{************************************************************************} { } { Borland Delphi Visual Component Library } { InterBase Express core components } { } { Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Inprise Corporation } { } { InterBase Express is based in part on the product } { Free IB Components, written by Gregory H. Deatz for } { Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst & Doukas Company. } { Free IB Components is used under license. } { } { The contents of this file are subject to the InterBase } { Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not } { use this file except in compliance with the License. You } { may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html } { Software distributed under the License is distributed on } { an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either } { express or implied. See the License for the specific language } { governing rights and limitations under the License. } { The Original Code was created by InterBase Software Corporation } { and its successors. } { Portions created by Inprise Corporation are Copyright (C) Inprise } { Corporation. All Rights Reserved. } { Contributor(s): Jeff Overcash } { } { IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express) } { Contributor: Tony Whyman, MWA Software http://www.mwasoftware.co.uk } { Portions created by MWA Software are copyright McCallum Whyman } { Associates Ltd 2011 } { } {************************************************************************} unit IBIntf; {$Mode Delphi} interface uses {$IFDEF WINDOWS } Windows, {$ELSE} unix, {$ENDIF} IBHeader,IBExternals; var BLOB_get: TBLOB_get; BLOB_put: TBLOB_put; isc_sqlcode: Tisc_sqlcode; isc_sql_interprete: Tisc_sql_interprete; isc_interprete: Tisc_interprete; isc_vax_integer: Tisc_vax_integer; isc_portable_integer: Tisc_portable_integer; isc_blob_info: Tisc_blob_info; isc_open_blob2: Tisc_open_blob2; isc_close_blob: Tisc_close_blob; isc_get_segment: Tisc_get_segment; isc_put_segment: Tisc_put_segment; isc_create_blob2: Tisc_create_blob2; isc_service_attach: Tisc_service_attach; isc_service_detach: Tisc_service_detach; isc_service_query: Tisc_service_query; isc_service_start: Tisc_service_start; isc_decode_date: Tisc_decode_date; isc_decode_sql_date: Tisc_decode_sql_date; isc_decode_sql_time: Tisc_decode_sql_time; isc_decode_timestamp: Tisc_decode_timestamp; isc_encode_date: Tisc_encode_date; isc_encode_sql_date: Tisc_encode_sql_date; isc_encode_sql_time: Tisc_encode_sql_time; isc_encode_timestamp: Tisc_encode_timestamp; isc_dsql_free_statement: Tisc_dsql_free_statement; isc_dsql_execute2: Tisc_dsql_execute2; isc_dsql_execute: Tisc_dsql_execute; isc_dsql_set_cursor_name: Tisc_dsql_set_cursor_name; isc_dsql_fetch: Tisc_dsql_fetch; isc_dsql_sql_info: Tisc_dsql_sql_info; isc_dsql_alloc_statement2: Tisc_dsql_alloc_statement2; isc_dsql_prepare: Tisc_dsql_prepare; isc_dsql_describe_bind: Tisc_dsql_describe_bind; isc_dsql_describe: Tisc_dsql_describe; isc_dsql_execute_immediate: Tisc_dsql_execute_immediate; isc_drop_database: Tisc_drop_database; isc_detach_database: Tisc_detach_database; isc_attach_database: Tisc_attach_database; isc_database_info: Tisc_database_info; isc_start_multiple: Tisc_start_multiple; isc_commit_transaction: Tisc_commit_transaction; isc_commit_retaining: Tisc_commit_retaining; isc_rollback_transaction: Tisc_rollback_transaction; isc_rollback_retaining: Tisc_rollback_retaining; isc_cancel_events: Tisc_cancel_events; isc_que_events: Tisc_que_events; isc_event_counts: Tisc_event_counts; isc_event_block: Tisc_event_block; isc_free: Tisc_free; isc_add_user : Tisc_add_user; isc_delete_user: Tisc_delete_user; isc_modify_user: Tisc_modify_user; { Library Initialization } procedure LoadIBLibrary; procedure FreeIBLibrary; function TryIBLoad: Boolean; procedure CheckIBLoaded; { Stubs for 6.0 only functions } function isc_rollback_retaining_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS; tran_handle : PISC_TR_HANDLE): ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} function isc_service_attach_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS; isc_arg2 : UShort; isc_arg3 : PChar; service_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE; isc_arg5 : UShort; isc_arg6 : PChar): ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} function isc_service_detach_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS; service_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE): ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} function isc_service_query_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS; service_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE; recv_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE; isc_arg4 : UShort; isc_arg5 : PChar; isc_arg6 : UShort; isc_arg7 : PChar; isc_arg8 : UShort; isc_arg9 : PChar): ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} function isc_service_start_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS; service_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE; recv_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE; isc_arg4 : UShort; isc_arg5 : PChar): ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} procedure isc_encode_sql_date_stub(tm_date : PCTimeStructure; ib_date : PISC_DATE); {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} procedure isc_encode_sql_time_stub(tm_date : PCTimeStructure; ib_time : PISC_TIME); {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} procedure isc_encode_timestamp_stub(tm_date : PCTimeStructure; ib_timestamp : PISC_TIMESTAMP); {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} procedure isc_decode_sql_date_stub(ib_date : PISC_DATE; tm_date : PCTimeStructure); {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} procedure isc_decode_sql_time_stub(ib_time : PISC_TIME; tm_date : PCTimeStructure); {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} procedure isc_decode_timestamp_stub(ib_timestamp : PISC_TIMESTAMP; tm_date : PCTimeStructure); {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} var IBServiceAPIPresent: boolean; type TOnGetLibraryName = procedure(var libname: string); const OnGetLibraryName: TOnGetLibraryName = nil; implementation uses Sysutils, IB, Dynlibs {$IFDEF WINDOWS} ,Forms, Registry {$ENDIF} ; var IBLibrary: TLibHandle; procedure LoadIBLibrary; function GetProcAddr(ProcName: PChar): Pointer; begin Result := GetProcAddress(IBLibrary, ProcName); if not Assigned(Result) then raise Exception.Create('Unable to load Firebird Client Library'); end; {$IFDEF UNIX } function InternalLoadLibrary: TLibHandle; var LibName: string; begin //Use default unless FBLIB overrides LibName := GetEnvironmentVariable('FBLIB'); if LibName = '' then begin if assigned(OnGetLibraryName) then OnGetLibraryName(LibName) else LibName := FIREBIRD_SO2; end; Result := LoadLibrary(LibName); {$IFDEF DARWIN} if Result = NilHandle then begin {See http://paulbeachsblog.blogspot.co.uk/2008/03/where-is-libfbclientdylib-on-macosx.html Try loading direct from Firebird Framework} LibName := '/Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Firebird'; Result := LoadLibrary(LibName); end {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WINDOWS} function InternalLoadLibrary: TLibHandle; var InstallDir: string; dllPathName: string; begin if assigned(OnGetLibraryName) then begin OnGetLibraryName(dllPathName); Result := LoadLibrary(dllPathName); Exit end; //First look for Firebird Embedded Server in installation dir InstallDir := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName); if FileExists(InstallDir + FIREBIRD_EMBEDDED) then begin dllPathName := InstallDir + FIREBIRD_EMBEDDED; Result := LoadLibrary(dllPathName) end else //Otherwise look for Firebird Client in installation dir if FileExists(InstallDir + FIREBIRD_CLIENT) then begin //assume firebird.conf and firebird.msg in same dir SetEnvironmentVariable('FIREBIRD',PChar(InstallDir)); dllPathName := InstallDir +FIREBIRD_CLIENT; Result := LoadLibrary(dllPathName) end else //Use Registry key if it exists to locate library begin with TRegistry.Create do try RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if OpenKey('SOFTWARE\Firebird Project\Firebird Server\Instances',false) then begin if ValueExists('DefaultInstance') then begin dllPathName := ReadString('DefaultInstance') + 'bin' + DirectorySeparator + FIREBIRD_CLIENT; if FileExists(dllPathName) then begin Result := LoadLibrary(dllPathName); Exit end end end finally Free end; //Otherwise see if Firebird client is in path //and rely on registry for location of firebird.conf and firebird.msg Result := LoadLibrary(FIREBIRD_CLIENT); if Result <= HINSTANCE_ERROR then //well maybe InterBase is present... Result := LoadLibrary(IBASE_DLL); end end; {$ENDIF} begin IBLibrary := InternalLoadLibrary; if (IBLibrary <> NilHandle) then begin BLOB_get := GetProcAddr('BLOB_get'); {do not localize} BLOB_put := GetProcAddr('BLOB_put'); {do not localize} isc_sqlcode := GetProcAddr('isc_sqlcode'); {do not localize} isc_sql_interprete := GetProcAddr('isc_sql_interprete'); {do not localize} isc_interprete := GetProcAddr('isc_interprete'); {do not localize} isc_vax_integer := GetProcAddr('isc_vax_integer'); {do not localize} isc_portable_integer := GetProcAddr('isc_portable_integer'); {do not localize} isc_blob_info := GetProcAddr('isc_blob_info'); {do not localize} isc_open_blob2 := GetProcAddr('isc_open_blob2'); {do not localize} isc_close_blob := GetProcAddr('isc_close_blob'); {do not localize} isc_get_segment := GetProcAddr('isc_get_segment'); {do not localize} isc_put_segment := GetProcAddr('isc_put_segment'); {do not localize} isc_create_blob2 := GetProcAddr('isc_create_blob2'); {do not localize} isc_decode_date := GetProcAddr('isc_decode_date'); {do not localize} isc_encode_date := GetProcAddr('isc_encode_date'); {do not localize} isc_dsql_free_statement := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_free_statement'); {do not localize} isc_dsql_execute2 := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_execute2'); {do not localize} isc_dsql_execute := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_execute'); {do not localize} isc_dsql_set_cursor_name := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_set_cursor_name'); {do not localize} isc_dsql_fetch := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_fetch'); {do not localize} isc_dsql_sql_info := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_sql_info'); {do not localize} isc_dsql_alloc_statement2 := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_alloc_statement2'); {do not localize} isc_dsql_prepare := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_prepare'); {do not localize} isc_dsql_describe_bind := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_describe_bind'); {do not localize} isc_dsql_describe := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_describe'); {do not localize} isc_dsql_execute_immediate := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_execute_immediate'); {do not localize} isc_drop_database := GetProcAddr('isc_drop_database'); {do not localize} isc_detach_database := GetProcAddr('isc_detach_database'); {do not localize} isc_attach_database := GetProcAddr('isc_attach_database'); {do not localize} isc_database_info := GetProcAddr('isc_database_info'); {do not localize} isc_start_multiple := GetProcAddr('isc_start_multiple'); {do not localize} isc_commit_transaction := GetProcAddr('isc_commit_transaction'); {do not localize} isc_commit_retaining := GetProcAddr('isc_commit_retaining'); {do not localize} isc_rollback_transaction := GetProcAddr('isc_rollback_transaction'); {do not localize} isc_cancel_events := GetProcAddr('isc_cancel_events'); {do not localize} isc_que_events := GetProcAddr('isc_que_events'); {do not localize} isc_event_counts := GetProcAddr('isc_event_counts'); {do not localize} isc_event_block := GetProcAddr('isc_event_block'); {do not localize} isc_free := GetProcAddr('isc_free'); {do not localize} isc_add_user := GetProcAddr('isc_add_user'); {do not localize} isc_delete_user := GetProcAddr('isc_delete_user'); {do not localize} isc_modify_user := GetProcAddr('isc_modify_user'); {do not localize} IBServiceAPIPresent := true; isc_rollback_retaining := GetProcAddress(IBLibrary, 'isc_rollback_retaining'); {do not localize} if Assigned(isc_rollback_retaining) then begin isc_service_attach := GetProcAddr('isc_service_attach'); {do not localize} isc_service_detach := GetProcAddr('isc_service_detach'); {do not localize} isc_service_query := GetProcAddr('isc_service_query'); {do not localize} isc_service_start := GetProcAddr('isc_service_start'); {do not localize} isc_decode_sql_date := GetProcAddr('isc_decode_sql_date'); {do not localize} isc_decode_sql_time := GetProcAddr('isc_decode_sql_time'); {do not localize} isc_decode_timestamp := GetProcAddr('isc_decode_timestamp'); {do not localize} isc_encode_sql_date := GetProcAddr('isc_encode_sql_date'); {do not localize} isc_encode_sql_time := GetProcAddr('isc_encode_sql_time'); {do not localize} isc_encode_timestamp := GetProcAddr('isc_encode_timestamp'); {do not localize} end else begin IBServiceAPIPresent := false; isc_rollback_retaining := isc_rollback_retaining_stub; isc_service_attach := isc_service_attach_stub; isc_service_detach := isc_service_detach_stub; isc_service_query := isc_service_query_stub; isc_service_start := isc_service_start_stub; isc_decode_sql_date := isc_decode_sql_date_stub; isc_decode_sql_time := isc_decode_sql_time_stub; isc_decode_timestamp := isc_decode_timestamp_stub; isc_encode_sql_date := isc_encode_sql_date_stub; isc_encode_sql_time := isc_encode_sql_time_stub; isc_encode_timestamp := isc_encode_timestamp_stub; end; end; end; procedure FreeIBLibrary; begin if IBLibrary <> NilHandle then begin FreeLibrary(IBLibrary); IBLibrary := 0; end; end; function TryIBLoad: Boolean; begin if (IBLibrary = NilHandle) then LoadIBLibrary; if (IBLibrary = NilHandle) then result := False else result := True; end; procedure CheckIBLoaded; begin if not TryIBLoad then IBError(ibxeInterBaseMissing, [nil]); end; function isc_rollback_retaining_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS; tran_handle : PISC_TR_HANDLE): ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} begin Result := 0; IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_rollback_retaining']); {do not localize} end; function isc_service_attach_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS; isc_arg2 : UShort; isc_arg3 : PChar; service_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE; isc_arg5 : UShort; isc_arg6 : PChar): ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} begin Result := 0; IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_service_attach']); {do not localize} end; function isc_service_detach_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS; service_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE): ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} begin Result := 0; IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_service_detach']); {do not localize} end; function isc_service_query_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS; service_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE; recv_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE; isc_arg4 : UShort; isc_arg5 : PChar; isc_arg6 : UShort; isc_arg7 : PChar; isc_arg8 : UShort; isc_arg9 : PChar): ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} begin Result := 0; IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_service_query']); {do not localize} end; function isc_service_start_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS; service_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE; recv_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE; isc_arg4 : UShort; isc_arg5 : PChar): ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} begin Result := 0; IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_service_start']); {do not localize} end; procedure isc_encode_sql_date_stub(tm_date : PCTimeStructure; ib_date : PISC_DATE); {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} begin IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_encode_sql_date']); {do not localize} end; procedure isc_encode_sql_time_stub(tm_date : PCTimeStructure; ib_time : PISC_TIME); {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} begin IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_encode_sql_time']); {do not localize} end; procedure isc_encode_timestamp_stub(tm_date : PCTimeStructure; ib_timestamp : PISC_TIMESTAMP); {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} begin IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_encode_sql_timestamp']); {do not localize} end; procedure isc_decode_sql_date_stub(ib_date : PISC_DATE; tm_date : PCTimeStructure); {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} begin IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_decode_sql_date']); {do not localize} end; procedure isc_decode_sql_time_stub(ib_time : PISC_TIME; tm_date : PCTimeStructure); {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} begin IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_decode_sql_time']); {do not localize} end; procedure isc_decode_timestamp_stub(ib_timestamp : PISC_TIMESTAMP; tm_date : PCTimeStructure); {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} begin IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_decode_timestamp']); {do not localize} end; initialization finalization FreeIBLibrary; end.