(* * Firebird Interface (fbintf). The fbintf components provide a set of * Pascal language bindings for the Firebird API. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's * Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License here: * * http://www.firebirdsql.org/index.php?op=doc&id=idpl * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights * and limitations under the License. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman. * * The Original Code is (C) 2016 Tony Whyman, MWA Software * (http://www.mwasoftware.co.uk). * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * *) unit FB30Transaction; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} {$DEFINE WINDOWS} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF FPC} {$mode delphi} {$interfaces COM} {$ENDIF} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, Firebird, IB, FBClientAPI, FB30ClientAPI, FB30Attachment, FBParamBlock, FBActivityMonitor, FBTransaction; type { TFB30Transaction } TFB30Transaction = class(TFBTransaction,ITransaction, IActivityMonitor) private FTransactionIntf: Firebird.ITransaction; procedure StartMultiple; procedure FreeHandle; protected function GetActivityIntf(att: IAttachment): IActivityMonitor; override; public destructor Destroy; override; property TransactionIntf: Firebird.ITransaction read FTransactionIntf; {ITransaction} function GetInTransaction: boolean; override; procedure PrepareForCommit; override; procedure Commit(Force: boolean=false); override; procedure CommitRetaining; override; procedure Start(DefaultCompletion: TTransactionCompletion=taCommit); overload; override; procedure Rollback(Force: boolean=false); override; procedure RollbackRetaining; override; end; implementation uses FBMessages; { TFB30Transaction } procedure TFB30Transaction.StartMultiple; var Dtc: IDtc; DtcStart: IDtcStart; i: integer; begin with Firebird30ClientAPI do begin Dtc := MasterIntf.getDtc; DtcStart := Dtc.startBuilder(StatusIntf); Check4DataBaseError; for i := 0 to Length(FAttachments) - 1 do if (FAttachments[i] <> nil) then begin DTCStart.addWithTpb(StatusIntf, (FAttachments[i] as TFB30Attachment).AttachmentIntf, (FTPB as TTPB).getDataLength, BytePtr((FTPB as TTPB).getBuffer)); Check4DataBaseError; end; FTransactionIntf := DtcStart.start(StatusIntf); Check4DataBaseError; end; end; procedure TFB30Transaction.FreeHandle; begin if assigned(FTransactionIntf) then FTransactionIntf.release; FTransactionIntf := nil; end; function TFB30Transaction.GetActivityIntf(att: IAttachment): IActivityMonitor; begin Result := att as TFB30Attachment; end; destructor TFB30Transaction.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; FreeHandle; end; function TFB30Transaction.GetInTransaction: boolean; begin Result := FTransactionIntf <> nil; end; procedure TFB30Transaction.PrepareForCommit; begin if Length(FAttachments) < 2 then IBError(ibxeNotAMultiDatabaseTransaction,[nil]); if FTransactionIntf = nil then Exit; with Firebird30ClientAPI do begin FTransactionIntf.prepare(StatusIntf,0,nil); Check4DataBaseError; end; SignalActivity; end; procedure TFB30Transaction.Commit(Force: boolean); begin if FTransactionIntf = nil then Exit; with Firebird30ClientAPI do begin FTransactionIntf.commit(StatusIntf); if not Force and InErrorState then IBDataBaseError; end; SignalActivity; FreeHandle; end; procedure TFB30Transaction.CommitRetaining; begin if FTransactionIntf = nil then Exit; with Firebird30ClientAPI do begin FTransactionIntf.commitRetaining(StatusIntf); Check4DataBaseError; end; SignalActivity; end; procedure TFB30Transaction.Start(DefaultCompletion: TTransactionCompletion); begin if FTransactionIntf <> nil then Exit; FDefaultCompletion := DefaultCompletion; if Length(FAttachments) > 0 then StartMultiple else with Firebird30ClientAPI do begin FTransactionIntf := (FAttachments[0] as TFB30Attachment).AttachmentIntf.startTransaction(StatusIntf, (FTPB as TTPB).getDataLength,BytePtr((FTPB as TTPB).getBuffer)); Check4DataBaseError; end; SignalActivity; Inc(FSeqNo); end; procedure TFB30Transaction.Rollback(Force: boolean); begin if FTransactionIntf = nil then Exit; with Firebird30ClientAPI do begin FTransactionIntf.rollback(StatusIntf); if not Force and InErrorState then IBDataBaseError; end; SignalActivity; FreeHandle; end; procedure TFB30Transaction.RollbackRetaining; begin if FTransactionIntf = nil then Exit; with Firebird30ClientAPI do begin FTransactionIntf.rollbackRetaining(StatusIntf); Check4DataBaseError; end; SignalActivity; end; end.