(* * Firebird Interface (fbintf). The fbintf components provide a set of * Pascal language bindings for the Firebird API. Although predominantly * a new development they include source code taken from IBX and may be * considered a derived product. This software thus also includes the copyright * notice and license conditions from IBX. * * Except for those parts dervied from IBX, contents of this file are subject * to the Initial Developer's Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a * copy of the License here: * * http://www.firebirdsql.org/index.php?op=doc&id=idpl * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights * and limitations under the License. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman. * * The Original Code is (C) 2016 Tony Whyman, MWA Software * (http://www.mwasoftware.co.uk). * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * *) unit FBStatement; {$IFDEF FPC} {$mode objfpc}{$H+} {$codepage UTF8} {$interfaces COM} {$ENDIF} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, IB, FBClientAPI, FBSQLData, FBOutputBlock, FBActivityMonitor, FBTransaction; type TPerfStatistics = array[psCurrentMemory..psFetches] of Int64; { TFBStatement } TFBStatement = class(TActivityReporter) private FAttachmentIntf: IAttachment; protected FTransactionIntf: ITransaction; FExecTransactionIntf: ITransaction; FSQLStatementType: TIBSQLStatementTypes; { Select, update, delete, insert, create, alter, etc...} FSQLDialect: integer; FOpen: boolean; FPrepared: boolean; FPrepareSeqNo: integer; {used to check for out of date references from interfaces} FSQL: string; FProcessedSQL: string; FHasParamNames: boolean; FBOF: boolean; FEOF: boolean; FSingleResults: boolean; FGenerateParamNames: boolean; FChangeSeqNo: integer; FCollectStatistics: boolean; FStatisticsAvailable: boolean; FBeforeStats: TPerfStatistics; FAfterStats: TPerfStatistics; procedure CheckHandle; virtual; abstract; procedure CheckTransaction(aTransaction: ITransaction); procedure GetDsqlInfo(info_request: byte; buffer: ISQLInfoResults); overload; virtual; abstract; procedure InternalPrepare; virtual; abstract; function InternalExecute(aTransaction: ITransaction): IResults; virtual; abstract; function InternalOpenCursor(aTransaction: ITransaction): IResultSet; virtual; abstract; procedure FreeHandle; virtual; abstract; procedure InternalClose(Force: boolean); virtual; abstract; public constructor Create(Attachment: IAttachment; Transaction: ITransaction; sql: string; SQLDialect: integer); constructor CreateWithParameterNames(Attachment: IAttachment; Transaction: ITransaction; sql: string; SQLDialect: integer; GenerateParamNames: boolean =false); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Close; procedure TransactionEnding(aTransaction: ITransaction; Force: boolean); property SQLDialect: integer read FSQLDialect; public function GetSQLParams: ISQLParams; virtual; abstract; function GetMetaData: IMetaData; virtual; abstract; function GetRowsAffected(var SelectCount, InsertCount, UpdateCount, DeleteCount: integer): boolean; function GetSQLStatementType: TIBSQLStatementTypes; function GetSQLText: string; function GetSQLDialect: integer; {GetDSQLInfo only supports isc_info_sql_stmt_type, isc_info_sql_get_plan, isc_info_sql_records} procedure Prepare(aTransaction: ITransaction=nil); virtual; function Execute(aTransaction: ITransaction=nil): IResults; function OpenCursor(aTransaction: ITransaction=nil): IResultSet; function CreateBlob(paramName: string): IBlob; overload; function CreateBlob(index: integer): IBlob; overload; function CreateBlob(column: TColumnMetaData): IBlob; overload; virtual; abstract; function CreateArray(paramName: string): IArray; overload; function CreateArray(index: integer): IArray; overload; function CreateArray(column: TColumnMetaData): IArray; overload; virtual; abstract; function GetAttachment: IAttachment; function GetTransaction: ITransaction; function GetDSQLInfo(Request: byte): ISQLInfoResults; overload; procedure SetRetainInterfaces(aValue: boolean); virtual; procedure EnableStatistics(aValue: boolean); function GetPerfStatistics(var stats: TPerfCounters): boolean; property ChangeSeqNo: integer read FChangeSeqNo; property SQLParams: ISQLParams read GetSQLParams; property SQLStatementType: TIBSQLStatementTypes read GetSQLStatementType; end; implementation uses FBMessages; { TFBStatement } procedure TFBStatement.CheckTransaction(aTransaction: ITransaction); begin if (aTransaction = nil) then IBError(ibxeTransactionNotAssigned,[]); if not aTransaction.InTransaction then IBError(ibxeNotInTransaction,[]); end; constructor TFBStatement.Create(Attachment: IAttachment; Transaction: ITransaction; sql: string; SQLDialect: integer); begin inherited Create(Transaction as TFBTransaction,2); FAttachmentIntf := Attachment; FTransactionIntf := Transaction; FSQLDialect := SQLDialect; FSQL := sql; end; constructor TFBStatement.CreateWithParameterNames(Attachment: IAttachment; Transaction: ITransaction; sql: string; SQLDialect: integer; GenerateParamNames: boolean); begin FHasParamNames := true; FGenerateParamNames := GenerateParamNames; Create(Attachment,Transaction,sql,SQLDialect); end; destructor TFBStatement.Destroy; begin Close; FreeHandle; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TFBStatement.Close; begin InternalClose(false); end; procedure TFBStatement.TransactionEnding(aTransaction: ITransaction; Force: boolean); begin if FOpen and (FExecTransactionIntf = aTransaction) then InternalClose(Force); if FTransactionIntf = aTransaction then begin FreeHandle; FPrepared := false; end; end; function TFBStatement.GetRowsAffected(var SelectCount, InsertCount, UpdateCount, DeleteCount: integer): boolean; var RB: ISQLInfoResults; i, j: integer; begin InsertCount := 0; UpdateCount := 0; DeleteCount := 0; Result := FPrepared; if not Result then Exit; RB := GetDsqlInfo(isc_info_sql_records); for i := 0 to RB.Count - 1 do with RB[i] do case getItemType of isc_info_sql_records: for j := 0 to Count -1 do with Items[j] do case getItemType of isc_info_req_select_count: SelectCount := GetAsInteger; isc_info_req_insert_count: InsertCount := GetAsInteger; isc_info_req_update_count: UpdateCount := GetAsInteger; isc_info_req_delete_count: DeleteCount := GetAsInteger; end; end; end; function TFBStatement.GetSQLStatementType: TIBSQLStatementTypes; begin Result := FSQLStatementType; end; function TFBStatement.GetSQLText: string; begin Result := FSQL; end; function TFBStatement.GetSQLDialect: integer; begin Result := FSQLDialect; end; procedure TFBStatement.Prepare(aTransaction: ITransaction); begin if FPrepared then FreeHandle; if aTransaction <> nil then begin RemoveMonitor(FTransactionIntf as TFBTransaction); FTransactionIntf := aTransaction; AddMonitor(FTransactionIntf as TFBTransaction); end; InternalPrepare; end; function TFBStatement.Execute(aTransaction: ITransaction): IResults; begin if aTransaction = nil then Result := InternalExecute(FTransactionIntf) else Result := InternalExecute(aTransaction); end; function TFBStatement.OpenCursor(aTransaction: ITransaction): IResultSet; begin Close; if aTransaction = nil then Result := InternalOpenCursor(FTransactionIntf) else Result := InternalOpenCursor(aTransaction); end; function TFBStatement.CreateBlob(paramName: string): IBlob; var column: TColumnMetaData; begin InternalPrepare; column := SQLParams.ByName(paramName) as TSQLParam; if column = nil then IBError(ibxeFieldNotFound,[paramName]); Result := CreateBlob(column); end; function TFBStatement.CreateBlob(index: integer): IBlob; begin InternalPrepare; Result := CreateBlob(SQLParams[index] as TSQLParam); end; function TFBStatement.CreateArray(paramName: string): IArray; var column: TColumnMetaData; begin InternalPrepare; column := SQLParams.ByName(paramName) as TSQLParam; if column = nil then IBError(ibxeFieldNotFound,[paramName]); Result := CreateArray(column); end; function TFBStatement.CreateArray(index: integer): IArray; begin InternalPrepare; Result := CreateArray(SQLParams[index] as TSQLParam); end; function TFBStatement.GetAttachment: IAttachment; begin Result := FAttachmentIntf; end; function TFBStatement.GetTransaction: ITransaction; begin Result := FTransactionIntf end; function TFBStatement.GetDSQLInfo(Request: byte): ISQLInfoResults; begin Result := TSQLInfoResultsBuffer.Create; GetDsqlInfo(Request,Result); end; procedure TFBStatement.SetRetainInterfaces(aValue: boolean); begin RetainInterfaces := aValue; end; procedure TFBStatement.EnableStatistics(aValue: boolean); begin if FCollectStatistics <> aValue then begin FCollectStatistics := aValue; FStatisticsAvailable := false; end; end; function TFBStatement.GetPerfStatistics(var stats: TPerfCounters): boolean; begin Result := FStatisticsAvailable; if Result then begin stats[psCurrentMemory] := FAfterStats[psCurrentMemory]; stats[psDeltaMemory] := FAfterStats[psCurrentMemory] - FBeforeStats[psCurrentMemory]; stats[psMaxMemory] := FAfterStats[psMaxMemory]; stats[psRealTime] := FAfterStats[psRealTime] - FBeforeStats[psRealTime]; stats[psUserTime] := FAfterStats[psUserTime] - FBeforeStats[psUserTime]; stats[psReads] := FAfterStats[psReads] - FBeforeStats[psReads]; stats[psWrites] := FAfterStats[psWrites] - FBeforeStats[psWrites]; stats[psFetches] := FAfterStats[psFetches] - FBeforeStats[psFetches]; stats[psBuffers] := FAfterStats[psBuffers]; end; end; end.