. Firebird Character set "NONE" now interpreted as codepage CP_ACP.
38 +
39   FBINTF Change Log  version                                      (1.0-0) Tue, 06 Dec 2016 10:33:47 +0000
41   1. Initial Release

Diff Legend

Removed lines
+ Added lines
< Changed lines
> Changed lines