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Revision: 311
Committed: Mon Aug 24 09:32:58 2020 UTC (4 years ago) by tony
Content type: text/x-pascal
File size: 16040 byte(s)
Log Message:
Fixes merged

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 tony 299 (*
2     * Firebird Interface (fbintf). The fbintf components provide a set of
3     * Pascal language bindings for the Firebird API. Although predominantly
4     * a new development they include source code taken from IBX and may be
5     * considered a derived product. This software thus also includes the copyright
6     * notice and license conditions from IBX.
7     *
8     * Except for those parts dervied from IBX, contents of this file are subject
9     * to the Initial Developer's Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you
10     * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
11     * copy of the License here:
12     *
13     *
14     *
15     * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
16     * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
17     * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights
18     * and limitations under the License.
19     *
20     * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman.
21     *
22     * The Original Code is (C) 2016 Tony Whyman, MWA Software
23     * (
24     *
25     * All Rights Reserved.
26     *
27     * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
28     *
29     *)
30     {************************************************************************}
31     { }
32     { Borland Delphi Visual Component Library }
33     { InterBase Express core components }
34     { }
35     { Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Inprise Corporation }
36     { }
37     { InterBase Express is based in part on the product }
38     { Free IB Components, written by Gregory H. Deatz for }
39     { Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst & Doukas Company. }
40     { Free IB Components is used under license. }
41     { }
42     { The contents of this file are subject to the InterBase }
43     { Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not }
44     { use this file except in compliance with the License. You }
45     { may obtain a copy of the License at }
46     { Software distributed under the License is distributed on }
47     { an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either }
48     { express or implied. See the License for the specific language }
49     { governing rights and limitations under the License. }
50     { The Original Code was created by InterBase Software Corporation }
51     { and its successors. }
52     { Portions created by Inprise Corporation are Copyright (C) Inprise }
53     { Corporation. All Rights Reserved. }
54     { Contributor(s): Jeff Overcash }
55     { }
56     { IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express) }
57     { Contributor: Tony Whyman, MWA Software }
58     { Portions created by MWA Software are copyright McCallum Whyman }
59     { Associates Ltd 2011 - 2015 }
60     { }
61     {************************************************************************}
62     unit IBMessages;
65     {$ENDIF}
67     {$IFDEF FPC}
68     {$mode delphi}
69     {$codepage UTF8}
70     {$ENDIF}
72     interface
74     uses
75     Classes, SysUtils;
77     type
78     TIBClientError = (
79     ibxeUnknownError,
80     ibxeIB60feature,
81     ibxeNotSupported,
82     ibxeOperationCancelled,
83     ibxeDPBConstantNotSupported,
84     ibxeDPBConstantUnknown,
85     ibxeTPBConstantNotSupported,
86     ibxeTPBConstantUnknown,
87     ibxeDatabaseClosed,
88     ibxeDatabaseOpen,
89     ibxeDatabaseNameMissing,
90     ibxeNotInTransaction,
91     ibxeInTransaction,
92     ibxeTimeoutNegative,
93     ibxeNoDatabasesInTransaction,
94     ibxeUpdateWrongDB,
95     ibxeUpdateWrongTR,
96     ibxeDatabaseNotAssigned,
97     ibxeTransactionNotAssigned,
98     ibxeInvalidStatementHandle,
99     ibxeSQLOpen,
100     ibxeSQLClosed,
101     ibxeDatasetOpen,
102     ibxeDatasetClosed,
103     ibxeInvalidColumnIndex,
104     ibxeBlobCannotBeRead,
105     ibxeBlobCannotBeWritten,
106     ibxeEmptyQuery,
107     ibxeNoFieldAccess,
108     ibxeFieldNotFound,
109     ibxeNotEditing,
110     ibxeCannotInsert,
111     ibxeCannotUpdate,
112     ibxeCannotDelete,
113     ibxeCannotRefresh,
114     ibxeBufferNotSet,
115     ibxeCircularReference,
116     ibxeUserAbort,
117     ibxeDataSetUniDirectional,
118     ibxeCannotCreateSharedResource,
119     ibxeFieldUnsupportedType,
120     ibxeCircularDataLink,
121     ibxeEmptySQLStatement,
122     ibxeIsASelectStatement,
123     ibxeRequiredParamNotSet,
124     ibxeNoStoredProcName,
125     ibxeIsAExecuteProcedure,
126     ibxeUpdateFailed,
127     ibxeNoRecordsAffected,
128     ibxeNoTableName,
129     ibxeTableNameMismatch,
130     ibxeIndexFieldMissing,
131     ibxeInvalidEvent,
132     ibxeMaximumEvents,
133     ibxeInvalidBatchMove,
134     ibxeSQLDialectInvalid,
135     ibxeSPBConstantNotSupported,
136     ibxeSPBConstantUnknown,
137     ibxeServiceActive,
138     ibxeServiceInActive,
139     ibxeServerNameMissing,
140     ibxeQueryParamsError,
141     ibxeStartParamsError,
142     ibxeOutputParsingError,
143     ibxeUseSpecificProcedures,
144     ibxeDPBConstantUnknownEx,
145     ibxeTPBConstantUnknownEx,
146     ibxeSV5APIError,
147     ibxeThreadFailed,
148     ibxeFieldSizeError,
149     ibxeNoLoginDialog,
150     ibxeInfoBufferIndexError,
151     ibxServiceRequestIndexError,
152     ibxServiceParamTypeError,
153     ibxArrayBoundsCantIncrease ,
154     ibxeUnexpectedDatabaseInfoResp,
155     ibxStringTooLong,
156     ibxFieldNotinDataSet,
157     ibxeNotCurrentArray,
158     ibxeServiceRunning,
159     ibxeUniqueRelationReqd,
160     ibxeNegativeGenerator,
161     ibxeServiceUnavailable,
162     ibxeBadConnectString,
163     ibxeServiceNotStarted,
164     ibxeNotRequiredDataSetSource,
165     ibxeNoLimboTransactionInsert,
166     ibxeDatabaseNotConnected,
167     ibxeMultiThreadRequired,
168     ibxeODSVersionRequired,
169     ibxErrorParsing,
170     ibxeParameterNameNotFound,
171 tony 311 ibxeListFieldNotFound,
172     ibxeDBBufferTooSmall
173 tony 299 );
175     function GetErrorMessage(ErrMess: TIBClientError): AnsiString;
177     {IBError is used internally and by IBX to throw an EIBClientError}
179     procedure IBError(ErrMess: TIBClientError; const Args: array of const);
180     resourcestring
181     { generic strings used in code }
182     SEOFReached = 'SEOFReached';
183     SCantPrintValue = 'Cannot print value';
184     SDisconnectDatabase = 'Database is currently connected. Disconnect and continue?';
185     SCommitTransaction = 'Transaction is currently Active. Rollback and continue?';
186     sSQLErrorSeparator = ' When Executing: ';
187     SDatabaseFilter = 'Database Files (*.fdb; *.gdb)|*.gdb; *.fdb|All files (*.*)|*.*';
188     {$IFDEF WINDOWS}
189     SLibraryNameFilter = 'DLLs (*.dll)|*.dll|All files (*.*)|*.*';
190     {$ELSE}
191     SLibraryNameFilter = 'All files (*.*)|*.*';
192     {$ENDIF}
193     STrue = 'true';
194     SFalse = 'false';
195     SArray = '(array)';
196     SBlob = '(blob)';
198     implementation
200     uses IBUtils, IB;
202     resourcestring
204     { strings used in error messages}
205     SUnknownError = 'Unknown error';
206     SIB60feature = '%s is an InterBase 6 function. Please upgrade to InterBase 6 to use this functonality';
207     SNotSupported = 'Unsupported feature';
208     SOperationCancelled = 'Operation cancelled at user''s request';
209     SDPBConstantNotSupported = 'DPB Constant (isc_dpb_%s) is unsupported';
210     SDPBConstantUnknown = 'DPB Constant (%d) is unknown';
211     STPBConstantNotSupported = 'TPB Constant (isc_tpb_%s) is unsupported';
212     STPBConstantUnknown = 'TPB Constant (%d) is unknown';
213     SDatabaseClosed = 'Cannot perform operation -- DB is not open';
214     SDatabaseOpen = 'Cannot perform operation -- DB is currently open';
215     SDatabaseNameMissing = 'Database name is missing';
216     SNotInTransaction = 'Transaction is not active';
217     SInTransaction = 'Transaction is active';
218     STimeoutNegative = 'Timeout values cannot be negative';
219     SNoDatabasesInTransaction = 'No databases are listed in transaction component';
220     SUpdateWrongDB = 'Updating wrong database';
221     SUpdateWrongTR = 'Updating wrong transaction. Unique transaction expected in set';
222     SDatabaseNotAssigned = 'Database not assigned';
223     STransactionNotAssigned = 'Transaction not assigned';
224     SInvalidStatementHandle = 'Invalid statement handle';
225     SSQLOpen = 'IBSQL Open';
226     SSQLClosed = 'IBSQL Closed';
227     SDatasetOpen = 'Dataset open';
228     SDatasetClosed = 'Dataset closed';
229     SInvalidColumnIndex = 'Invalid column index (index exceeds permitted range)';
230     SBlobCannotBeRead = 'Blob stream cannot be read';
231     SBlobCannotBeWritten = 'Blob stream cannot be written';
232     SEmptyQuery = 'Empty query';
233     SNoFieldAccess = 'No access to field "%s"';
234     SFieldNotFound = 'Field "%s" not found';
235     SNotEditing = 'Not in edit mode';
236     SCannotInsert = 'Cannot insert into dataset. (No insert query)';
237     SCannotUpdate = 'Cannot update. (No update query)';
238     SCannotDelete = 'Cannot delete from dataset. (No delete query)';
239     SCannotRefresh = 'Cannot refresh row. (No refresh query)';
240     SBufferNotSet = 'Buffer not set';
241     SCircularReference = 'Circular references not permitted';
242     SUserAbort = 'User abort';
243     SDataSetUniDirectional = 'Data set is uni-directional';
244     {$IFDEF UNIX}
245     SCannotCreateSharedResource = 'Cannot create shared resource. %s';
246     {$ELSE}
247     SCannotCreateSharedResource = 'Cannot create shared resource. (Windows error %d)';
248     {$ENDIF}
249     SFieldUnsupportedType = 'Unsupported Field Type';
250     SCircularDataLink = 'Circular DataLink Reference';
251     SEmptySQLStatement = 'Empty SQL Statement';
252     SIsASelectStatement = 'use Open for a Select Statement';
253     SRequiredParamNotSet = 'Required parameter "%s" value not set';
254     SNoStoredProcName = 'No Stored Procedure Name assigned';
255     SIsAExecuteProcedure = 'use ExecProc for Procedure; use TQuery for Select procedures';
256     SUpdateFailed = 'Update Failed';
258     SNoRecordsAffected = 'No Records Affected';
259     SNoTableName = 'No Table Name assigned';
260     STableNameMismatch = 'Table Name Mismatch';
261     SIndexFieldMissing = 'Index Field Missing';
262     SInvalidEvent = 'Invalid Event';
263     SMaximumEvents = 'Exceded Maximum Event limits';
264     SInvalidBatchMove = 'Invalid Batch Move';
265     SSQLDialectInvalid = 'SQL Dialect Invalid';
266     SSPBConstantNotSupported = 'SPB Constant Not supported';
267     SSPBConstantUnknown = 'SPB Constant Unknown';
268     SServiceActive = 'Cannot perform operation -- service is not attached';
269     SServiceInActive = 'Cannot perform operation -- service is attached';
270     SServerNameMissing = 'Server Name Missing';
271     SQueryParamsError = 'Query Parameters missing or incorrect';
272     SStartParamsError = 'start Parameters missing or incorrect';
273     SOutputParsingError = 'Unexpected Output buffer value (%d) - %s';
274     SUseSpecificProcedures = 'Generic ServiceStart not applicable: Use Specific Procedures to set configuration params';
276     SDPBConstantUnknownEx = 'DPB Constant (%s) is unknown';
277     STPBConstantUnknownEx = 'TPB Constant (%s) is unknown';
278     SSV5APIError = 'SV5 API API Error - %s';
279     SThreadFailed = '%s Thread failed with Exception: %s';
280 tony 311 SFieldSizeError = 'Field %s is too small (%d bytes) to receive the data (%d bytes)';
281 tony 299 SNoLoginDialog = 'Default Login Dlalog not found. Have you included ibexpress ' +
282     'in your program uses list?';
283     SInfoBufferIndexError = 'Info Buffer Index Out of Range (%d)';
284     SServiceRequestIndexError = 'Service Request Index Out of Range (%d)';
285     SServiceParamTypeError = 'Invalid Request for Service Param Type';
286     SArrayBoundsCantIncrease = 'Array Bounds can only be narrowed';
287     SUnexpectedDatabaseInfoResp = 'Unexpected Database Information Response';
288     SStringTooLong = 'String "%s" is too long. Max %d characters';
289     SFieldNotinDataSet = 'Field %s is not a member of DataSet %s';
290     SNotCurrentArray = 'Cannot Edit an Array that is not part of the current record';
291     SServiceRunning = 'Cannot start a new service while an existing service is running';
292     SUniqueRelationReqd = 'All Output Fields must derived from the same table';
293     SNegativeGenerator = 'A Generator Increment cannot be negative';
294     SServiceUnavailable = 'Request Service is not available';
295     SBadConnectString = 'Parse Error in Connect String';
296     SServiceNotStarted = 'Cannot Query running service until the service has been started';
297     SNotRequiredDataSetSource = 'Object of class %s is not a valid dataset source';
298     SNoLimboTransactionInsert = 'You cannot add to a Limbo Transaction list';
299     SDatabaseNotConnected = 'Cannot connect using an unattached database';
300     SMultiThreadRequired = 'Multi-threading required for %s but not enabled. Please recompile with multi-threading support enabled. '+
301     'Hint: you probably need to add -dUseCThreads to the Custom Options.';
302     SODSVersionRequired = 'This feature requires ODS Version %s or later';
303     SErrorParsing = 'Error parsing SQL Statement at clause starting with %s';
304     SParameterNameNotFound = 'Parameter Name (%s) not found';
305     SListFieldNotFound = 'ListField Name is not a valid dataset column name (%s)';
306 tony 311 SDBBufferTooSmall = 'Dataset buffer is too small (%d bytes) to receive the data from Field %s (%d bytes)';
307 tony 299
308     const
309     IBErrorMessages: array[TIBClientError] of string = (
310     SUnknownError,
311     SIB60feature,
312     SNotSupported,
313     SOperationCancelled,
314     SDPBConstantNotSupported,
315     SDPBConstantUnknown,
316     STPBConstantNotSupported,
317     STPBConstantUnknown,
318     SDatabaseClosed,
319     SDatabaseOpen,
320     SDatabaseNameMissing,
321     SNotInTransaction,
322     SInTransaction,
323     STimeoutNegative,
324     SNoDatabasesInTransaction,
325     SUpdateWrongDB,
326     SUpdateWrongTR,
327     SDatabaseNotAssigned,
328     STransactionNotAssigned,
329     SInvalidStatementHandle,
330     SSQLOpen,
331     SSQLClosed,
332     SDatasetOpen,
333     SDatasetClosed,
334     SInvalidColumnIndex,
335     SBlobCannotBeRead,
336     SBlobCannotBeWritten,
337     SEmptyQuery,
338     SNoFieldAccess,
339     SFieldNotFound,
340     SNotEditing,
341     SCannotInsert,
342     SCannotUpdate,
343     SCannotDelete,
344     SCannotRefresh,
345     SBufferNotSet,
346     SCircularReference,
347     SUserAbort,
348     SDataSetUniDirectional,
349     SCannotCreateSharedResource,
350     SFieldUnsupportedType,
351     SCircularDataLink,
352     SEmptySQLStatement,
353     SIsASelectStatement,
354     SRequiredParamNotSet,
355     SNoStoredProcName,
356     SIsAExecuteProcedure,
357     SUpdateFailed,
358     SNoRecordsAffected,
359     SNoTableName,
360     STableNameMismatch,
361     SIndexFieldMissing,
362     SInvalidEvent,
363     SMaximumEvents,
364     SInvalidBatchMove,
365     SSQLDialectInvalid,
366     SSPBConstantNotSupported,
367     SSPBConstantUnknown,
368     SServiceActive,
369     SServiceInActive,
370     SServerNameMissing,
371     SQueryParamsError,
372     SStartParamsError,
373     SOutputParsingError,
374     SUseSpecificProcedures,
375     SDPBConstantUnknownEx,
376     STPBConstantUnknownEx,
377     SSV5APIError,
378     SThreadFailed,
379     SFieldSizeError,
380     SNoLoginDialog,
381     SInfoBufferIndexError,
382     SServiceRequestIndexError,
383     SServiceParamTypeError,
384     SArrayBoundsCantIncrease,
385     SUnexpectedDatabaseInfoResp,
386     SStringTooLong,
387     SFieldNotinDataSet,
388     SNotCurrentArray,
389     SServiceRunning,
390     SUniqueRelationReqd,
391     SNegativeGenerator,
392     SServiceUnavailable,
393     SBadConnectString,
394     SServiceNotStarted,
395     SNotRequiredDataSetSource,
396     SNoLimboTransactionInsert,
397     SDatabaseNotConnected,
398     SMultiThreadRequired,
399     SODSVersionRequired,
400     SErrorParsing,
401     SParameterNameNotFound,
402 tony 311 SListFieldNotFound,
403     SDBBufferTooSmall
404 tony 299 );
406     function GetErrorMessage(ErrMess: TIBClientError): AnsiString;
407     begin
408     Result := IBErrorMessages[ErrMess];
409     end;
411     procedure IBError(ErrMess: TIBClientError; const Args: array of const);
412     begin
413     raise EIBClientError.Create(Ord(ErrMess),
414     Format(GetErrorMessage(ErrMess), Args));
415     end;
417     end.