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Revision: 41
Committed: Sat Jul 16 12:25:48 2016 UTC (8 years, 2 months ago) by tony
Content type: text/x-pascal
File size: 17098 byte(s)
Log Message:
Committing updates for Release R1-4-2

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 tony 21 (*
2     * IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express)
3     *
4     * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's
5     * Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
6     * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
7     * of the License here:
8     *
9     *
10     *
11     * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
12     * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
13     * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights
14     * and limitations under the License.
15     *
16     * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman.
17     *
18 tony 23 * The Original Code is (C) 2015 Tony Whyman, MWA Software
19 tony 21 * (
20     *
21     * All Rights Reserved.
22     *
23     * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
24     *
25     *)
26     unit IBLookupComboEditBox;
28     {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
30     interface
32     uses
33     Classes, SysUtils, LResources, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, DbCtrls,
34 tony 41 ExtCtrls, IBSQLParser, DB, StdCtrls, IBCustomDataSet, LCLVersion;
35 tony 21
36     type
38     {TIBLookupComboEditBox is a TDBLookupComboBox descendent that implements "autocomplete"
39     of typed in text and "autoinsert" of new entries. Autocomplete uses SQL manipulation
40     to revise the available list and restrict it to items that are prefixed by the
41     typed text (either case sensitive or case insenstive). Autoinsert allows a
42     newly typed entry to be added to the list dataset and included in the available
43     list items. }
45     TAutoInsert = procedure(Sender: TObject; aText: string; var NewKeyValue: variant) of object;
46     TCanAutoInsert = procedure (Sender: TObject; aText: string; var Accept: boolean) of object;
48     TIBLookupComboEditBox = class;
50     { TIBLookupComboDataLink }
52     TIBLookupComboDataLink = class(TDataLink)
53     private
54     FOwner: TIBLookupComboEditBox;
55     protected
56     procedure ActiveChanged; override;
57     procedure RecordChanged(Field: TField); override;
58     procedure UpdateData; override;
59     public
60     constructor Create(AOwner: TIBLookupComboEditBox);
61     end;
63 tony 27 { TIBLookupControlLink }
64 tony 21
65 tony 27 TIBLookupControlLink = class(TIBControlLink)
66     private
67     FOwner: TIBLookupComboEditBox;
68     protected
69     procedure UpdateSQL(Sender: TObject); override;
70     public
71     constructor Create(AOwner: TIBLookupComboEditBox);
72     end;
75 tony 21 { TIBLookupComboEditBox }
77     TIBLookupComboEditBox = class(TDBLookupComboBox)
78     private
79     FCanAutoInsert: TCanAutoInsert;
80     { Private declarations }
81     FDataLink: TIBLookupComboDataLink;
82 tony 27 FIBLookupControlLink: TIBLookupControlLink;
83 tony 21 FAutoComplete: boolean;
84     FAutoInsert: boolean;
85     FKeyPressInterval: integer;
86     FOnCanAutoInsert: TCanAutoInsert;
87     FRelationName: string;
88     FTimer: TTimer;
89     FFiltered: boolean;
90     FOnAutoInsert: TAutoInsert;
91     FOriginalTextValue: string;
92     FUpdating: boolean;
93     FInserting: boolean;
94     FExiting: boolean;
95 tony 35 FForceAutoComplete: boolean;
96     FInCheckAndInsert: boolean;
97 tony 21 FLastKeyValue: variant;
98     procedure DoActiveChanged(Data: PtrInt);
99     function GetAutoCompleteText: TComboBoxAutoCompleteText;
100     function GetListSource: TDataSource;
101     function GetRelationNameQualifier: string;
102     procedure HandleTimer(Sender: TObject);
103 tony 27 procedure IBControlLinkChanged;
104 tony 21 procedure ResetParser;
105     procedure RecordChanged(Sender: TObject; aField: TField);
106     procedure SetAutoCompleteText(AValue: TComboBoxAutoCompleteText);
107     procedure SetListSource(AValue: TDataSource);
108     procedure UpdateList;
109     procedure UpdateSQL(Sender: TObject; Parser: TSelectSQLParser);
110     procedure HandleEnter(Data: PtrInt);
111     procedure UpdateLinkData(Sender: TObject);
112     protected
113     { Protected declarations }
114     procedure ActiveChanged(Sender: TObject);
115     procedure CheckAndInsert;
116     procedure DoEnter; override;
117     procedure DoExit; override;
118     procedure KeyUp(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
119 tony 29 procedure Loaded; override;
120 tony 27 procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override;
121 tony 21 procedure SetItemIndex(const Val: integer); override;
122 tony 27 function SQLSafe(aText: string): string;
123 tony 21 procedure UpdateShowing; override;
124 tony 27
125 tony 21 public
126     { Public declarations }
127     constructor Create(TheComponent: TComponent); override;
128     destructor Destroy; override;
129     procedure EditingDone; override;
130     published
131     { Published declarations }
132     property AutoInsert: boolean read FAutoInsert write FAutoInsert;
133     property AutoComplete: boolean read FAutoComplete write FAutoComplete default true;
134     property AutoCompleteText: TComboBoxAutoCompleteText read GetAutoCompleteText
135     write SetAutoCompleteText;
136     property ItemHeight;
137     property ItemWidth;
138     property ListSource: TDataSource read GetListSource write SetListSource;
139 tony 27 property KeyPressInterval: integer read FKeyPressInterval write FKeyPressInterval default 200;
140 tony 21 property RelationName: string read FRelationName write FRelationName;
141     property OnAutoInsert: TAutoInsert read FOnAutoInsert write FOnAutoInsert;
142     property OnCanAutoInsert: TCanAutoInsert read FOnCanAutoInsert write FOnCanAutoInsert;
143     end;
146     implementation
148 tony 41 uses IBQuery, LCLType, Variants, LCLProc, LazUTF8;
149 tony 21
150 tony 27 { TIBLookupControlLink }
151 tony 21
152 tony 27 constructor TIBLookupControlLink.Create(AOwner: TIBLookupComboEditBox);
153 tony 21 begin
154 tony 27 inherited Create;
155     FOwner := AOwner;
156 tony 21 end;
158 tony 27 procedure TIBLookupControlLink.UpdateSQL(Sender: TObject);
159 tony 21 begin
160 tony 27 FOwner.UpdateSQL(self,TIBParserDataSet(Sender).Parser)
161     end;
162 tony 21
163 tony 27 { TIBLookupComboDataLink }
165     procedure TIBLookupComboDataLink.ActiveChanged;
166     begin
167     FOwner.ActiveChanged(self)
168 tony 21 end;
170     procedure TIBLookupComboDataLink.RecordChanged(Field: TField);
171     begin
172     FOwner.RecordChanged(self,Field);
173     end;
175     procedure TIBLookupComboDataLink.UpdateData;
176     begin
177     FOwner.UpdateLinkData(self)
178     end;
180     constructor TIBLookupComboDataLink.Create(AOwner: TIBLookupComboEditBox);
181     begin
182     inherited Create;
183     FOwner := AOwner
184     end;
186     { TIBLookupComboEditBox }
188     procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.HandleTimer(Sender: TObject);
189     var ActiveState: boolean;
190     begin
191     FTimer.Interval := 0;
192     FFiltered := Text <> '';
193     UpdateList
194     end;
196 tony 27 procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.IBControlLinkChanged;
197     begin
198     if (ListSource <> nil) and (ListSource.DataSet <> nil) and (ListSource.DataSet is TIBParserDataSet) then
199     FIBLookupControlLink.IBDataSet := TIBCustomDataSet(ListSource.DataSet)
200     else
201     FIBLookupControlLink.IBDataSet := nil;
202     end;
204 tony 21 function TIBLookupComboEditBox.GetListSource: TDataSource;
205     begin
206     Result := inherited ListSource;
207     end;
209     function TIBLookupComboEditBox.GetRelationNameQualifier: string;
210     begin
211     if FRelationName <> '' then
212     Result := FRelationName + '.'
213     else
214     Result := ''
215     end;
217     procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.ActiveChanged(Sender: TObject);
218     begin
219     if not FInserting and not FUpdating then
220     Application.QueueAsyncCall(@DoActiveChanged,0);
221 tony 27 IBControlLinkChanged;
222 tony 21 end;
224     procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.DoActiveChanged(Data: PtrInt);
225     begin
226     if AppDestroying in Application.Flags then Exit;
228     if (DataSource = nil) and assigned(ListSource) and assigned(ListSource.DataSet)
229     and ListSource.DataSet.Active then
230     begin
231     begin
232     if varIsNull(FLastKeyValue) and (ItemIndex = -1) then
233     KeyValue := ListSource.DataSet.FieldByName(KeyField).AsVariant
234     else
235     begin
236     KeyValue := FLastKeyValue;
237     UpdateData(self); {Force auto scroll}
238     if varIsNull(KeyValue) then {Value not present}
239     Text := ListSource.DataSet.FieldByName(ListField).AsString
240     end;
241     end;
242     end
243     else
244     if (DataSource <> nil) and assigned(DataSource.DataSet) and
245     (DataSource.DataSet.Active) and (DataField <> '') then
246     begin
247     ResetParser;
248     KeyValue := Field.AsVariant;
249     end
250     else
251     Text := '';
252     FOriginalTextValue := Text;
253     end;
255     function TIBLookupComboEditBox.GetAutoCompleteText: TComboBoxAutoCompleteText;
256     begin
257     Result := inherited AutoCompleteText;
258     if AutoComplete then
259     Result := Result + [cbactEnabled]
260     end;
262     procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.ResetParser;
263 tony 27 var curKeyValue: variant;
264 tony 21 begin
265     if FFiltered then
266     begin
267     FFiltered := false;
268 tony 27 curKeyValue := KeyValue;
269     Text := ''; {Ensure full list}
270 tony 21 UpdateList;
271 tony 27 KeyValue := curKeyValue;
272 tony 21 UpdateData(self); {Force Scroll}
273     end;
274     end;
276     procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.RecordChanged(Sender: TObject; aField: TField);
277     begin
278     {Make sure that we are in sync with other data controls}
279     if DataSource = nil then
280     begin
281     KeyValue := ListSource.DataSet.FieldByName(KeyField).AsVariant;
282     if VarIsNull(KeyValue) then {Probable deletion}
283     begin
284     UpdateList;
285     KeyValue := ListSource.DataSet.FieldByName(KeyField).AsVariant;
286     end;
287     end;
288     end;
290     procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.SetAutoCompleteText(
291     AValue: TComboBoxAutoCompleteText);
292     begin
293     if AValue <> AutoCompleteText then
294     begin
295     FAutoComplete := cbactEnabled in AValue;
296     inherited AutoCompleteText := AValue - [cbactEnabled]
297     end;
298     end;
300     procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.SetListSource(AValue: TDataSource);
301     begin
302     if AValue <> inherited ListSource then
303     begin
304     FDataLink.DataSource := AValue;
305     inherited ListSource := AValue;
306 tony 27 IBControlLinkChanged;
307 tony 21 end;
308     end;
310     procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.UpdateList;
311     { Note: Algorithm taken from TCustomComboBox.KeyUp but modified to use the
312     ListSource DataSet as the source for the autocomplete text. It also runs
313     after a delay rather than immediately on keyup
314     }
315     var
316     iSelStart: Integer; // char position
317     sCompleteText, sPrefixText, sResultText: string;
318     curText: string;
319     begin
320     if assigned(ListSource) and assigned(ListSource.DataSet) and (ListSource.DataSet is TIBCustomDataSet)
321     and ListSource.DataSet.Active then
322     begin
323     FUpdating := true;
324     try
325     iSelStart := SelStart;//Capture original cursor position
326     if ((iSelStart < UTF8Length(Text)) and
327     (cbactEndOfLineComplete in AutoCompleteText)) then
328     Exit;
329     curText := Text;
330     sPrefixText := UTF8Copy(Text, 1, iSelStart);
331     ListSource.DataSet.Active := false;
332     ListSource.DataSet.Active := true;
333     Text := curText;
334 tony 35 if not FExiting and (FForceAutoComplete or Focused) and (Text <> '')then
335 tony 21 begin
336     if ListSource.DataSet.Active and (ListSource.DataSet.RecordCount > 0) then
337     begin
338     sCompleteText := ListSource.DataSet.FieldByName(ListField).AsString;
339     if (sCompleteText <> Text) then
340     begin
341     sResultText := sCompleteText;
342     if ((cbactEndOfLineComplete in AutoCompleteText) and
343     (cbactRetainPrefixCase in AutoCompleteText)) then
344     begin//Retain Prefix Character cases
345     UTF8Delete(sResultText, 1, iSelStart);
346     UTF8Insert(sPrefixText, sResultText, 1);
347     end;
348     Text := sResultText;
349     SelStart := iSelStart;
350     SelLength := UTF8Length(Text);
351     end;
352 tony 31 KeyValue := ListSource.DataSet.FieldByName(KeyField).AsVariant;
353 tony 21 end;
354     end;
355     finally
356     FUpdating := false
357     end;
358     end;
359     end;
361     procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.UpdateSQL(Sender: TObject;
362     Parser: TSelectSQLParser);
363     var FieldPosition: integer;
364     begin
365     if FFiltered then
366     begin
367     if cbactSearchCaseSensitive in AutoCompleteText then
368 tony 27 Parser.Add2WhereClause(GetRelationNameQualifier + '"' + ListField + '" Like ''' +
369     SQLSafe(Text) + '%''')
370 tony 21 else
371 tony 39 Parser.Add2WhereClause('Upper(' + GetRelationNameQualifier + '"' + ListField + '") Like Upper(''' +
372 tony 27 SQLSafe(Text) + '%'')');
373 tony 21
374 tony 41 if cbactSearchAscending in AutoCompleteText then
375     begin
376     FieldPosition := Parser.GetFieldPosition(ListField);
377     if FieldPosition = 0 then Exit;
378 tony 21
379 tony 41 Parser.OrderByClause := IntToStr(FieldPosition) + ' ascending';
380     end;
381 tony 21 end;
382     end;
384     procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.HandleEnter(Data: PtrInt);
385     begin
386 tony 31 if AppDestroying in Application.Flags then Exit;
387 tony 27 SelectAll
388 tony 21 end;
390     procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.UpdateLinkData(Sender: TObject);
391     begin
392     if FInserting then
393     ListSource.DataSet.FieldByName(ListField).AsString := Text
394     end;
396     procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.CheckAndInsert;
397     var Accept: boolean;
398     NewKeyValue: variant;
399     begin
400 tony 35 if FInCheckAndInsert then Exit;
401     FInCheckAndInsert := true;
402 tony 21 try
403 tony 35 if AutoInsert and (Text <> '') and assigned(ListSource) and assigned(ListSource.DataSet)
404     and ListSource.DataSet.Active and (ListSource.DataSet.RecordCount = 0) then
405     try
406     {Is it OK to insert a new list member?}
407     Accept := true;
408     if assigned(FOnCanAutoInsert) then
409     OnCanAutoInsert(self,Text,Accept);
410     if not Accept then
411     begin
412     ResetParser;
413     Text := FOriginalTextValue;
414     SelectAll;
415     Exit;
416     end;
417 tony 21
418 tony 35 FInserting := true;
419     try
420     {New Value}
421     FFiltered := false;
422     if assigned(FOnAutoInsert) then
423     begin
424     {In an OnAutoInsert handler, the client is expected to insert the new
425     row into the List DataSet and to set the KeyValue property to the
426     value of the primary key of the new row.}
427     OnAutoInsert(self,Text,NewKeyValue);
428     end
429     else
430     begin
431     ListSource.DataSet.Append;
432     {The new KeyValue should be determined by an external generator or
433     in the "OnInsert" handler. If it is the same as the ListField, then
434     it will be set from the UpdateLinkData method}
435     try
436     ListSource.DataSet.Post;
437     except
438     ListSource.DataSet.Cancel;
439     raise;
440     end;
441     NewKeyValue := ListSource.DataSet.FieldByName(KeyField).AsVariant;
442     end;
443     Text := ''; {Ensure full list}
444     UpdateList;
445     KeyValue := NewKeyValue;
446     UpdateData(nil); {Force sync with DataField}
447     finally
448     FInserting := false
449     end;
450     except
451     Text := FOriginalTextValue;
452     ResetParser;
453     raise;
454     end;
455     finally
456     FInCheckAndInsert := false
457 tony 21 end;
458     end;
460     procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.DoEnter;
461     begin
462     inherited DoEnter;
463     FOriginalTextValue:= Text;
464     ResetParser;
465     Application.QueueAsyncCall(@HandleEnter,0);
466     end;
468     procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.DoExit;
469     begin
470 tony 31 if FTimer.Interval <> 0 then
471     HandleTimer(nil);
472 tony 21 FExiting := true;
473     try
474     CheckAndInsert;
475     ResetParser;
476     FTimer.Interval := 0;
477     finally
478     FExiting := false;
479     end;
480     inherited DoExit;
481     end;
483     procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.KeyUp(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
484     begin
485     inherited KeyUp(Key, Shift);
486     if Key = VK_RETURN then
487     EditingDone
488     else
489     if Key = VK_ESCAPE then
490     begin
491     SelStart := UTF8Length(Text); {Ensure end of line selection}
492     ResetParser;
493     Text := FOriginalTextValue;
494     SelectAll;
495     end
496     else
497 tony 35 begin
498 tony 29 FTimer.Interval := 0;
499 tony 35 if (IsEditableTextKey(Key) or (Key = VK_BACK))
500     and AutoComplete and (Style <> csDropDownList) and
501     (not (cbactEndOfLineComplete in AutoCompleteText) or (SelStart = UTF8Length(Text))) then
502     FTimer.Interval := FKeyPressInterval;
503     end;
504 tony 21 end;
506 tony 29 procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.Loaded;
507     begin
508     inherited Loaded;
509     IBControlLinkChanged;
510     end;
512 tony 27 procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
513     Operation: TOperation);
514     begin
515     inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
516     if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = DataSource) then
517     ListSource := nil;
518     end;
520 tony 21 procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.SetItemIndex(const Val: integer);
521     begin
522     inherited SetItemIndex(Val);
523     FLastKeyValue := KeyValue;
524     end;
526 tony 27 function TIBLookupComboEditBox.SQLSafe(aText: string): string;
527     var I: integer;
528     begin
529     Result := '';
530     for I := 1 to length(aText) do
531     if aText[I] = '''' then
532     Result := Result + ''''''
533     else
534     Result := Result + aText[I];
535     end;
537 tony 21 procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.UpdateShowing;
538     begin
539     inherited UpdateShowing;
540     if Showing then {Ensure up-to-date as we were ignoring any changes}
541     ActiveChanged(nil);
542     end;
544     constructor TIBLookupComboEditBox.Create(TheComponent: TComponent);
545     begin
546     inherited Create(TheComponent);
547     FDataLink := TIBLookupComboDataLink.Create(self);
548 tony 27 FIBLookupControlLink := TIBLookupControlLink.Create(self);
549     FKeyPressInterval := 200;
550 tony 21 FAutoComplete := true;
551     FTimer := TTimer.Create(nil);
552     FTimer.Interval := 0;
553     FTimer.OnTimer := @HandleTimer;
554     FLastKeyValue := NULL;
555     end;
557     destructor TIBLookupComboEditBox.Destroy;
558     begin
559     if assigned(FDataLink) then FDataLink.Free;
560 tony 27 if assigned(FIBLookupControlLink) then FIBLookupControlLink.Free;
561 tony 21 if assigned(FTimer) then FTimer.Free;
562     inherited Destroy;
563     end;
565     procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.EditingDone;
566     begin
567 tony 35 FForceAutoComplete := true;
568     try
569     if FTimer.Interval <> 0 then
570     HandleTimer(nil);
571     finally
572     FForceAutoComplete := false;
573     end;
574 tony 21 CheckAndInsert;
575     inherited EditingDone;
576     end;
578     end.