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Revision: 311
Committed: Mon Aug 24 09:32:58 2020 UTC (3 years, 7 months ago) by tony
Content type: text/x-pascal
File size: 8951 byte(s)
Log Message:
Fixes merged

File Contents

# Content
1 {************************************************************************}
2 { }
3 { Borland Delphi Visual Component Library }
4 { InterBase Express core components }
5 { }
6 { Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Inprise Corporation }
7 { }
8 { InterBase Express is based in part on the product }
9 { Free IB Components, written by Gregory H. Deatz for }
10 { Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst & Doukas Company. }
11 { Free IB Components is used under license. }
12 { }
13 { The contents of this file are subject to the InterBase }
14 { Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not }
15 { use this file except in compliance with the License. You }
16 { may obtain a copy of the License at }
17 { Software distributed under the License is distributed on }
18 { an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either }
19 { express or implied. See the License for the specific language }
20 { governing rights and limitations under the License. }
21 { The Original Code was created by InterBase Software Corporation }
22 { and its successors. }
23 { Portions created by Inprise Corporation are Copyright (C) Inprise }
24 { Corporation. All Rights Reserved. }
25 { Contributor(s): Jeff Overcash }
26 { }
27 { IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express) }
28 { Contributor: Tony Whyman, MWA Software }
29 { Portions created by MWA Software are copyright McCallum Whyman }
30 { Associates Ltd 2011 - 2018 }
31 { }
32 {************************************************************************}
34 {
35 This unit has been almost completely re-written as the original code was
36 not that robust - and I am not even sure if it worked. The IBPP C++ implementation
37 was used for guidance and inspiration. A permanent thread is used to receive
38 events from the asynchronous event handler. This then uses "Synchronize" to
39 process the event in the main thread.
41 Note that an error will occur if the TIBEvent's Registered property is set to
42 true before the Database has been opened.
43 }
45 unit IBEvents;
47 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
49 interface
51 uses
53 Windows,
54 {$ELSE}
55 unix,
56 {$ENDIF}
57 Classes, IB, IBDatabase;
59 const
60 MaxEvents = 15;
62 type
64 TEventAlert = procedure( Sender: TObject; EventName: string; EventCount: longint;
65 var CancelAlerts: Boolean) of object;
67 { TIBEvents }
69 TIBEvents = class(TComponent)
70 private
71 FBase: TIBBase;
72 FEventIntf: IEvents;
73 FEvents: TStrings;
74 FOnEventAlert: TEventAlert;
75 FRegistered: boolean;
76 FDeferredRegister: boolean;
77 FStartEvent: boolean;
78 procedure EventHandler(Sender: IEvents);
79 procedure ProcessEvents;
80 procedure EventChange(sender: TObject);
81 function GetDatabase: TIBDatabase;
82 procedure SetDatabase( value: TIBDatabase);
83 procedure ValidateDatabase( Database: TIBDatabase);
84 procedure DoBeforeDatabaseDisconnect(Sender: TObject);
85 procedure DoAfterDatabaseConnect(Sender: TObject);
86 protected
87 procedure Notification( AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override;
88 procedure SetEvents( value: TStrings);
89 procedure SetRegistered( value: boolean);
91 public
92 constructor Create( AOwner: TComponent); override;
93 destructor Destroy; override;
94 procedure RegisterEvents;
95 procedure UnRegisterEvents;
96 property DeferredRegister: boolean read FDeferredRegister write FDeferredRegister;
97 property EventIntf: IEvents read FEventIntf;
98 published
99 property Database: TIBDatabase read GetDatabase write SetDatabase;
100 property Events: TStrings read FEvents write SetEvents;
101 property Registered: Boolean read FRegistered write SetRegistered;
102 property OnEventAlert: TEventAlert read FOnEventAlert write FOnEventAlert;
103 end;
106 implementation
108 uses SysUtils, IBMessages;
110 { TIBEvents }
112 procedure TIBEvents.ValidateDatabase( Database: TIBDatabase);
113 begin
114 if not assigned( Database) then
115 IBError(ibxeDatabaseNameMissing, [nil]);
116 if csDesigning in ComponentState then Exit;
117 if not Database.Connected then
118 IBError(ibxeDatabaseClosed, [nil]);
119 end;
121 constructor TIBEvents.Create( AOwner: TComponent);
122 begin
123 inherited Create( AOwner);
124 FBase := TIBBase.Create(Self);
125 FBase.BeforeDatabaseDisconnect := @DoBeforeDatabaseDisconnect;
126 FBase.AfterDatabaseConnect := @DoAfterDatabaseConnect;
127 FEvents := TStringList.Create;
128 FStartEvent := true;
129 with TStringList( FEvents) do
130 begin
131 OnChange := @EventChange;
132 Duplicates := dupIgnore;
133 end;
134 end;
136 destructor TIBEvents.Destroy;
137 begin
138 UnregisterEvents;
139 SetDatabase(nil);
140 TStringList(FEvents).OnChange := nil;
141 FBase.Free;
142 FEvents.Free;
143 inherited Destroy;
144 end;
146 procedure TIBEvents.EventHandler(Sender: IEvents);
147 begin
148 TThread.Synchronize(nil,@ProcessEvents);
149 end;
151 procedure TIBEvents.ProcessEvents;
152 var EventCounts: TEventCounts;
153 CancelAlerts: Boolean;
154 i: integer;
155 begin
156 if (csDestroying in ComponentState) or (FEventIntf = nil) then Exit;
157 CancelAlerts := false;
158 EventCounts := FEventIntf.ExtractEventCounts;
159 if FStartEvent then
160 FStartEvent := false {ignore the first one}
161 else
162 if assigned(FOnEventAlert) then
163 begin
164 CancelAlerts := false;
165 for i := 0 to Length(EventCounts) -1 do
166 begin
167 OnEventAlert(self,EventCounts[i].EventName,EventCounts[i].Count,CancelAlerts);
168 if CancelAlerts then break;
169 end;
170 end;
171 if CancelAlerts then
172 UnRegisterEvents
173 else
174 FEventIntf.AsyncWaitForEvent(@EventHandler);
175 end;
177 procedure TIBEvents.EventChange( sender: TObject);
178 begin
179 { check for blank event }
180 if TStringList(Events).IndexOf( '') <> -1 then
181 IBError(ibxeInvalidEvent, [nil]);
182 { check for too many events }
183 if Events.Count > MaxEvents then
184 begin
185 TStringList(Events).OnChange := nil;
186 Events.Delete( MaxEvents);
187 TStringList(Events).OnChange := @EventChange;
188 IBError(ibxeMaximumEvents, [nil]);
189 end;
190 if Registered and (FEventIntf <> nil) then
191 begin
192 FEventIntf.SetEvents(Events);
193 FEventIntf.AsyncWaitForEvent(@EventHandler);
194 end;
195 end;
197 procedure TIBEvents.Notification( AComponent: TComponent;
198 Operation: TOperation);
199 begin
200 inherited Notification( AComponent, Operation);
201 if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FBase.Database) then
202 begin
203 UnregisterEvents;
204 FBase.Database := nil;
205 end;
206 end;
208 procedure TIBEvents.RegisterEvents;
209 begin
210 if FRegistered then Exit;
211 ValidateDatabase( Database);
212 if csDesigning in ComponentState then FRegistered := true
213 else
214 begin
215 if not FBase.Database.Connected then
216 FDeferredRegister := true
217 else
218 begin
219 FEventIntf := Database.Attachment.GetEventHandler(Events);
220 FEventIntf.AsyncWaitForEvent(@EventHandler);
221 FRegistered := true;
222 end;
223 end;
224 end;
226 procedure TIBEvents.SetEvents( value: TStrings);
227 begin
228 FEvents.Assign( value);
229 end;
231 procedure TIBEvents.SetDatabase( value: TIBDatabase);
232 begin
233 if value <> FBase.Database then
234 begin
235 if Registered then UnregisterEvents;
236 if assigned( value) and value.Connected then ValidateDatabase( value);
237 FBase.Database := value;
238 if (FBase.Database <> nil) and FBase.Database.Connected then
239 DoAfterDatabaseConnect(FBase.Database)
240 end;
241 end;
243 function TIBEvents.GetDatabase: TIBDatabase;
244 begin
245 Result := FBase.Database
246 end;
248 procedure TIBEvents.SetRegistered(value: boolean);
249 begin
250 FDeferredRegister := false;
251 if not assigned(FBase) or (FBase.Database = nil) then
252 begin
253 FDeferredRegister := value;
254 Exit;
255 end;
257 if value then RegisterEvents else UnregisterEvents;
258 end;
260 procedure TIBEvents.UnRegisterEvents;
261 begin
262 FDeferredRegister := false;
263 if not FRegistered then
264 Exit;
265 if csDesigning in ComponentState then
266 FRegistered := false
267 else
268 begin
269 FEventIntf := nil;
270 FRegistered := false;
271 FStartEvent := true;
272 end;
273 end;
275 procedure TIBEvents.DoBeforeDatabaseDisconnect(Sender: TObject);
276 begin
277 UnregisterEvents;
278 end;
280 procedure TIBEvents.DoAfterDatabaseConnect(Sender: TObject);
281 begin
282 if FDeferredRegister then
283 Registered := true
284 end;
287 end.