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Comparing ibx/trunk/fbintf/testsuite/FB4reference.log (file contents):
Revision 347 by tony, Mon Sep 20 22:08:20 2021 UTC vs.
Revision 349 by tony, Mon Oct 18 08:39:40 2021 UTC

# Line 572 | Line 572 | FULL_NAME = Johnson, Leslie
572   Current memory = 19,767,232
573   Delta memory = 4,464
574   Max memory = 19,813,104
575 < Elapsed time= 0.002 sec
576 < Cpu = 0.010 sec
575 > Elapsed time= 0.001 sec
576 > Cpu = 0.000 sec
577   Buffers = 2048
578   Reads = 0
579   Writes = 0
# Line 735 | Line 735 | DEPT_NO = 600
735   JOB_CODE = Eng
736   JOB_GRADE = 4
737   JOB_COUNTRY = England
738 < SALARY = 40,000.59
738 > SALARY = 40,000.58
739   FULL_NAME = Major, Major
741   Now Delete the rows
# Line 4483 | Line 4483 | Test Completed Successfully
4485   ------------------------------------------------------
4486 + Running Test 21: Exercise setting and getting of numeric data types
4487 + SQL Params
4488 + SQLType =SQL_LONG
4489 + sub type = 0
4490 + Field Name =
4491 + Scale = 0
4492 + Charset id = 0
4493 + Not Null
4494 + Size = 4
4495 + Value = 0
4496 +
4497 + SQLType =SQL_LONG
4498 + sub type = 0
4499 + Field Name =
4500 + Scale = 0
4501 + Charset id = 0
4502 + Nullable
4503 + Size = 4
4504 +
4505 + SQLType =SQL_INT64
4506 + sub type = 0
4507 + Field Name =
4508 + Scale = 0
4509 + Charset id = 0
4510 + Nullable
4511 + Size = 8
4512 +
4513 + SQLType =SQL_INT64
4514 + sub type = 0
4515 + Field Name =
4516 + Scale = -4
4517 + Charset id = 0
4518 + Nullable
4519 + Size = 8
4520 +
4521 + SQLType =SQL_DOUBLE
4522 + sub type = 0
4523 + Field Name =
4524 + Scale = 0
4525 + Charset id = 0
4526 + Nullable
4527 + Size = 8
4528 +
4529 + SQLType =SQL_INT64
4530 + sub type = 0
4531 + Field Name =
4532 + Scale = -6
4533 + Charset id = 0
4534 + Nullable
4535 + Size = 8
4536 +
4537 + ROWID = 1
4538 + ITYPE = 101
4539 + I64TYPE = 9223372036854775807
4540 + CURRTYPE = 10,000.12340000
4541 + DTYPE = 9,999.12345678
4542 + FIXEDPOINT = 1,234,567,890.12345600
4543 + ROWID = 2
4544 + ITYPE = -32457
4545 + I64TYPE = -9223372036854775808
4546 + CURRTYPE = 1,000,001.12000000
4547 + DTYPE = 1.7E308
4548 + FIXEDPOINT = -1,234,567,890.12345600
4549 + ROWID = 3
4550 + ITYPE = 0
4551 + I64TYPE = 0
4552 + CURRTYPE = .00000000
4553 + DTYPE = .00000000
4554 + FIXEDPOINT = .00000000
4555 +
4556 +
4557 +
4558 + ------------------------------------------------------
4559   Test Suite Ends

Diff Legend

Removed lines
+ Added lines
< Changed lines
> Changed lines