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File Last Change
Test6.pas 111 (6 years ago) by tony: Fixes Merged
Test9.pas 143 (6 years ago) by tony: Fixes Merged
testsuite.dpr 143 (6 years ago) by tony: Fixes Merged
Test10.pas 224 (6 years ago) by tony: Fixes Merged
Test4.pas 270 (5 years ago) by tony: Fixes merged
test2.pas 287 (5 years ago) by tony: Fixes Merged 308 (3 years ago) by tony: Fixes Merged
Test16.pas 308 (3 years ago) by tony: Fixes Merged
Test14.pas 308 (3 years ago) by tony: Fixes Merged
Test11.pas 308 (3 years ago) by tony: Fixes Merged
Test1.pas 308 (3 years ago) by tony: Fixes Merged
rundelphitest.bat 308 (3 years ago) by tony: Fixes Merged
runtest.bat 308 (3 years ago) by tony: Fixes Merged
Test12.pas 309 (3 years ago) by tony: Fixes Merged
TestManager.pas 309 (3 years ago) by tony: Fixes Merged
testsuite.lpi 309 (3 years ago) by tony: Fixes Merged
testsuite.dproj 311 (3 years ago) by tony: Fixes merged
Makefile.fpc 45 (7 years ago) by tony: Committing updates for Release R2-0-0
testimage.jpg 45 (7 years ago) by tony: Committing updates for Release R2-0-0
testtext.txt 45 (7 years ago) by tony: Committing updates for Release R2-0-0
testsuite.res 56 (7 years ago) by tony: Committing updates for Trunk
Test15.pas 56 (7 years ago) by tony: Committing updates for Trunk
Test13.pas 56 (7 years ago) by tony: Committing updates for Trunk
Test5.pas 56 (7 years ago) by tony: Committing updates for Trunk
Test7.pas 56 (7 years ago) by tony: Committing updates for Trunk
Test8.pas 56 (7 years ago) by tony: Committing updates for Trunk
testsuite.lpr 68 (6 years ago) by tony: IBX: Editor Positioning tidy up FBINTF: Trap uninitialised SQL parameters on SQL Exec. Avoids Unknown SQL Type errors. Consistent setting of Modified (SQLParam).
Test3.pas 70 (6 years ago) by tony: FBAttachment: Avoid string reference count error when processing an Ansistring parameter in an array of const passed to IAttachment.OpenCursor, etc. FBAttachment: Allow for WideString and UnicodeString parameters in an array of const passed to IAttachment.OpenCursor, etc.
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