(* * Firebird Interface (fbintf). The fbintf components provide a set of * Pascal language bindings for the Firebird API. Although predominantly * a new development they include source code taken from IBX and may be * considered a derived product. This software thus also includes the copyright * notice and license conditions from IBX. * * Except for those parts dervied from IBX, contents of this file are subject * to the Initial Developer's Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a * copy of the License here: * * http://www.firebirdsql.org/index.php?op=doc&id=idpl * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights * and limitations under the License. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman. * * The Original Code is (C) 2016 Tony Whyman, MWA Software * (http://www.mwasoftware.co.uk). * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * *) {************************************************************************} { } { Borland Delphi Visual Component Library } { InterBase Express core components } { } { Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Inprise Corporation } { } { InterBase Express is based in part on the product } { Free IB Components, written by Gregory H. Deatz for } { Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst & Doukas Company. } { Free IB Components is used under license. } { } { The contents of this file are subject to the InterBase } { Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not } { use this file except in compliance with the License. You } { may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html } { Software distributed under the License is distributed on } { an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either } { express or implied. See the License for the specific language } { governing rights and limitations under the License. } { The Original Code was created by InterBase Software Corporation } { and its successors. } { Portions created by Inprise Corporation are Copyright (C) Inprise } { Corporation. All Rights Reserved. } { Contributor(s): Jeff Overcash } { } { IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express) } { Contributor: Tony Whyman, MWA Software http://www.mwasoftware.co.uk } { Portions created by MWA Software are copyright McCallum Whyman } { Associates Ltd 2011 - 2015 } { } {************************************************************************} unit FB25Statement; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} {$DEFINE WINDOWS} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF FPC} {$mode delphi} {$codepage UTF8} {$interfaces COM} {$ENDIF} {This unit is hacked from IBSQL and contains the code for managing an XSQLDA and SQLVars, along with statement preparation, execution and cursor management. Most of the SQLVar code has been moved to unit FBSQLData. Client access is provided through interface rather than direct access to the XSQLDA and XSQLVar objects.} { Note on reference counted interfaces. ------------------------------------ TFB25Statement manages both an input and an output SQLDA through the TIBXINPUTSQLDA and TIBXOUTPUTSQLDA objects. As pure objects, these are explicitly destroyed when the statement is destroyed. However, IResultSet is an interface and is returned when a cursor is opened and has a reference for the TIBXOUTPUTSQLDA. The user may discard their reference to the IStatement while still using the IResultSet. This would be a problem if t he underlying TFB25Statement object and its TIBXOUTPUTSQLDA is destroyed while still leaving the TIBXResultSet object in place. Calls to (e.g.) FetchNext would fail. To avoid this problem, TResultsSet objects have a reference to the IStatement interface of the TFB25Statement object. Thus, as long as these "copies" exist, the owning statement is not destroyed even if the user discards their reference to the statement. Note: the TFB25Statement does not have a reference to the TIBXResultSet interface. This way circular references are avoided. To avoid an IResultSet interface being kept too long and no longer synchronised with the query, each statement includes a prepare sequence number, incremented each time the query is prepared. When the IResultSet interface is created, it noted the current prepare sequence number. Whe an IResult interface is accessed it checks this number against the statement's current prepare sequence number. If not the same, an error is raised. A similar strategy is used for the IMetaData, IResults and ISQLParams interfaces. } interface uses Classes, SysUtils, IB, FBClientAPI, FB25ClientAPI, FB25Transaction, FB25Attachment, IBHeader, IBExternals, FBSQLData, FBOutputBlock, FBStatement, FBActivityMonitor; type TFB25Statement = class; TIBXSQLDA = class; { TIBXSQLVAR } TIBXSQLVAR = class(TSQLVarData) private FStatement: TFB25Statement; FFirebird25ClientAPI: TFB25ClientAPI; FBlob: IBlob; {Cache references} FArray: IArray; FNullIndicator: short; FOwnsSQLData: boolean; FBlobMetaData: IBlobMetaData; FArrayMetaData: IArrayMetaData; FMetadataSize: short; {size of field from metadata} FXSQLVAR: PXSQLVAR; { Points to the PXSQLVAR in the owner object } protected function GetSQLType: cardinal; override; function GetSubtype: integer; override; function GetAliasName: AnsiString; override; function GetFieldName: AnsiString; override; function GetOwnerName: AnsiString; override; function GetRelationName: AnsiString; override; function GetScale: integer; override; function GetCharSetID: cardinal; override; function GetCodePage: TSystemCodePage; override; function GetCharSetWidth: integer; override; function GetIsNull: Boolean; override; function GetIsNullable: boolean; override; function GetSQLData: PByte; override; function GetDataLength: cardinal; override; function GetSize: cardinal; override; function GetAttachment: IAttachment; override; function GetDefaultTextSQLType: cardinal; override; procedure SetIsNull(Value: Boolean); override; procedure SetIsNullable(Value: Boolean); override; procedure SetSQLData(AValue: PByte; len: cardinal); override; procedure SetScale(aValue: integer); override; procedure SetDataLength(len: cardinal); override; procedure SetSQLType(aValue: cardinal); override; procedure SetCharSetID(aValue: cardinal); override; public constructor Create(aParent: TIBXSQLDA; aIndex: integer); procedure FreeSQLData; procedure RowChange; override; function GetAsArray(Array_ID: TISC_QUAD): IArray; override; function GetAsBlob(Blob_ID: TISC_QUAD; BPB: IBPB): IBlob; override; function GetArrayMetaData: IArrayMetaData; override; function GetBlobMetaData: IBlobMetaData; override; function CreateBlob: IBlob; override; procedure Initialize; override; property Statement: TFB25Statement read FStatement; property SQLType: cardinal read GetSQLType write SetSQLType; end; TIBXINPUTSQLDA = class; { TIBXSQLDA } TIBXSQLDA = class(TSQLDataArea) private FCount: Integer; {Columns in use - may be less than inherited columns} FSize: Integer; {Number of TIBXSQLVARs in column list} FXSQLDA: PXSQLDA; FTransactionSeqNo: integer; function GetRecordSize: Integer; function GetXSQLDA: PXSQLDA; protected FStatement: TFB25Statement; FFirebird25ClientAPI: TFB25ClientAPI; function GetTransactionSeqNo: integer; override; procedure FreeXSQLDA; function GetStatement: IStatement; override; function GetPrepareSeqNo: integer; override; procedure SetCount(Value: Integer); override; public constructor Create(aStatement: TFB25Statement); destructor Destroy; override; function CheckStatementStatus(Request: TStatementStatus): boolean; override; function ColumnsInUseCount: integer; override; function GetTransaction: TFB25Transaction; virtual; procedure Initialize; override; function StateChanged(var ChangeSeqNo: integer): boolean; override; property AsXSQLDA: PXSQLDA read GetXSQLDA; property Count: Integer read FCount write SetCount; property RecordSize: Integer read GetRecordSize; property Statement: TFB25Statement read FStatement; end; { TIBXINPUTSQLDA } TIBXINPUTSQLDA = class(TIBXSQLDA) public procedure Bind; function IsInputDataArea: boolean; override; end; { TIBXOUTPUTSQLDA } TIBXOUTPUTSQLDA = class(TIBXSQLDA) private FTransaction: TFB25Transaction; {transaction used to execute the statement} public procedure Bind; function GetTransaction: TFB25Transaction; override; procedure GetData(index: integer; var aIsNull: boolean; var len: short; var data: PByte); override; function IsInputDataArea: boolean; override; end; { TResultSet } TResultSet = class(TResults,IResultSet) private FResults: TIBXOUTPUTSQLDA; FCursorSeqNo: integer; public constructor Create(aResults: TIBXOUTPUTSQLDA); destructor Destroy; override; {IResultSet} function FetchNext: boolean; function GetCursorName: AnsiString; function GetTransaction: ITransaction; override; function IsEof: boolean; procedure Close; end; { TFB25Statement } TFB25Statement = class(TFBStatement,IStatement) private FDBHandle: TISC_DB_HANDLE; FHandle: TISC_STMT_HANDLE; FFirebird25ClientAPI: TFB25ClientAPI; FSQLParams: TIBXINPUTSQLDA; FSQLRecord: TIBXOUTPUTSQLDA; FCursor: AnsiString; { Cursor name...} FCursorSeqNo: integer; procedure GetPerfCounters(var counters: TPerfStatistics); protected procedure CheckHandle; override; procedure GetDsqlInfo(info_request: byte; buffer: ISQLInfoResults); override; procedure InternalPrepare; override; function InternalExecute(aTransaction: ITransaction): IResults; override; function InternalOpenCursor(aTransaction: ITransaction): IResultSet; override; procedure ProcessSQL(sql: AnsiString; GenerateParamNames: boolean; var processedSQL: AnsiString); override; procedure FreeHandle; override; procedure InternalClose(Force: boolean); override; public constructor Create(Attachment: TFB25Attachment; Transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString; aSQLDialect: integer); constructor CreateWithParameterNames(Attachment: TFB25Attachment; Transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString; aSQLDialect: integer; GenerateParamNames: boolean; CaseSensitiveParams: boolean=false); destructor Destroy; override; function FetchNext: boolean; public {IStatement} function GetSQLParams: ISQLParams; override; function GetMetaData: IMetaData; override; function GetPlan: AnsiString; function IsPrepared: boolean; function CreateBlob(column: TColumnMetaData): IBlob; override; function CreateArray(column: TColumnMetaData): IArray; override; procedure SetRetainInterfaces(aValue: boolean); override; property Handle: TISC_STMT_HANDLE read FHandle; end; implementation uses IBUtils, FBMessages, FBBlob, FB25Blob, variants, IBErrorCodes, FBArray, FB25Array {$IFDEF UNIX}, BaseUnix {$ENDIF}; { TIBXSQLVAR } function TIBXSQLVAR.GetSQLType: cardinal; begin result := FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and (not 1); end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetSubtype: integer; begin if GetSQLType = SQL_BLOB then result := FXSQLVAR^.sqlsubtype else result := 0; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetAliasName: AnsiString; begin result := strpas(FXSQLVAR^.aliasname); end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetFieldName: AnsiString; begin result := strpas(FXSQLVAR^.sqlname); end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetOwnerName: AnsiString; begin result := strpas(FXSQLVAR^.ownname); end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetRelationName: AnsiString; begin result := strpas(FXSQLVAR^.relname); end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetScale: integer; begin if GetSQLType = SQL_BLOB then result := 0 else result := FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetCharSetID: cardinal; begin result := 0; case SQLType of SQL_VARYING, SQL_TEXT: {see http://firebirdsql.org/rlsnotesh/rlsnotes210.html} result := FXSQLVAR^.sqlsubtype and $FF; SQL_BLOB: if (SQLSubType = 1) then {see http://firebirdsql.org/rlsnotesh/rlsnotes210.html} result := FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale and $FF; SQL_ARRAY: if (GetRelationName <> '') and (GetFieldName <> '') then result := GetArrayMetaData.GetCharSetID; end; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetCodePage: TSystemCodePage; begin result := CP_NONE; with Statement.GetAttachment do CharSetID2CodePage(GetCharSetID,result); end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetCharSetWidth: integer; begin result := 1; with Statement.GetAttachment DO CharSetWidth(GetCharSetID,result); end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetIsNull: Boolean; begin result := IsNullable and (FNullIndicator = -1); end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetIsNullable: boolean; begin result := (FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and 1 = 1); end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetSQLData: PByte; begin Result := FXSQLVAR^.sqldata; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetDataLength: cardinal; begin Result := FXSQLVAR^.sqllen; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetSize: cardinal; begin Result := FMetadataSize; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetAttachment: IAttachment; begin Result := FStatement.GetAttachment; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetArrayMetaData: IArrayMetaData; begin if GetSQLType <> SQL_ARRAY then IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion,[nil]); if FArrayMetaData = nil then FArrayMetaData := TFB25ArrayMetaData.Create(FStatement.GetAttachment as TFB25Attachment, FStatement.GetTransaction as TFB25Transaction, GetRelationName,GetFieldName); Result := FArrayMetaData; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetBlobMetaData: IBlobMetaData; begin if GetSQLType <> SQL_BLOB then IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion,[nil]); if FBlobMetaData = nil then FBlobMetaData := TFB25BlobMetaData.Create(FStatement.GetAttachment as TFB25Attachment, FStatement.GetTransaction as TFB25Transaction, GetRelationName,GetFieldName,GetSubType); (FBlobMetaData as TFBBlobMetaData).SetCharSetID(GetCharSetID); Result := FBlobMetaData; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetAsArray(Array_ID: TISC_QUAD): IArray; begin if SQLType <> SQL_ARRAY then IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion,[nil]); if IsNull then Result := nil else begin if FArray = nil then FArray := TFB25Array.Create(FStatement.GetAttachment as TFB25Attachment, TIBXSQLDA(Parent).GetTransaction, GetArrayMetaData,Array_ID); Result := FArray; end; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetAsBlob(Blob_ID: TISC_QUAD; BPB: IBPB): IBlob; begin if FBlob <> nil then Result := FBlob else begin if SQLType <> SQL_BLOB then IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); if IsNull then Result := nil else Result := TFB25Blob.Create(FStatement.GetAttachment as TFB25Attachment, TIBXSQLDA(Parent).GetTransaction, GetBlobMetaData, Blob_ID,BPB); FBlob := Result; end; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.CreateBlob: IBlob; begin Result := TFB25Blob.Create(FStatement.GetAttachment as TFB25Attachment, FStatement.GetTransaction as TFB25Transaction,GetSubType,GetCharSetID,nil); end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.Initialize; begin inherited Initialize; FOwnsSQLData := true; with FFirebird25ClientAPI, FXSQLVar^ do begin FMetadataSize := sqllen; case sqltype and (not 1) of SQL_TEXT, SQL_TYPE_DATE, SQL_TYPE_TIME, SQL_TIMESTAMP, SQL_BLOB, SQL_ARRAY, SQL_QUAD, SQL_SHORT, SQL_BOOLEAN, SQL_LONG, SQL_INT64, SQL_DOUBLE, SQL_FLOAT, SQL_D_FLOAT: begin if (sqllen = 0) then { Make sure you get a valid pointer anyway select '' from foo } IBAlloc(sqldata, 0, 1) else IBAlloc(sqldata, 0, sqllen) end; SQL_VARYING: begin IBAlloc(sqldata, 0, sqllen + 2); end; else IBError(ibxeUnknownSQLDataType, [sqltype and (not 1)]) end; if (sqltype and 1 = 1) then begin sqlInd := @FNullIndicator; FNullIndicator := -1; end else sqlInd := nil; end; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetIsNull(Value: Boolean); begin if Value then begin IsNullable := true; FNullIndicator := -1; Changed; end else if ((not Value) and IsNullable) then begin FNullIndicator := 0; Changed; end; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetIsNullable(Value: Boolean); begin if (Value <> IsNullable) then begin if Value then begin FXSQLVAR^.sqltype := FXSQLVAR^.sqltype or 1; FNullIndicator := 0; FXSQLVAR^.sqlInd := @FNullIndicator; end else begin FXSQLVAR^.sqltype := FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and (not 1); FXSQLVAR^.sqlind := nil; end; end; Changed; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetSQLData(AValue: PByte; len: cardinal); begin if FOwnsSQLData then FreeMem(FXSQLVAR^.sqldata); FXSQLVAR^.sqldata := AValue; FXSQLVAR^.sqllen := len; FOwnsSQLData := false; Changed; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetScale(aValue: integer); begin FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale := aValue; Changed; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetDataLength(len: cardinal); begin if not FOwnsSQLData then FXSQLVAR^.sqldata := nil; FXSQLVAR^.sqllen := len; with FFirebird25ClientAPI do IBAlloc(FXSQLVAR^.sqldata, 0, FXSQLVAR^.sqllen); FOwnsSQLData := true; Changed; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetSQLType(aValue: cardinal); begin FXSQLVAR^.sqltype := aValue or (FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and 1); Changed; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetCharSetID(aValue: cardinal); begin if aValue <> GetCharSetID then begin case SQLType of SQL_VARYING, SQL_TEXT: FXSQLVAR^.sqlsubtype := (aValue and $FF) or (FXSQLVAR^.sqlsubtype and not $FF); SQL_BLOB, SQL_ARRAY: IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion,[nil]); end; Changed; end; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetDefaultTextSQLType: cardinal; begin Result := SQL_TEXT; end; constructor TIBXSQLVAR.Create(aParent: TIBXSQLDA; aIndex: integer); begin inherited Create(aParent,aIndex); FStatement := aParent.Statement; FFirebird25ClientAPI := aParent.FFirebird25ClientAPI; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.FreeSQLData; begin if FOwnsSQLData then FreeMem(FXSQLVAR^.sqldata); FXSQLVAR^.sqldata := nil; FOwnsSQLData := true; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.RowChange; begin inherited RowChange; FBlob := nil; FArray := nil; end; { TResultSet } constructor TResultSet.Create(aResults: TIBXOUTPUTSQLDA); begin inherited Create(aResults); FResults := aResults; FCursorSeqNo := aResults.FStatement.FCursorSeqNo; end; destructor TResultSet.Destroy; begin Close; inherited Destroy; end; function TResultSet.FetchNext: boolean; var i: integer; begin CheckActive; Result := FResults.FStatement.FetchNext; if Result then for i := 0 to getCount - 1 do FResults.Column[i].RowChange; end; function TResultSet.GetCursorName: AnsiString; begin Result := FResults.FStatement.FCursor; end; function TResultSet.GetTransaction: ITransaction; begin Result := FResults.GetTransaction; end; function TResultSet.IsEof: boolean; begin Result := FResults.FStatement.FEof; end; procedure TResultSet.Close; begin if FCursorSeqNo = FResults.FStatement.FCursorSeqNo then FResults.FStatement.Close; end; { TIBXINPUTSQLDA } procedure TIBXINPUTSQLDA.Bind; begin if Count = 0 then Count := 1; with FFirebird25ClientAPI do begin if (FXSQLDA <> nil) then if isc_dsql_describe_bind(StatusVector, @(FStatement.Handle), FStatement.SQLDialect, FXSQLDA) > 0 then IBDataBaseError; if FXSQLDA^.sqld > FXSQLDA^.sqln then begin Count := FXSQLDA^.sqld; if isc_dsql_describe_bind(StatusVector, @(FStatement.Handle), FStatement.SQLDialect, FXSQLDA) > 0 then IBDataBaseError; end else if FXSQLDA^.sqld = 0 then Count := 0; end; Initialize; end; function TIBXINPUTSQLDA.IsInputDataArea: boolean; begin Result := true; end; { TIBXOUTPUTSQLDA } procedure TIBXOUTPUTSQLDA.Bind; begin { Allocate an initial output descriptor (with one column) } Count := 1; with FFirebird25ClientAPI do begin { Using isc_dsql_describe, get the right size for the columns... } if isc_dsql_describe(StatusVector, @(FStatement.Handle), FStatement.SQLDialect, FXSQLDA) > 0 then IBDataBaseError; if FXSQLDA^.sqld > FXSQLDA^.sqln then begin Count := FXSQLDA^.sqld; if isc_dsql_describe(StatusVector, @(FStatement.Handle), FStatement.SQLDialect, FXSQLDA) > 0 then IBDataBaseError; end else if FXSQLDA^.sqld = 0 then Count := 0; end; Initialize; SetUniqueRelationName; end; function TIBXOUTPUTSQLDA.GetTransaction: TFB25Transaction; begin Result := FTransaction; end; procedure TIBXOUTPUTSQLDA.GetData(index: integer; var aIsNull:boolean; var len: short; var data: PByte); begin with TIBXSQLVAR(Column[index]), FXSQLVAR^ do begin aIsNull := (sqltype and 1 = 1) and (FNullIndicator = -1); data := sqldata; len := sqllen; if not IsNull and ((sqltype and (not 1)) = SQL_VARYING) then begin with FFirebird25ClientAPI do len := DecodeInteger(data,2); Inc(data,2); end; end; end; function TIBXOUTPUTSQLDA.IsInputDataArea: boolean; begin Result := false; end; { TIBXSQLDA } constructor TIBXSQLDA.Create(aStatement: TFB25Statement); begin inherited Create; FStatement := aStatement; FFirebird25ClientAPI := aStatement.FFirebird25ClientAPI; FSize := 0; // writeln('Creating ',ClassName); end; destructor TIBXSQLDA.Destroy; begin FreeXSQLDA; // writeln('Destroying ',ClassName); inherited Destroy; end; function TIBXSQLDA.CheckStatementStatus(Request: TStatementStatus): boolean; begin Result := false; case Request of ssPrepared: Result := FStatement.IsPrepared; ssExecuteResults: Result :=FStatement.FSingleResults; ssCursorOpen: Result := FStatement.FOpen; ssBOF: Result := FStatement.FBOF; ssEOF: Result := FStatement.FEOF; end; end; function TIBXSQLDA.ColumnsInUseCount: integer; begin Result := FCount; end; function TIBXSQLDA.GetRecordSize: Integer; begin result := SizeOf(TIBXSQLDA) + XSQLDA_LENGTH(FSize); end; function TIBXSQLDA.GetXSQLDA: PXSQLDA; begin result := FXSQLDA; end; function TIBXSQLDA.GetTransactionSeqNo: integer; begin Result := FTransactionSeqNo; end; procedure TIBXSQLDA.Initialize; begin if FXSQLDA <> nil then inherited Initialize; end; function TIBXSQLDA.StateChanged(var ChangeSeqNo: integer): boolean; begin Result := FStatement.ChangeSeqNo <> ChangeSeqNo; if Result then ChangeSeqNo := FStatement.ChangeSeqNo; end; function TIBXSQLDA.GetTransaction: TFB25Transaction; begin Result := FStatement.GetTransaction as TFB25Transaction; end; procedure TIBXSQLDA.SetCount(Value: Integer); var i, OldSize: Integer; p : PXSQLVAR; begin FCount := Value; if FCount = 0 then FUniqueRelationName := '' else begin if FSize > 0 then OldSize := XSQLDA_LENGTH(FSize) else OldSize := 0; if Count > FSize then begin FFirebird25ClientAPI.IBAlloc(FXSQLDA, OldSize, XSQLDA_LENGTH(Count)); SetLength(FColumnList, FCount); FXSQLDA^.version := SQLDA_VERSION1; p := @FXSQLDA^.sqlvar[0]; for i := 0 to Count - 1 do begin if i >= FSize then FColumnList[i] := TIBXSQLVAR.Create(self,i); TIBXSQLVAR(Column[i]).FXSQLVAR := p; p := Pointer(PAnsiChar(p) + sizeof(FXSQLDA^.sqlvar)); end; FSize := inherited Count; end; if FSize > 0 then begin FXSQLDA^.sqln := Value; FXSQLDA^.sqld := Value; end; end; end; procedure TIBXSQLDA.FreeXSQLDA; var i: integer; begin if FXSQLDA <> nil then begin // writeln('SQLDA Cleanup'); for i := 0 to Count - 1 do TIBXSQLVAR(Column[i]).FreeSQLData; FreeMem(FXSQLDA); FXSQLDA := nil; end; for i := 0 to FSize - 1 do TIBXSQLVAR(Column[i]).Free; SetLength(FColumnList,0); FSize := 0; end; function TIBXSQLDA.GetStatement: IStatement; begin Result := FStatement; end; function TIBXSQLDA.GetPrepareSeqNo: integer; begin Result := FStatement.FPrepareSeqNo; end; { TFB25Statement } procedure TFB25Statement.GetPerfCounters(var counters: TPerfStatistics); var DBInfo: IDBInformation; i: integer; {$IFDEF UNIX} times: tms; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF UNIX} FpTimes(times); counters[psUserTime] := times.tms_utime; {$ELSE} counters[psUserTime] := 0; {$ENDIF} counters[psRealTime] := TimeStampToMSecs(DateTimeToTimeStamp(Now)); DBInfo := GetAttachment.GetDBInformation([isc_info_reads,isc_info_writes, isc_info_fetches, isc_info_num_buffers, isc_info_current_memory, isc_info_max_memory]); if DBInfo <> nil then begin for i := 0 to DBInfo.Count - 1 do with DBInfo[i] do case getItemType of isc_info_reads: counters[psReads] := AsInteger; isc_info_writes: counters[psWrites] := AsInteger; isc_info_fetches: counters[psFetches] := AsInteger; isc_info_num_buffers: counters[psBuffers] := AsInteger; isc_info_current_memory: counters[psCurrentMemory] := AsInteger; isc_info_max_memory: counters[psMaxMemory] := AsInteger; end; end; end; procedure TFB25Statement.CheckHandle; begin if FHandle = nil then IBError(ibxeInvalidStatementHandle,[nil]); end; procedure TFB25Statement.GetDsqlInfo(info_request: byte; buffer: ISQLInfoResults ); begin with FFirebird25ClientAPI, buffer as TSQLInfoResultsBuffer do if isc_dsql_sql_info(StatusVector, @(FHandle), 1, @info_request, GetBufSize, Buffer) > 0 then IBDatabaseError; end; procedure TFB25Statement.InternalPrepare; var RB: ISQLInfoResults; TRHandle: TISC_TR_HANDLE; begin if FPrepared then Exit; if (FSQL = '') then IBError(ibxeEmptyQuery, [nil]); try CheckTransaction(FTransactionIntf); with FFirebird25ClientAPI do begin Call(isc_dsql_alloc_statement2(StatusVector, @(FDBHandle), @FHandle), True); TRHandle := (FTransactionIntf as TFB25Transaction).Handle; if FHasParamNames then begin if FProcessedSQL = '' then ProcessSQL(FSQL,FGenerateParamNames,FProcessedSQL); Call(isc_dsql_prepare(StatusVector, @(TRHandle), @FHandle, 0, PAnsiChar(FProcessedSQL), FSQLDialect, nil), True); end else Call(isc_dsql_prepare(StatusVector, @(TRHandle), @FHandle, 0, PAnsiChar(FSQL), FSQLDialect, nil), True); end; { After preparing the statement, query the stmt type and possibly create a FSQLRecord "holder" } { Get the type of the statement } RB := GetDsqlInfo(isc_info_sql_stmt_type); if RB.Count > 0 then FSQLStatementType := TIBSQLStatementTypes(RB[0].GetAsInteger) else FSQLStatementType := SQLUnknown; case FSQLStatementType of SQLGetSegment, SQLPutSegment, SQLStartTransaction: begin FreeHandle; IBError(ibxeNotPermitted, [nil]); end; SQLCommit, SQLRollback, SQLDDL, SQLSetGenerator, SQLInsert, SQLUpdate, SQLDelete, SQLSelect, SQLSelectForUpdate, SQLExecProcedure: begin {set up input sqlda} FSQLParams.Bind; {setup output sqlda} if FSQLStatementType in [SQLSelect, SQLSelectForUpdate, SQLExecProcedure] then FSQLRecord.Bind; end; end; except on E: Exception do begin if (FHandle <> nil) then FreeHandle; if E is EIBInterBaseError then E.Message := E.Message + sSQLErrorSeparator + FSQL; raise; end; end; FPrepared := true; FSingleResults := false; if RetainInterfaces then begin SetRetainInterfaces(false); SetRetainInterfaces(true); end; Inc(FPrepareSeqNo); Inc(FChangeSeqNo); with FTransactionIntf as TFB25Transaction do begin FSQLParams.FTransactionSeqNo := TransactionSeqNo; FSQLRecord.FTransactionSeqNo := TransactionSeqNo; end; end; function TFB25Statement.InternalExecute(aTransaction: ITransaction): IResults; var TRHandle: TISC_TR_HANDLE; begin Result := nil; FBOF := false; FEOF := false; FSingleResults := false; CheckTransaction(aTransaction); if not FPrepared then InternalPrepare; CheckHandle; if aTransaction <> FTransactionIntf then AddMonitor(aTransaction as TFB25Transaction); if FStaleReferenceChecks and (FSQLParams.FTransactionSeqNo < (FTransactionIntf as TFB25transaction).TransactionSeqNo) then IBError(ibxeInterfaceOutofDate,[nil]); try TRHandle := (aTransaction as TFB25Transaction).Handle; with FFirebird25ClientAPI do begin if FCollectStatistics then GetPerfCounters(FBeforeStats); case FSQLStatementType of SQLSelect: IBError(ibxeIsAExecuteProcedure,[]); SQLExecProcedure: begin Call(isc_dsql_execute2(StatusVector, @(TRHandle), @FHandle, SQLDialect, FSQLParams.AsXSQLDA, FSQLRecord.AsXSQLDA), True); Result := TResults.Create(FSQLRecord); FSingleResults := true; end else Call(isc_dsql_execute(StatusVector, @(TRHandle), @FHandle, SQLDialect, FSQLParams.AsXSQLDA), True); end; if FCollectStatistics then begin GetPerfCounters(FAfterStats); FStatisticsAvailable := true; end; end; finally if aTransaction <> FTransactionIntf then RemoveMonitor(aTransaction as TFB25Transaction); end; FExecTransactionIntf := aTransaction; FSQLRecord.FTransaction := aTransaction as TFB25Transaction; FSQLRecord.FTransactionSeqNo := FSQLRecord.FTransaction.TransactionSeqNo; Inc(FChangeSeqNo); end; function TFB25Statement.InternalOpenCursor(aTransaction: ITransaction ): IResultSet; var TRHandle: TISC_TR_HANDLE; GUID : TGUID; begin if FSQLStatementType <> SQLSelect then IBError(ibxeIsASelectStatement,[]); CheckTransaction(aTransaction); if not FPrepared then InternalPrepare; CheckHandle; if aTransaction <> FTransactionIntf then AddMonitor(aTransaction as TFB25Transaction); if FStaleReferenceChecks and (FSQLParams.FTransactionSeqNo < (FTransactionIntf as TFB25transaction).TransactionSeqNo) then IBError(ibxeInterfaceOutofDate,[nil]); with FFirebird25ClientAPI do begin if FCollectStatistics then GetPerfCounters(FBeforeStats); TRHandle := (aTransaction as TFB25Transaction).Handle; Call(isc_dsql_execute2(StatusVector, @(TRHandle), @FHandle, SQLDialect, FSQLParams.AsXSQLDA, nil), True); if FCursor = '' then begin CreateGuid(GUID); FCursor := GUIDToString(GUID); Call( isc_dsql_set_cursor_name(StatusVector, @FHandle, PAnsiChar(FCursor), 0), True); end; if FCollectStatistics then begin GetPerfCounters(FAfterStats); FStatisticsAvailable := true; end; end; Inc(FCursorSeqNo); FSingleResults := false; FOpen := True; FExecTransactionIntf := aTransaction; FBOF := true; FEOF := false; FSQLRecord.FTransaction := aTransaction as TFB25Transaction; FSQLRecord.FTransactionSeqNo := FSQLRecord.FTransaction.TransactionSeqNo; Result := TResultSet.Create(FSQLRecord); Inc(FChangeSeqNo); end; procedure TFB25Statement.ProcessSQL(sql: AnsiString; GenerateParamNames: boolean; var processedSQL: AnsiString); begin FSQLParams.PreprocessSQL(sql,GenerateParamNames, processedSQL); end; procedure TFB25Statement.FreeHandle; var isc_res: ISC_STATUS; begin Close; ReleaseInterfaces; try if FHandle <> nil then with FFirebird25ClientAPI do begin isc_res := Call(isc_dsql_free_statement(StatusVector, @FHandle, DSQL_drop), False); if (StatusVector^ = 1) and (isc_res > 0) and (isc_res <> isc_bad_stmt_handle) then IBDataBaseError; end; finally FHandle := nil; FCursor := ''; FPrepared := false; end; end; procedure TFB25Statement.InternalClose(Force: boolean); var isc_res: ISC_STATUS; begin if (FHandle <> nil) and (SQLStatementType = SQLSelect) and FOpen then try with FFirebird25ClientAPI do begin isc_res := Call( isc_dsql_free_statement(StatusVector, @FHandle, DSQL_close), False); if not Force and (StatusVector^ = 1) and (isc_res > 0) and not getStatus.CheckStatusVector( [isc_bad_stmt_handle, isc_dsql_cursor_close_err]) then IBDatabaseError; end; finally if (FSQLRecord.FTransaction <> nil) and (FSQLRecord.FTransaction <> (FTransactionIntf as TFB25Transaction)) then RemoveMonitor(FSQLRecord.FTransaction); FOpen := False; FExecTransactionIntf := nil; FSQLRecord.FTransaction := nil; Inc(FChangeSeqNo); end; end; constructor TFB25Statement.Create(Attachment: TFB25Attachment; Transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString; aSQLDialect: integer); begin inherited Create(Attachment,Transaction,sql,aSQLDialect); FDBHandle := Attachment.Handle; FFirebird25ClientAPI := Attachment.Firebird25ClientAPI; OnDatabaseError := FFirebird25ClientAPI.IBDataBaseError; FSQLParams := TIBXINPUTSQLDA.Create(self); FSQLRecord := TIBXOUTPUTSQLDA.Create(self); InternalPrepare; end; constructor TFB25Statement.CreateWithParameterNames( Attachment: TFB25Attachment; Transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString; aSQLDialect: integer; GenerateParamNames: boolean; CaseSensitiveParams: boolean); begin inherited CreateWithParameterNames(Attachment,Transaction,sql,aSQLDialect,GenerateParamNames); FDBHandle := Attachment.Handle; FFirebird25ClientAPI := Attachment.Firebird25ClientAPI; OnDatabaseError := FFirebird25ClientAPI.IBDataBaseError; FSQLParams := TIBXINPUTSQLDA.Create(self); FSQLParams.CaseSensitiveParams := CaseSensitiveParams; FSQLRecord := TIBXOUTPUTSQLDA.Create(self); InternalPrepare; end; destructor TFB25Statement.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; if assigned(FSQLParams) then FSQLParams.Free; if assigned(FSQLRecord) then FSQLRecord.Free; end; function TFB25Statement.FetchNext: boolean; var fetch_res: ISC_STATUS; begin result := false; if not FOpen then IBError(ibxeSQLClosed, [nil]); if FEOF then IBError(ibxeEOF,[nil]); with FFirebird25ClientAPI do begin { Go to the next record... } fetch_res := Call(isc_dsql_fetch(StatusVector, @FHandle, SQLDialect, FSQLRecord.AsXSQLDA), False); if (fetch_res = 100) or (getStatus.CheckStatusVector([isc_dsql_cursor_err])) then begin FBOF := false; FEOF := true; Exit; {End of File} end else if (fetch_res > 0) then begin try IBDataBaseError; except Close; raise; end; end else begin FBOF := false; result := true; end; if FCollectStatistics then begin GetPerfCounters(FAfterStats); FStatisticsAvailable := true; end; end; FSQLRecord.RowChange; if FEOF then Inc(FChangeSeqNo); end; function TFB25Statement.GetSQLParams: ISQLParams; begin CheckHandle; if not HasInterface(0) then AddInterface(0,TSQLParams.Create(FSQLParams)); Result := TSQLParams(GetInterface(0)); end; function TFB25Statement.GetMetaData: IMetaData; begin CheckHandle; if not HasInterface(1) then AddInterface(1, TMetaData.Create(FSQLRecord)); Result := TMetaData(GetInterface(1)); end; function TFB25Statement.GetPlan: AnsiString; var RB: ISQLInfoResults; begin if (not (FSQLStatementType in [SQLSelect, SQLSelectForUpdate, {TODO: SQLExecProcedure, } SQLUpdate, SQLDelete])) then result := '' else begin RB := TSQLInfoResultsBuffer.Create(FFirebird25ClientAPI,4*4096); GetDsqlInfo(isc_info_sql_get_plan,RB); if RB.Count > 0 then Result := RB[0].GetAsString; end; end; function TFB25Statement.CreateBlob(column: TColumnMetaData): IBlob; begin if assigned(column) and (column.SQLType <> SQL_Blob) then IBError(ibxeNotABlob,[nil]); Result := TFB25Blob.Create(GetAttachment as TFB25Attachment,FExecTransactionIntf as TFB25Transaction, column.GetBlobMetaData,nil); end; function TFB25Statement.CreateArray(column: TColumnMetaData): IArray; begin if assigned(column) and (column.SQLType <> SQL_ARRAY) then IBError(ibxeNotAnArray,[nil]); Result := TFB25Array.Create(GetAttachment as TFB25Attachment,FExecTransactionIntf as TFB25Transaction, column.GetArrayMetaData); end; procedure TFB25Statement.SetRetainInterfaces(aValue: boolean); begin inherited SetRetainInterfaces(aValue); if HasInterface(1) then TMetaData(GetInterface(1)).RetainInterfaces := aValue; if HasInterface(0) then TSQLParams(GetInterface(0)).RetainInterfaces := aValue; end; function TFB25Statement.IsPrepared: boolean; begin Result := FHandle <> nil; end; end.