procedure TFBClientAPI.LoadIBLibrary; function IsValidHandle(aHandle: TLibHandle): boolean; begin Result := aHandle > HINSTANCE_ERROR; end; function DoLoadLibrary(LibName: string): TLibHandle; begin Result := LoadLibrary(PChar(LibName)); if IsValidHandle(Result) then begin FFBLibraryName := ExtractFileName(LibName); FFBLibraryPath := ExtractFileDir(LibName); end; end; function GetSpecialFolder(const CSIDL: integer) : string; {$IFDEF FPC} begin Result := GetWindowsSpecialDir(CSIDL); end; {$ELSE} var RecPath : PChar; begin RecPath := StrAlloc(MAX_PATH); try FillChar(RecPath^, MAX_PATH, 0); if SHGetSpecialFolderPath(0, RecPath, CSIDL, false) then result := RecPath else result := ''; finally StrDispose(RecPath); end; end; {$ENDIF} var curPath: string; procedure Add2Path(dirname: string); var newPath: string; begin newPath := dirname + ';' + curPath; SetEnvironmentVariable('PATH',PChar(newPath)); end; var InstallDir: string; dllPathName: string; oldFirebirdEV: string; begin if IsValidHandle(IBLibrary) then Exit; curPath := GetEnvironmentVariable('PATH'); {First try any user override} dllPathName := GetOverrideLibName; if dllPathName <> '' then begin IBLibrary := DoLoadLibrary(dllPathName); FOwnsIBLibrary := IsValidHandle(IBLibrary); Exit; end; {Then look in application installation directory} InstallDir := ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0)); {Using ParamStr(0) assumes windows conventions} //First look for Firebird Embedded Server in installation dir if FileExists(InstallDir + FIREBIRD_EMBEDDED) then begin dllPathName := InstallDir + FIREBIRD_EMBEDDED; IBLibrary := DoLoadLibrary(dllPathName) end else //Otherwise look for Firebird Client in installation dir if FileExists(InstallDir + FIREBIRD_CLIENT) then begin //assume firebird.conf and firebird.msg in same dir oldFirebirdEV := GetEnvironmentVariable('FIREBIRD'); SetEnvironmentVariable('FIREBIRD',PChar(InstallDir)); dllPathName := InstallDir + FIREBIRD_CLIENT; try IBLibrary := DoLoadLibrary(dllPathName) finally if not IsValidHandle(IBLibrary) then SetEnvironmentVariable('FIREBIRD',PChar(oldFirebirdEV)); {restore} end; end; // writeln('Dir = ',InstallDir); {If FIREBIRD environment variable available then try this} if not IsValidHandle(IBLibrary) then begin InstallDir := GetEnvironmentVariable('FIREBIRD'); if (length(InstallDir) > 0) and (InstallDir[length(InstallDir)] <> DirectorySeparator) then InstallDir := InstallDir + DirectorySeparator; if (InstallDir <> '') and FileExists(InstallDir + FIREBIRD_CLIENT) then begin //assume firebird.conf and firebird.msg in same dir dllPathName := InstallDir + FIREBIRD_CLIENT; Add2Path(InstallDir); IBLibrary := DoLoadLibrary(dllPathName) end else if (InstallDir <> '') then begin InstallDir := InstallDir + 'bin' + DirectorySeparator; if FileExists(InstallDir + FIREBIRD_CLIENT) then begin dllPathName := InstallDir + FIREBIRD_CLIENT; Add2Path(InstallDir); IBLibrary := DoLoadLibrary(dllPathName) end end end; if not IsValidHandle(IBLibrary) then {Use Registry key if it exists to locate library Firebird 2 only} begin with TRegistry.Create do try RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if OpenKey('SOFTWARE\Firebird Project\Firebird Server\Instances',false) then begin if ValueExists('DefaultInstance') then begin InstallDir := ReadString('DefaultInstance') + 'bin' + DirectorySeparator ; dllPathName := InstallDir + FIREBIRD_CLIENT; Add2Path(InstallDir); IBLibrary := DoLoadLibrary(dllPathName) end end finally Free end; {Now try default install dir} if not IsValidHandle(IBLibrary) then begin InstallDir := GetSpecialFolder(CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES) + 'Firebird' + DirectorySeparator + 'Firebird_3_0' + DirectorySeparator; dllPathName := InstallDir + FIREBIRD_CLIENT; Add2Path(InstallDir); IBLibrary := DoLoadLibrary(dllPathName) end; if not IsValidHandle(IBLibrary) then begin InstallDir := GetSpecialFolder(CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES) + 'Firebird' + DirectorySeparator + 'Firebird_2_5' + DirectorySeparator + 'bin' + DirectorySeparator; dllPathName := InstallDir + FIREBIRD_CLIENT; Add2Path(InstallDir); IBLibrary := DoLoadLibrary(dllPathName) end; if not IsValidHandle(IBLibrary) then begin InstallDir := GetSpecialFolder(CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES) + 'Firebird' + DirectorySeparator + 'Firebird_2_1' + DirectorySeparator + 'bin' + DirectorySeparator; dllPathName := InstallDir + FIREBIRD_CLIENT; Add2Path(InstallDir); IBLibrary := DoLoadLibrary(dllPathName) end; //Otherwise see if Firebird client is in path //and rely on registry for location of firebird.conf and firebird.msg if not IsValidHandle(IBLibrary) then begin SetEnvironmentVariable('PATH',PChar(curPath)); IBLibrary := DoLoadLibrary(FIREBIRD_CLIENT); if IBLibrary <= HINSTANCE_ERROR then //well maybe InterBase is present... IBLibrary := DoLoadLibrary(IBASE_DLL); end; end; FOwnsIBLibrary := IsValidHandle(IBLibrary); end;