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Revision: 308
Committed: Sat Jul 18 10:26:30 2020 UTC (3 years, 9 months ago) by tony
File size: 4075 byte(s)
Log Message:
Fixes Merged

File Contents

# Content
1 function TFBLibrary.LoadIBLibrary: boolean;
3 function TryLoadLibrary(LibraryPath: AnsiString; LibNames: TStrings): TLibHandle;
4 var i: integer;
5 begin
6 Result := NilHandle;
7 for i := 0 to LibNames.Count - 1 do
8 begin
9 Result := LoadLibrary(LibraryPath + LibNames[i]);
10 if Result <> NilHandle then
11 begin
12 FFBLibraryName := LibNames[i];
13 Exit;
14 end;
15 end;
16 end;
18 function FindLibrary(LibNameList: string): TLibHandle;
19 var LibNames: TStringList;
20 FirebirdDir: Ansistring;
21 begin
22 Result := NilHandle;
23 FirebirdDir := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(GetEnvironmentVariable('FIREBIRD'));
24 LibNames := TStringList.Create;
25 try
26 LibNames.Delimiter := ':';
27 LibNames.StrictDelimiter := true;
28 LibNames.DelimitedText := LibNameList; {Split list on semi-colon}
29 if FirebirdDir <> '' then
30 begin
31 Result := TryLoadLibrary(FirebirdDir,LibNames);
32 if Result = NilHandle then
33 Result := TryLoadLibrary(FirebirdDir + 'lib' + DirectorySeparator,LibNames);
34 end;
35 if Result = NilHandle then
36 Result := TryLoadLibrary('',LibNames);
37 finally
38 LibNames.Free;
39 end;
40 end;
42 var LibName: string;
43 begin
44 Result := FIBLibrary <> NilHandle;
45 if Result then Exit;
47 LibName := GetOverrideLibName;
48 if LibName = '' then
49 LibName := (FFirebirdAPI as TFBClientAPI).GetFirebirdLibList;
50 FIBLibrary := FindLibrary(LibName);
52 if FIBLibrary = NilHandle then
53 begin
54 {See
55 Try loading direct from Firebird Framework}
57 LibName := '/Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Firebird';
58 FIBLibrary := LoadLibrary(LibName);
59 if FIBLibrary = NilHandle then
60 begin
61 LibName := '/Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Libraries/libfbclient.dylib';
62 FIBLibrary := LoadLibrary(LibName);
63 end;
64 if FIBLibrary <> NilHandle then
65 FFBLibraryName := ExtractFileName(LibName);
66 end;
67 {$ENDIF}
68 Result := FIBLibrary <> NilHandle;
69 end;
71 {SetEnvironmentVariable doesn't exist so we have to use C Library}
72 function setenv(name:Pchar; value:Pchar; replace:integer):integer;cdecl;external clib name 'setenv';
73 function unsetenv(name:Pchar):integer;cdecl;external clib name 'unsetenv';
75 function SetEnvironmentVariable(name:PAnsiChar; value:PAnsiChar):boolean;
76 // Set environment variable; if empty string given, remove it.
77 begin
78 result:=false; //assume failure
79 if value = '' then
80 begin
81 // Assume user wants to remove variable.
82 if unsetenv(name)=0 then result:=true;
83 end
84 else
85 begin
86 // Non empty so set the variable
87 if setenv(name, value, 1)=0 then result:=true;
88 end;
89 end;
91 class procedure TFBLibrary.SetupEnvironment;
92 var TmpDir: AnsiString;
93 begin
94 if FEnvSetupDone then Exit;
95 TmpDir := GetTempDir +
96 DirectorySeparator + 'firebird_' + sysutils.GetEnvironmentVariable('USER');
97 if trim(sysutils.GetEnvironmentVariable('FIREBIRD_TMP')) = '' then
98 begin
99 if not DirectoryExists(tmpDir) then
100 mkdir(tmpDir);
101 SetEnvironmentVariable('FIREBIRD_TMP',PAnsiChar(TmpDir));
102 end;
103 if trim(sysutils.GetEnvironmentVariable('FIREBIRD_LOCK')) = '' then
104 begin
105 if not DirectoryExists(tmpDir) then
106 mkdir(tmpDir);
107 SetEnvironmentVariable('FIREBIRD_LOCK',PAnsiChar(TmpDir));
108 end;
109 FEnvSetupDone := true;
110 end;
112 {Type and function definition for dlinfo imported from dlfcn.h}
113 const
116 type
117 Tdlinfo = function (Lib : Pointer; Request: longint; info: pointer) : Longint; cdecl;
119 function TFBLibrary.GetLibraryFilePath: string;
120 var path: array [0..IBLocalBufferLength] of char; {hopefully this is big enough}
121 dlinfo: Tdlinfo;
122 begin
123 Result := GetLibraryName;
124 dlinfo := dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT,'dlinfo');
125 if assigned(dlinfo) then
126 begin
127 if dlinfo(Pointer(FIBLibrary),RTLD_DI_ORIGIN,@path) = -1 then
128 IBError(ibxeDLInfoError,[strpas(dlerror)]);
129 Result := strpas(@path) + DirectorySeparator + Result;
130 end;
132 end;