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Revision: 45
Committed: Tue Dec 6 10:33:46 2016 UTC (7 years, 4 months ago) by tony
Content type: text/x-pascal
File size: 16613 byte(s)
Log Message:
Committing updates for Release R2-0-0

File Contents

# Content
1 (*
2 * Firebird Interface (fbintf). The fbintf components provide a set of
3 * Pascal language bindings for the Firebird API.
4 *
5 * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's
6 * Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
7 * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
8 * of the License here:
9 *
10 *
11 *
12 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
13 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
14 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights
15 * and limitations under the License.
16 *
17 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman.
18 *
19 * The Original Code is (C) 2016 Tony Whyman, MWA Software
20 * (
21 *
22 * All Rights Reserved.
23 *
24 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
25 *
26 *)
27 unit FBParamBlock;
30 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
31 {$interfaces COM}
32 {$ENDIF}
34 interface
36 {Provides common handling for the DPB, TPB, SPB and Service Request Block (SRB)}
38 uses
39 Classes, SysUtils, IB, FBClientAPI, FBActivityMonitor;
41 type
42 TParamDataType = (dtString, dtString2, dtString0, dtByte, dtByte2, dtInteger, dtInteger1,
43 dtInteger2, dtShortInteger,dtTinyInteger,dtnone);
45 PParamBlockItemData = ^TParamBlockItemData;
46 TParamBlockItemData = record
47 {Describes a Clumplet in the buffer. FBufPtr always points to the clumplet id
48 the rest of the clumplet up to the FBufLength is data. The data format is
49 given by FDataType}
50 FBufPtr: PChar;
51 FBuflength: integer;
52 FDataType: TParamDataType;
53 end;
55 TParamBlockItem = class;
57 { TParamBlock }
59 TParamBlock = class(TFBInterfacedObject)
60 private
61 FItems: array of PParamBlockItemData;
62 FBufferSize: integer;
63 procedure AdjustBuffer;
64 procedure MoveBy(Item: PParamBlockItemData; delta: integer);
65 procedure UpdateRequestItemSize(Item: TParamBlockItem; NewSize: integer);
66 protected
67 FBuffer: PChar;
68 FDataLength: integer;
69 function Add(ParamType: byte): PParamBlockItemData;
70 function Find(ParamType: byte): PParamBlockItemData;
71 function GetItems(index: integer): PParamBlockItemData;
72 public
73 constructor Create;
74 destructor Destroy; override;
75 function getBuffer: PChar;
76 function getDataLength: integer;
77 function AvailableBufferSpace: integer;
79 public
80 function getCount: integer;
81 procedure Remove(ParamType: byte);
82 procedure PrintBuf;
83 end;
85 { TParamBlockItem }
87 TParamBlockItem = class(TFBInterfacedObject)
88 private
89 FOwner: TParamBlock;
90 FOwnerIntf: IUnknown;
91 FParamData: PParamBlockItemData;
92 protected
93 property ParamData: PParamBlockItemData read FParamData;
94 public
95 constructor Create(AOwner: TParamBlock; Data: PParamBlockItemData);
96 public
97 function getAsInteger: integer;
98 function getParamType: byte;
99 function getAsString: string;
100 function getAsByte: byte;
101 procedure addByte(aValue: byte);
102 procedure addShortInteger(aValue: integer);
103 procedure setAsByte(aValue: byte);
104 procedure setAsByte2(aValue: byte);
105 procedure SetAsInteger(aValue: integer);
106 procedure SetAsInteger1(aValue: integer);
107 procedure SetAsInteger2(aValue: integer);
108 procedure SetAsShortInteger(aValue: integer);
109 procedure SetAsTinyInteger(aValue: integer);
110 procedure SetAsString(aValue: string);
111 procedure SetAsString2(aValue: string);
112 procedure SetAsString0(aValue: string);
113 end;
115 { TCustomParamBlock }
117 generic TCustomParamBlock<_TItem; _IItem> = class(TParamBlock)
118 public
119 function Add(ParamType: byte): _IItem;
120 function Find(ParamType: byte): _IItem;
121 function GetItems(index: integer): _IItem;
122 end;
124 { TDPBItem }
126 TDPBItem = class(TParamBlockItem,IDPBItem);
128 { TDPB }
130 TDPB = class (specialize TCustomParamBlock<TDPBItem,IDPBItem>, IDPB)
131 public
132 constructor Create;
133 end;
135 { TTPBItem }
137 TTPBItem = class(TParamBlockItem,ITPBItem);
139 { TTPB }
141 TTPB = class (specialize TCustomParamBlock<TTPBItem,ITPBItem>, ITPB)
142 public
143 constructor Create;
144 end;
146 { TSPBItem }
148 TSPBItem = class(TParamBlockItem,ISPBItem);
150 { TSPB }
152 TSPB = class (specialize TCustomParamBlock<TSPBItem,ISPBItem>, ISPB)
153 public
154 constructor Create;
155 end;
157 { TSRBItem }
159 TSRBItem = class(TParamBlockItem,ISRBItem)
160 public
161 function ISRBItem.SetAsString = SetAsString2;
162 function ISRBItem.SetAsByte = SetAsByte2;
163 end;
165 { TSRB }
167 TSRB = class (specialize TCustomParamBlock<TSRBItem,ISRBItem>, ISRB);
169 { TSQPBItem }
171 TSQPBItem = class(TParamBlockItem,ISQPBItem)
172 public
173 function CopyFrom(source: TStream; count: integer): integer;
174 procedure ISQPBItem.SetAsInteger = SetAsInteger2;
175 procedure ISQPBItem.SetAsString = SetAsString2;
176 end;
178 { TSQPB }
180 TSQPB = class (specialize TCustomParamBlock<TSQPBItem,ISQPBItem>, ISQPB);
182 { TBPBItem }
184 TBPBItem = class(TParamBlockItem,IBPBItem)
185 public
186 procedure IBPBItem.SetAsInteger = SetAsInteger1;
187 end;
189 { TBPB }
191 TBPB = class (specialize TCustomParamBlock<TBPBItem,IBPBItem>, IBPB)
192 public
193 constructor Create;
194 end;
196 implementation
198 uses FBMessages;
200 const
201 MaxBufferSize = 65535;
203 { TCustomParamBlock }
205 function TCustomParamBlock.Add(ParamType: byte): _IItem;
206 var Item: PParamBlockItemData;
207 begin
208 Item := inherited Add(ParamType);
209 Result := _TItem.Create(self,Item);
210 end;
212 function TCustomParamBlock.Find(ParamType: byte): _IItem;
213 var Item: PParamBlockItemData;
214 begin
215 Result := nil;
216 Item := inherited Find(ParamType);
217 if Item <> nil then
218 Result := _TItem.Create(self,Item);
219 end;
221 function TCustomParamBlock.GetItems(index: integer): _IItem;
222 var Item: PParamBlockItemData;
223 begin
224 Item := inherited getItems(index);
225 Result := _TItem.Create(self,Item);
226 end;
228 { TSQPBItem }
230 function TSQPBItem.CopyFrom(source: TStream; count: integer): integer;
231 begin
232 if count > (FOwner.AvailableBufferSpace - 4) then
233 count := FOwner.AvailableBufferSpace - 4;
234 with FParamData^ do
235 begin
236 FOwner.UpdateRequestItemSize(self,count + 4);
237 Result := source.Read((FBufPtr+3)^,count);
238 with FirebirdClientAPI do
239 EncodeInteger(Result,2,FBufPtr+1);
240 (FBufPtr+Result + 3)^ := chr(isc_info_end);
241 if Result <> count then
242 FOwner.UpdateRequestItemSize(self,Result + 4);
243 FDataType := dtString2;
244 end;
245 end;
247 { TBPB }
249 constructor TBPB.Create;
250 begin
251 inherited Create;
252 FDataLength := 1;
253 FBuffer^ := char(isc_bpb_version1);
254 end;
256 { TParamBlockItem }
258 constructor TParamBlockItem.Create(AOwner: TParamBlock;
259 Data: PParamBlockItemData);
260 begin
261 inherited Create;
262 FOwner := AOwner;
263 FOwnerIntf := AOwner;
264 FParamData := Data;
265 end;
267 function TParamBlockItem.getAsInteger: integer;
268 begin
269 with FirebirdClientAPI, FParamData^ do
270 case FDataType of
271 dtInteger:
272 Result := DecodeInteger(FBufPtr+1,4);
273 dtShortInteger:
274 Result := DecodeInteger(FBufPtr+1,2);
275 dtTinyInteger:
276 Result := DecodeInteger(FBufPtr+1,1);
277 dtInteger1:
278 Result := DecodeInteger(FBufPtr+2,2);
279 dtInteger2:
280 Result := DecodeInteger(FBufPtr+3,4);
281 else
282 IBError(ibxePBParamTypeError,[nil]);
283 end;
284 end;
286 function TParamBlockItem.getParamType: byte;
287 begin
288 Result := byte(FParamData^.FBufPtr^);
289 end;
291 function TParamBlockItem.getAsString: string;
292 var len: byte;
293 begin
294 Result := '';
296 with FParamData^ do
297 case FDataType of
298 dtInteger,
299 dtInteger1,
300 dtInteger2,
301 dtShortInteger,
302 dtTinyInteger:
303 Result := IntToStr(getAsInteger);
304 dtByte,
305 dtByte2:
306 Result := IntToStr(getAsByte);
307 dtString:
308 begin
309 len := byte((FBufPtr+1)^);
310 SetString(Result,FBufPtr+2,len);
311 end;
312 dtString2:
313 begin
314 with FirebirdClientAPI do
315 len := DecodeInteger(FBufPtr+1,2);
316 SetString(Result,FBufPtr+3,len);
317 end;
318 dtString0:
319 Result := strpas(FBufPtr+1);
320 else
321 IBError(ibxeOutputBlockTypeError,[nil]);
322 end;
323 end;
325 function TParamBlockItem.getAsByte: byte;
326 begin
327 with FParamData^ do
328 if FDataType = dtByte then
329 Result := byte((FBufPtr+2)^)
330 else
331 if FDataType = dtByte2 then
332 Result := byte((FBufPtr+1)^)
333 else
334 IBError(ibxePBParamTypeError,[nil]);
335 end;
337 procedure TParamBlockItem.addByte(aValue: byte);
338 var len: integer;
339 P: PChar;
340 begin
341 with FParamData^ do
342 begin
343 P := FBufPtr + FBufLength;
344 len := FBufLength + 1;
345 FOwner.UpdateRequestItemSize(self,len);
346 P^ := char(aValue)
347 end;
348 end;
350 procedure TParamBlockItem.addShortInteger(aValue: integer);
351 var len: integer;
352 P: PChar;
353 begin
354 with FParamData^ do
355 begin
356 P := FBufPtr + FBufLength;
357 len := FBufLength + 2;
358 FOwner.UpdateRequestItemSize(self,len);
359 with FirebirdClientAPI do
360 EncodeInteger(aValue,2,P);
361 end;
362 end;
364 procedure TParamBlockItem.setAsByte(aValue: byte);
365 begin
366 with FParamData^ do
367 begin
368 if FBufLength <> 3 then
369 FOwner.UpdateRequestItemSize(self,3);
370 FDataType := dtByte;
371 (FBufPtr+1)^ := #1;
372 (FBufPtr+2)^ := chr(aValue);
373 end;
374 end;
376 procedure TParamBlockItem.setAsByte2(aValue: byte);
377 begin
378 with FParamData^ do
379 begin
380 if FBufLength <> 2 then
381 FOwner.UpdateRequestItemSize(self,2);
382 FDataType := dtByte2;
383 (FBufPtr+1)^ := chr(aValue);
384 end;
385 end;
387 {Four byte integer - no length}
389 procedure TParamBlockItem.SetAsInteger(aValue: integer);
390 begin
391 with FParamData^ do
392 begin
393 if FBufLength <> 5 then
394 FOwner.UpdateRequestItemSize(self,5);
395 with FirebirdClientAPI do
396 EncodeInteger(aValue,4,FBufPtr+1);
397 FDataType := dtInteger;
398 end;
399 end;
401 {Four byte integer - length byte}
403 procedure TParamBlockItem.SetAsInteger1(aValue: integer);
404 begin
405 with FParamData^ do
406 begin
407 if FBufLength <> 6 then
408 FOwner.UpdateRequestItemSize(self,6);
409 (FBufPtr+1)^ := chr(4);
410 with FirebirdClientAPI do
411 EncodeInteger(aValue,4,FBufPtr+2);
412 FDataType := dtInteger1;
413 end;
414 end;
416 {Four byte integer - 2 byte length}
418 procedure TParamBlockItem.SetAsInteger2(aValue: integer);
419 begin
420 with FParamData^ do
421 begin
422 if FBufLength <> 7 then
423 FOwner.UpdateRequestItemSize(self,7);
424 with FirebirdClientAPI do
425 begin
426 EncodeInteger(4,2,FBufPtr+1); {Encode length as two bytes}
427 EncodeInteger(aValue,4,FBufPtr+3);
428 end;
429 FDataType := dtInteger2
430 end;
431 end;
433 procedure TParamBlockItem.SetAsShortInteger(aValue: integer);
434 begin
435 with FParamData^ do
436 begin
437 if FBufLength <> 3 then
438 FOwner.UpdateRequestItemSize(self,3);
439 with FirebirdClientAPI do
440 EncodeInteger(aValue,2,FBufPtr+1);
441 FDataType := dtShortInteger;
442 end;
443 end;
445 procedure TParamBlockItem.SetAsTinyInteger(aValue: integer);
446 begin
447 with FParamData^ do
448 begin
449 if FBufLength <> 2 then
450 FOwner.UpdateRequestItemSize(self,2);
451 with FirebirdClientAPI do
452 EncodeInteger(aValue,1,FBufPtr+1);
453 FDataType := dtTinyInteger;
454 end;
455 end;
457 {Short string encoding}
459 procedure TParamBlockItem.SetAsString(aValue: string);
460 var len: integer;
461 begin
462 with FParamData^ do
463 begin
464 len := Length(aValue);
465 if len > 255 then
466 IBError(ibxStringTooLong,[aValue,255]);
467 FOwner.UpdateRequestItemSize(self,len+2);
468 (FBufPtr+1)^ := char(len);
469 if len > 0 then
470 Move(aValue[1],(FBufPtr+2)^,len);
471 FDataType := dtString;
472 end;
473 end;
475 {Long string up to 65535 encoding}
477 procedure TParamBlockItem.SetAsString2(aValue: string);
478 var len: integer;
479 begin
480 with FParamData^ do
481 begin
482 len := Length(aValue);
483 if len > 65535 then
484 IBError(ibxStringTooLong,[aValue,65535]);
485 FOwner.UpdateRequestItemSize(self,len + 3);
486 with FirebirdClientAPI do
487 EncodeInteger(len,2,FBufPtr+1);
488 if len > 0 then
489 Move(aValue[1],(FBufPtr+3)^,len);
490 FDataType := dtString2;
491 end;
492 end;
494 {Zero byte terminated string encoding}
496 procedure TParamBlockItem.SetAsString0(aValue: string);
497 var len: integer;
498 begin
499 with FParamData^ do
500 begin
501 len := Length(aValue);
502 FOwner.UpdateRequestItemSize(self,len+2);
503 if len > 0 then
504 Move(aValue[1],(FBufPtr+1)^,len);
505 (FBufPtr+len+1)^ := #0;
506 FDataType := dtString0;
507 end;
508 end;
510 { TParamBlock }
512 procedure TParamBlock.AdjustBuffer;
513 var P: PChar;
514 i: integer;
515 headerLen: integer;
516 begin
517 if FDataLength > FBufferSize then
518 begin
519 if Length(FItems) > 0 then
520 headerLen := FItems[0]^.FBufPtr - FBuffer
521 else
522 headerLen := 0;
523 FBufferSize := 2*FDataLength;
524 ReallocMem(FBuffer,FBufferSize);
525 P := FBuffer + headerLen;
526 for i := 0 to Length(FItems) - 1 do
527 begin
528 FItems[i]^.FBufPtr := P;
529 Inc(P,FItems[i]^.FBuflength);
530 end;
531 end;
532 end;
534 procedure TParamBlock.MoveBy(Item: PParamBlockItemData; delta: integer);
535 var src, dest: PChar;
536 i: integer;
537 begin
538 with Item^ do
539 begin
540 src := FBufptr;
541 dest := FBufptr + delta ;
542 if delta > 0 then
543 begin
544 for i := FBufLength - 1 downto 0 do
545 (dest +i)^ := (src+i)^;
546 end
547 else
548 begin
549 for i := 0 to FBufLength - 1 do
550 (dest +i)^ := (src+i)^;
551 end;
552 FBufPtr += delta;
553 end;
554 end;
556 procedure TParamBlock.UpdateRequestItemSize(Item: TParamBlockItem;
557 NewSize: integer);
558 var i, delta: integer;
559 begin
560 delta := NewSize - Item.FParamData^.FBufLength;
561 Item.FParamData^.FBufLength := NewSize;
562 if delta > 0 then
563 begin
564 if FDataLength + delta > MaxBufferSize then
565 IBError(ibxeParamBufferOverflow,[nil]);
566 FDataLength += delta;
567 AdjustBuffer;
568 i := Length(FItems) - 1;
569 while i >= 0 do
570 begin
571 if FItems[i] = Item.FParamData then
572 break; {we're done}
573 Moveby(FItems[i],delta);
574 Dec(i);
575 end;
576 end
577 else
578 begin
579 i := 0;
580 while i < Length(FItems) do
581 begin
582 if FItems[i] = Item.FParamData then
583 break; {we're done}
584 Inc(i);
585 end;
586 Inc(i);
587 while i < Length(FItems) do
588 begin
589 Moveby(FItems[i],delta);
590 Inc(i);
591 end;
592 FDataLength += delta;
593 end;
594 end;
596 constructor TParamBlock.Create;
597 begin
598 inherited Create;
599 GetMem(FBuffer,128);
600 if FBuffer = nil then
601 OutOfMemoryError;
602 FBufferSize := 128;
603 FDataLength := 0;
604 end;
606 destructor TParamBlock.Destroy;
607 var i: integer;
608 begin
609 for i := 0 to Length(FItems) -1 do
610 dispose(FItems[i]);
611 Freemem(FBuffer);
612 inherited Destroy;
613 end;
615 function TParamBlock.getBuffer: PChar;
616 begin
617 if FDataLength = 0 then
618 Result := nil
619 else
620 Result := FBuffer;
621 end;
623 function TParamBlock.getDataLength: integer;
624 begin
625 Result := FDataLength
626 end;
628 function TParamBlock.AvailableBufferSpace: integer;
629 begin
630 Result := MaxBufferSize - FDataLength;
631 end;
633 function TParamBlock.Add(ParamType: byte): PParamBlockItemData;
634 begin
635 new(Result);
636 Result^.FBufPtr := FBuffer + FDataLength;
637 Result^.FBufLength := 1;
638 Result^.FBufPtr^ := char(ParamType);
639 Result^.FDataType := dtnone; {default}
640 Inc(FDataLength,1);
641 AdjustBuffer;
642 SetLength(FItems,Length(FItems)+1);
643 FItems[Length(FItems) - 1 ] := Result;
644 end;
646 function TParamBlock.Find(ParamType: byte): PParamBlockItemData;
647 var i: integer;
648 begin
649 Result := nil;
650 for i := 0 to getCount - 1 do
651 if FItems[i]^.FBufPtr^ = char(ParamType) then
652 begin
653 Result := FItems[i];
654 Exit;
655 end;
656 end;
658 function TParamBlock.GetItems(index: integer): PParamBlockItemData;
659 begin
660 if (index >= 0 ) and (index < Length(FItems)) then
661 Result := FItems[index]
662 else
663 IBError(ibxePBIndexError,[index]);
664 end;
666 function TParamBlock.getCount: integer;
667 begin
668 Result := Length(FItems);
669 end;
671 procedure TParamBlock.Remove(ParamType: byte);
672 var P: PParamBlockItemData;
673 i, j: integer;
674 begin
675 P := nil;
676 for i := 0 to getCount - 1 do
677 if FItems[i]^.FBufPtr^ = char(ParamType) then
678 begin
679 P := FItems[i];
680 for j := i + 1 to getCount - 1 do
681 begin
682 MoveBy(FItems[j],-P^.FBufLength);
683 FItems[j - 1] := FItems[j];
684 end;
685 FDataLength -= P^.FBufLength;
686 dispose(P);
687 SetLength(FItems,Length(FItems)-1);
688 Exit;
689 end;
690 end;
692 procedure TParamBlock.PrintBuf;
693 var i: integer;
694 begin
695 write(ClassName,': ');
696 for i := 0 to getDataLength - 1 do
697 write(Format('%x ',[byte(FBuffer[i])]));
698 writeln
699 end;
701 { TDPB }
703 constructor TDPB.Create;
704 begin
705 inherited Create;
706 FDataLength := 1;
707 FBuffer^ := char(isc_dpb_version1);
708 end;
710 { TTPB }
712 constructor TTPB.Create;
713 begin
714 inherited Create;
715 FDataLength := 1;
716 FBuffer^ := char(isc_tpb_version3);
717 end;
719 { TSPB }
721 constructor TSPB.Create;
722 begin
723 inherited Create;
724 FDataLength := 2;
725 FBuffer^ := char(isc_spb_version);
726 (FBuffer+1)^ := char(isc_spb_current_version);
727 end;
729 end.