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Comparing ibx/trunk/fbintf/testsuite/FB3reference.log (file contents):
Revision 345 by tony, Mon Aug 23 14:22:29 2021 UTC vs.
Revision 349 by tony, Mon Oct 18 08:39:40 2021 UTC

# Line 734 | Line 734 | DEPT_NO = 600
734   JOB_CODE = Eng
735   JOB_GRADE = 4
736   JOB_COUNTRY = England
737 < SALARY = 40,000.59
737 > SALARY = 40,000.58
738   FULL_NAME = Major, Major
740   Now Delete the rows
# Line 3139 | Line 3139 | Invalid Param SQL Type Test
3139   Error Handled: Field "EMP_NO" not found
3140   Case sensitive Param SQL  Test
3141   Error Handled: Field "EMP_NO" not found
3142 + Stale Reference Check
3143 + First test correct usage
3144 + COUNTER = 42
3145 +
3146 + New Transaction before param set
3147 + Error Handled: This interface is no longer up-to-date
3148 + New Transaction before Open Cursor
3149 + Error Handled: This interface is no longer up-to-date
3150 + Stop Stale Reference Checks
3151 + New Transaction before param set
3152 + COUNTER = 42
3153 +
3154 + New Transaction before Open Cursor
3155 + COUNTER = 42
3156 +
3157   Invalid Server Name Test
3158   Error Handled: Unable to complete network request to host "unknown".
3159   -Failed to locate host machine.
# Line 3252 | Line 3267 | Skipping test for Firebird 4 and later
3269   ------------------------------------------------------
3270 + Running Test 21: Exercise setting and getting of numeric data types
3271 + SQL Params
3272 + SQLType =SQL_LONG
3273 + sub type = 0
3274 + Field Name =
3275 + Scale = 0
3276 + Charset id = 0
3277 + Not Null
3278 + Size = 4
3279 + Value = 0
3280 +
3281 + SQLType =SQL_LONG
3282 + sub type = 0
3283 + Field Name =
3284 + Scale = 0
3285 + Charset id = 0
3286 + Nullable
3287 + Size = 4
3288 +
3289 + SQLType =SQL_INT64
3290 + sub type = 0
3291 + Field Name =
3292 + Scale = 0
3293 + Charset id = 0
3294 + Nullable
3295 + Size = 8
3296 +
3297 + SQLType =SQL_INT64
3298 + sub type = 0
3299 + Field Name =
3300 + Scale = -4
3301 + Charset id = 0
3302 + Nullable
3303 + Size = 8
3304 +
3305 + SQLType =SQL_DOUBLE
3306 + sub type = 0
3307 + Field Name =
3308 + Scale = 0
3309 + Charset id = 0
3310 + Nullable
3311 + Size = 8
3312 +
3313 + SQLType =SQL_INT64
3314 + sub type = 0
3315 + Field Name =
3316 + Scale = -6
3317 + Charset id = 0
3318 + Nullable
3319 + Size = 8
3320 +
3321 + ROWID = 1
3322 + ITYPE = 101
3323 + I64TYPE = 9223372036854775807
3324 + CURRTYPE = 10,000.12340000
3325 + DTYPE = 9,999.12345678
3326 + FIXEDPOINT = 1,234,567,890.12345600
3327 + ROWID = 2
3328 + ITYPE = -32457
3329 + I64TYPE = -9223372036854775808
3330 + CURRTYPE = 1,000,001.12000000
3331 + DTYPE = 1.7E308
3332 + FIXEDPOINT = -1,234,567,890.12345600
3333 + ROWID = 3
3334 + ITYPE = 0
3335 + I64TYPE = 0
3336 + CURRTYPE = .00000000
3337 + DTYPE = .00000000
3338 + FIXEDPOINT = .00000000
3339 +
3340 +
3341 +
3342 + ------------------------------------------------------
3343   Test Suite Ends

Diff Legend

Removed lines
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> Changed lines