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Comparing ibx/trunk/fbintf/testsuite/FB3reference.log (file contents):
Revision 350 by tony, Wed Oct 20 14:58:56 2021 UTC vs.
Revision 353 by tony, Sat Oct 23 14:11:37 2021 UTC

# Line 76 | Line 76 | Dropping Database
77   ------------------------------------------------------
78   Running Test 2: Open the employee database and run a query
79 + Open Database fails Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator to set up a Firebird login
80   Opening inet://localhost/employee
81   Database Open, SQL Dialect = 3
82   TPB: Item Count = 3
# Line 534 | Line 535 | SALARY = 64,635.00
535   FULL_NAME = Johnson, Leslie
537   Scollable Cursors
538 + DB Connect String = employee
539 + DB Charset ID = 4
540 + DB SQL Dialect = 3
541 + DB Remote Protocol =
542 + DB ODS Major Version = 12
543 + DB ODS Minor Version = 0
544 + User Authentication Method = User name in DPB
545 + Firebird Library Path = /opt/firebird3.0.5/lib/
546 + DB Client Implementation Version = 3.0
547   Do Fetch Next:
548   EMP_NO = 2
549   FIRST_NAME = Robert
# Line 648 | Line 658 | FULL_NAME = Johnson, Leslie
658   Current memory = 19,694,032
659   Delta memory = 4,480
660   Max memory = 19,755,888
661 < Elapsed time= 0.001 sec
661 > Elapsed time= 0.002 sec
662   Cpu = 0.000 sec
663   Buffers = 2048
664   Reads = 0
# Line 2686 | Line 2696 | MYARRAY = Array: (0: 100) (1: 99) (2: 98
2697   MYARRAY2 = Array: (0: 01/5/2020 12:00:00) (1: 01/5/2020 12:01:00) (2: 01/5/2020 12:02:00) (3: 01/5/2020 12:03:00) (4: 01/5/2020 12:04:00) (5: 01/5/2020 12:05:00) (6: 01/5/2020 12:06:00) (7: 01/5/2020 12:07:00) (8: 01/5/2020 12:08:00) (9: 01/5/2020 12:09:00) (10: 01/5/2020 12:10:00) (11: 01/5/2020 12:11:00) (12: 01/5/2020 12:12:00) (13: 01/5/2020 12:13:00) (14: 01/5/2020 12:14:00) (15: 01/5/2020 12:15:00) (16: 01/5/2020 12:16:00)
2699 < MYARRAY3 = Array: (0: 0) (1: 1.04) (2: 2.09) (3: 3.15) (4: 4.19) (5: 5.25) (6: 6.3) (7: 7.34) (8: 8.39) (9: 9.44) (10: 10.5) (11: 11.55) (12: 12.6) (13: 13.64) (14: 14.69) (15: 15.75) (16: 16.79)
2699 > MYARRAY3 = Array: (0: 0) (1: 1.04) (2: 2.09) (3: 3.15) (4: 4.19) (5: 5.25) (6: 6.3) (7: 7.34) (8: 8.39) (9: 9.44) (10: 10.5) (11: 11.55) (12: 12.6) (13: 13.64) (14: 0.42) (15: 42.45) (16: 4269)
2702   Shrink to 2:10
# Line 2702 | Line 2712 | MYARRAY = Array: (0: 100) (1: 99) (2: 10
2713   MYARRAY2 = Array: (0: 01/5/2020 12:00:00) (1: 01/5/2020 12:01:00) (2: 01/5/2020 12:02:00) (3: 01/5/2020 12:03:00) (4: 01/5/2020 12:04:00) (5: 01/5/2020 12:05:00) (6: 01/5/2020 12:06:00) (7: 01/5/2020 12:07:00) (8: 01/5/2020 12:08:00) (9: 01/5/2020 12:09:00) (10: 01/5/2020 12:10:00) (11: 01/5/2020 12:11:00) (12: 01/5/2020 12:12:00) (13: 01/5/2020 12:13:00) (14: 01/5/2020 12:14:00) (15: 01/5/2020 12:15:00) (16: 01/5/2020 12:16:00)
2715 < MYARRAY3 = Array: (0: 0) (1: 1.04) (2: 2.09) (3: 3.15) (4: 4.19) (5: 5.25) (6: 6.3) (7: 7.34) (8: 8.39) (9: 9.44) (10: 10.5) (11: 11.55) (12: 12.6) (13: 13.64) (14: 14.69) (15: 15.75) (16: 16.79)
2715 > MYARRAY3 = Array: (0: 0) (1: 1.04) (2: 2.09) (3: 3.15) (4: 4.19) (5: 5.25) (6: 6.3) (7: 7.34) (8: 8.39) (9: 9.44) (10: 10.5) (11: 11.55) (12: 12.6) (13: 13.64) (14: 0.42) (15: 42.45) (16: 4269)
# Line 2918 | Line 2928 | Local Backup
2931 +
2932   Local Backup Complete
2934   Local Restore
# Line 3423 | Line 3434 | ROWID = 4
3434   ITYPE = 1
3435   I64TYPE = 10
3436   CURRTYPE = .02300000
3437 < DTYPE = .00000000
3437 > DTYPE = .00110000
3438   FIXEDPOINT = 233.45600000

Diff Legend

Removed lines
+ Added lines
< Changed lines
> Changed lines