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Revision: 45
Committed: Tue Dec 6 10:33:46 2016 UTC (7 years, 4 months ago) by tony
Content type: text/x-pascal
File size: 9068 byte(s)
Log Message:
Committing updates for Release R2-0-0

File Contents

# Content
1 (*
2 * Firebird Interface (fbintf). The fbintf components provide a set of
3 * Pascal language bindings for the Firebird API.
4 *
5 * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's
6 * Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
7 * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
8 * of the License here:
9 *
10 *
11 *
12 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
13 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
14 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights
15 * and limitations under the License.
16 *
17 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman.
18 *
19 * The Original Code is (C) 2016 Tony Whyman, MWA Software
20 * (
21 *
22 * All Rights Reserved.
23 *
24 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
25 *
26 *)
27 unit FBActivityMonitor;
30 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
31 {$interfaces COM}
32 {$ENDIF}
34 interface
36 uses
37 Classes, SysUtils, IBExternals;
39 { $DEFINE DEBUGINTERFACES} {Define this to check that all interfaces are
40 being destroyed.}
42 type
43 { TMonitoredObject is an optional class used to journal all interface creatino
44 and deletion as well as keeping a count of how many monitored interfaces
45 exist at any one time. It is used at development to look for memory leaks
46 due to interfaces not being discarded when no longer used.}
49 TMonitoredObject = class(TInterfacedObject)
50 private
51 FObjectCount: integer; static;
52 public
53 constructor Create;
54 destructor Destroy; override;
55 end;
57 {TFBInterfacedObject is used as the base class for interfaces objects and can
58 be either a synonym for TInterfacedObject (default) or TMonitored object}
60 TFBInterfacedObject = TMonitoredObject;
61 {$ELSE}
62 TFBInterfacedObject = TInterfacedObject;
63 {$ENDIF}
65 { TInterfaceOwner }
67 TInterfaceOwner = class(TFBInterfacedObject)
68 private
69 FInterfaces: array of TInterfacedObject;
70 FInterfaceRefs: array of IUnknown;
71 FRetainInterfaces: boolean;
72 FMinInterfaces: integer;
73 function GetCount: integer;
74 procedure SetRetainInterfaces(AValue: boolean);
75 protected
76 procedure AddInterface(index: integer; obj: TInterfacedObject);
77 function HasInterface(index: integer): boolean;
78 procedure ReleaseInterfaces;
79 public
80 constructor Create(aInterfaces: integer=0);
81 destructor Destroy; override;
82 procedure AddObject(obj: TInterfacedObject);
83 function GetInterface(index: integer): TInterfacedObject;
84 procedure Remove(intf: TInterfacedObject);
85 property InterfaceCount: integer read GetCount;
86 property RetainInterfaces: boolean read FRetainInterfaces write SetRetainInterfaces;
87 end;
89 {The IActivityMonitor interface is provided by classes that receive activity
90 reports.}
92 IActivityMonitor = interface
93 procedure AddObject(obj: TInterfacedObject);
94 procedure Remove(intf: TInterfacedObject);
95 procedure SignalActivity;
96 end;
98 { TActivityReporter is a base class for objects that need to report their activity
99 to an activity monitor, where activity is defined as use of a Firebird API call.
100 Objects descending from this class always used the "Call" method as a wrapper
101 for calls to the Firebird API. Each such call is then classed as activity
102 and reported to one or more activity monitors.
104 In practice, a transaction monitors statements, blobs and arrays. A Database
105 monitors transactions and events. Transaction monitors use the ITransactionMonitor
106 interface, implemented through the helper object TTransactionMonitor.
107 }
109 TActivityReporter = class(TInterfaceOwner)
110 private
111 FHasActivity: boolean;
112 FMonitors: array of IActivityMonitor;
113 function FindMonitor(aMonitor: IActivityMonitor): integer;
114 protected
115 function Call(ErrCode: ISC_STATUS; RaiseError: Boolean = true): ISC_STATUS;
116 procedure AddMonitor(aMonitor: IActivityMonitor);
117 procedure RemoveMonitor(aMonitor: IActivityMonitor);
118 public
119 constructor Create(aMonitor: IActivityMonitor;aInterfaces: integer=0);
120 destructor Destroy; override;
121 function HasActivity: boolean;
122 procedure SignalActivity;
123 end;
125 { TActivityHandler is a base class for classes that receive activity reports.}
127 TActivityHandler = class(TInterfaceOwner,IActivityMonitor)
128 private
129 FHasActivity: boolean;
130 public
131 function HasActivity: boolean;
132 procedure SignalActivity;
133 end;
135 implementation
137 uses FB25ClientAPI;
139 { TActivityHandler }
141 function TActivityHandler.HasActivity: boolean;
142 begin
143 Result := FHasActivity;
144 FHasActivity := false;
145 end;
147 procedure TActivityHandler.SignalActivity;
148 begin
149 FHasActivity := true;
150 end;
152 { TMonitoredObject }
155 constructor TMonitoredObject.Create;
156 begin
157 inherited Create;
158 Inc(FObjectCount);
159 writeln('Creating ' + ClassName,', Obj Count = ',FObjectCount);
160 end;
162 destructor TMonitoredObject.Destroy;
163 begin
164 Dec(FObjectCount);
165 writeln('Destroying ' + ClassName,' Obj Count = ',FObjectCount);
166 inherited Destroy;
167 end;
168 {$ENDIF}
170 { TActivityReporter}
172 function TActivityReporter.FindMonitor(aMonitor: IActivityMonitor): integer;
173 var i: integer;
174 begin
175 Result := -1;
176 for i := 0 to Length(FMonitors) - 1 do
177 if FMonitors[i] = aMonitor then
178 begin
179 Result := i;
180 Exit;
181 end;
182 end;
184 function TActivityReporter.Call(ErrCode: ISC_STATUS; RaiseError: Boolean): ISC_STATUS;
185 begin
186 result := ErrCode;
187 SignalActivity;
188 if RaiseError and (ErrCode > 0) then
189 Firebird25ClientAPI.IBDataBaseError;
190 end;
192 procedure TActivityReporter.AddMonitor(aMonitor: IActivityMonitor);
193 var i: integer;
194 begin
195 if FindMonitor(aMonitor) = -1 then
196 begin
197 i := Length(FMonitors);
198 Setlength(FMonitors,i+1);
199 FMonitors[i] := aMonitor;
200 aMonitor.AddObject(self);
201 end;
202 end;
204 procedure TActivityReporter.RemoveMonitor(aMonitor: IActivityMonitor);
205 var i,j: integer;
206 begin
207 i := FindMonitor(aMonitor);
208 if i <> -1 then
209 begin
210 aMonitor.Remove(self);
211 if Length(FMonitors) = 1 then
212 SetLength(FMonitors,0)
213 else
214 begin
215 for j := i + 1 to Length(FMonitors) - 1 do
216 FMonitors[j-1] := FMonitors[j];
217 SetLength(FMonitors,Length(FMonitors)-1);
218 end;
219 end;
220 end;
222 procedure TActivityReporter.SignalActivity;
223 var i: integer;
224 begin
225 FHasActivity := true;
226 for i := 0 to Length(FMonitors) - 1 do
227 FMonitors[i].SignalActivity;
228 end;
230 constructor TActivityReporter.Create(aMonitor: IActivityMonitor;
231 aInterfaces: integer);
232 begin
233 inherited Create(aInterfaces);
234 if aMonitor <> nil then
235 begin
236 SetLength(FMonitors,1);
237 FMonitors[0] := aMonitor;
238 end;
239 end;
241 destructor TActivityReporter.Destroy;
242 var i: integer;
243 begin
244 for i := 0 to Length(FMonitors) - 1 do
245 FMonitors[i].Remove(self);
246 inherited Destroy;
247 end;
249 function TActivityReporter.HasActivity: boolean;
250 begin
251 Result := FHasActivity;
252 FHasActivity := false;
253 end;
255 { TInterfaceOwner }
257 constructor TInterfaceOwner.Create(aInterfaces: integer);
258 begin
259 inherited Create;
260 FMinInterfaces := aInterfaces;
261 SetLength(FInterfaces,aInterfaces);
262 SetLength(FInterfaceRefs,aInterfaces);
263 end;
265 destructor TInterfaceOwner.Destroy;
266 begin
267 ReleaseInterfaces;
268 inherited Destroy;
269 end;
271 procedure TInterfaceOwner.AddObject(obj: TInterfacedObject);
272 var index: integer;
273 begin
274 index := Length(FInterfaces);
275 SetLength(FInterfaces,index+1);
276 SetLength(FInterfaceRefs,index+1);
277 AddInterface(index,obj);
278 end;
280 function TInterfaceOwner.GetInterface(index: integer): TInterfacedObject;
281 begin
282 Result := FInterfaces[index];
283 end;
285 procedure TInterfaceOwner.SetRetainInterfaces(AValue: boolean);
286 begin
287 if FRetainInterfaces = AValue then Exit;
288 FRetainInterfaces := AValue;
289 if not FRetainInterfaces then
290 ReleaseInterfaces;
291 end;
293 function TInterfaceOwner.GetCount: integer;
294 begin
295 Result := Length(FInterfaces);
296 end;
298 procedure TInterfaceOwner.AddInterface(index: integer; obj: TInterfacedObject);
299 begin
300 FInterfaces[index] := obj;
301 if RetainInterfaces then
302 FInterfaceRefs[index] := obj;
303 end;
305 function TInterfaceOwner.HasInterface(index: integer): boolean;
306 begin
307 Result := FInterfaces[index] <> nil;
308 end;
310 procedure TInterfaceOwner.Remove(intf: TInterfacedObject);
311 var i, j: integer;
312 begin
313 for i := 0 to Length(FInterfaces) - 1 do
314 if FInterfaces[i] = intf then
315 begin
316 if i < FMinInterfaces then
317 begin
318 FInterfaceRefs[i] := nil;
319 FInterfaces[i] := nil;
320 end
321 else
322 begin
323 for j := i to Length(FInterfaces) - 2 do
324 begin
325 FInterfaceRefs[j] := FInterfaceRefs[j+1];
326 FInterfaces[j] := FInterfaces[j+1];
327 end;
328 SetLength(FInterfaces,Length(FInterfaces)-1);
329 SetLength(FInterfaceRefs,Length(FInterfaceRefs)-1);
330 end;
331 Exit;
332 end;
333 end;
335 procedure TInterfaceOwner.ReleaseInterfaces;
336 var i: integer;
337 begin
338 for i := 0 to Length(FInterfaces) - 1 do
339 FInterfaceRefs[i] := nil;
340 end;
342 end.