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Revision: 353
Committed: Sat Oct 23 14:11:37 2021 UTC (2 years, 6 months ago) by tony
Content type: text/x-pascal
File size: 6419 byte(s)
Log Message:
Fixes Merged

File Contents

# Content
1 (*
2 * Firebird Interface (fbintf) Test suite. This program is used to
3 * test the Firebird Pascal Interface and provide a semi-automated
4 * pass/fail check for each test.
5 *
6 * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's
7 * Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
8 * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
9 * of the License here:
10 *
11 *
12 *
13 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
14 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
15 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights
16 * and limitations under the License.
17 *
18 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman.
19 *
20 * The Original Code is (C) 2016 Tony Whyman, MWA Software
21 * (
22 *
23 * All Rights Reserved.
24 *
25 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
26 *
27 *)
29 unit Test2;
32 {$ENDIF}
35 {$mode delphi}
36 {$codepage utf8}
37 {$ENDIF}
39 {Test 2: Open the employee database and run a query}
41 { This test opens the employee example databases with the supplied user name/password
42 and runs a simple query with no parameters. Note that the password parameter
43 is first supplied empty and then updated.
45 Both the output metadata and the query plan are printed out, followed by the results of the query.
47 A specific employee record is then queried, first using a positional parameter
48 and then a parameter by name. In each case, the SQL Parameter metadata is also
49 printed followed by the query results.
51 Finally, the database is explicitly disconnected.
52 }
54 interface
56 uses
57 Classes, SysUtils, TestApplication, FBTestApp, IB;
59 type
61 { TTest2 }
63 TTest2 = class(TFBTestBase)
64 private
65 procedure DoQuery(Attachment: IAttachment);
66 procedure DoScrollableQuery(Attachment: IAttachment);
67 public
68 function TestTitle: AnsiString; override;
69 procedure RunTest(CharSet: AnsiString; SQLDialect: integer); override;
70 end;
73 implementation
75 { TTest2 }
77 procedure TTest2.DoQuery(Attachment: IAttachment);
78 var Transaction: ITransaction;
79 Statement: IStatement;
80 begin
81 Transaction := Attachment.StartTransaction([isc_tpb_read,isc_tpb_nowait,isc_tpb_concurrency],taCommit);
82 PrintTPB(Transaction.getTPB);
83 Statement := Attachment.Prepare(Transaction,
84 '-- SQL style inline comment' + LineEnding +
85 '/* this is a comment */ '+
86 'Select First 3 * from EMPLOYEE'
87 ,3);
88 PrintMetaData(Statement.GetMetaData);
89 writeln(OutFile,'Plan = ' ,Statement.GetPlan);
90 writeln(OutFile,Statement.GetSQLText);
91 writeln(OutFile);
92 ReportResults(Statement);
93 Statement := Attachment.Prepare(Transaction,'Select * from EMPLOYEE Where EMP_NO = ?',3);
94 writeln(OutFile,Statement.GetSQLText);
95 ParamInfo(Statement.SQLParams);
96 Statement.GetSQLParams[0].AsInteger := 8;
97 ReportResults(Statement);
98 writeln(OutFile,'With param names');
99 Statement := Attachment.PrepareWithNamedParameters(Transaction,
100 'Select * from EMPLOYEE Where EMP_NO = :EMP_NO',3,false,false,'Test Cursor');
101 Statement.SetRetainInterfaces(true);
102 try
103 writeln(OutFile,Statement.GetSQLText);
104 ParamInfo(Statement.SQLParams);
105 Statement.GetSQLParams.ByName('EMP_NO').AsInteger := 8;
106 ReportResults(Statement,true);
107 finally
108 Statement.SetRetainInterfaces(false);
109 end;
110 end;
112 procedure TTest2.DoScrollableQuery(Attachment: IAttachment);
113 var Transaction: ITransaction;
114 Statement: IStatement;
115 Results: IResultSet;
116 begin
117 writeln(Outfile,'Scollable Cursors');
118 WriteAttachmentInfo(Attachment);
119 Transaction := Attachment.StartTransaction([isc_tpb_read,isc_tpb_nowait,isc_tpb_concurrency],taCommit);
120 Statement := Attachment.Prepare(Transaction,'Select * from EMPLOYEE order by EMP_NO',3);
121 Results := Statement.OpenCursor(true);
122 writeln(Outfile,'Do Fetch Next:');
123 if Results.FetchNext then
124 ReportResult(Results);
125 writeln(Outfile,'Do Fetch Last:');
126 if Results.FetchLast then
127 ReportResult(Results);
128 writeln(Outfile,'Do Fetch Prior:');
129 if Results.FetchPrior then
130 ReportResult(Results);
131 writeln(Outfile,'Do Fetch First:');
132 if Results.FetchFirst then
133 ReportResult(Results);
134 writeln(Outfile,'Do Fetch Abs 8 :');
135 if Results.FetchAbsolute(8) then
136 ReportResult(Results);
137 writeln(Outfile,'Do Fetch Relative -2 :');
138 if Results.FetchRelative(-2) then
139 ReportResult(Results);
140 writeln(Outfile,'Do Fetch beyond EOF :');
141 if Results.FetchAbsolute(150) then
142 ReportResult(Results)
143 else
144 writeln(Outfile,'Fetch returned false');
145 end;
147 function TTest2.TestTitle: AnsiString;
148 begin
149 Result := 'Test 2: Open the employee database and run a query';
150 end;
152 procedure TTest2.RunTest(CharSet: AnsiString; SQLDialect: integer);
153 var Attachment: IAttachment;
154 DPB: IDPB;
155 begin
156 DPB := FirebirdAPI.AllocateDPB;
157 DPB.Add(isc_dpb_user_name).setAsString(Owner.GetUserName);
158 DPB.Add(isc_dpb_password).setAsString(' ');
159 DPB.Add(isc_dpb_lc_ctype).setAsString(CharSet);
160 DPB.Add(isc_dpb_set_db_SQL_dialect).setAsByte(SQLDialect);
161 try
162 Attachment := FirebirdAPI.OpenDatabase(Owner.GetEmployeeDatabaseName,DPB);
163 except on e: Exception do
164 writeln(OutFile,'Open Database fails ',E.Message);
165 end;
166 DPB.Find(isc_dpb_password).setAsString(Owner.GetPassword);
167 writeln(OutFile,'Opening ',Owner.GetEmployeeDatabaseName);
168 Attachment := FirebirdAPI.OpenDatabase(Owner.GetEmployeeDatabaseName,DPB);
169 writeln(OutFile,'Database Open, SQL Dialect = ',Attachment.GetSQLDialect);
170 DoQuery(Attachment);
171 Attachment.Disconnect;
172 writeln(OutFile,'Now open the employee database as a local database');
173 DPB := FirebirdAPI.AllocateDPB;
174 DPB.Add(isc_dpb_lc_ctype).setAsString(CharSet);
175 DPB.Add(isc_dpb_set_db_SQL_dialect).setAsByte(SQLDialect);
176 DPB.Add(isc_dpb_user_name).setAsString(Owner.GetUserName);
177 if FirebirdAPI.GetClientMajor < 3 then
178 DPB.Add(isc_dpb_password).setAsString(Owner.GetPassword);
179 try
180 Attachment := FirebirdAPI.OpenDatabase(ExtractDBName(Owner.GetEmployeeDatabaseName),DPB);
181 except on e: Exception do
182 writeln(OutFile,'Open Local Database fails ',E.Message);
183 end;
184 DoQuery(Attachment);
185 if Attachment.HasScollableCursors then
186 DoScrollableQuery(Attachment);
187 Attachment.Disconnect;
188 end;
190 initialization
191 RegisterTest(TTest2);
193 end.