{************************************************************************} { } { Borland Delphi Visual Component Library } { InterBase Express core components } { } { Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Inprise Corporation } { } { InterBase Express is based in part on the product } { Free IB Components, written by Gregory H. Deatz for } { Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst & Doukas Company. } { Free IB Components is used under license. } { } { The contents of this file are subject to the InterBase } { Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not } { use this file except in compliance with the License. You } { may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html } { Software distributed under the License is distributed on } { an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either } { express or implied. See the License for the specific language } { governing rights and limitations under the License. } { The Original Code was created by InterBase Software Corporation } { and its successors. } { Portions created by Inprise Corporation are Copyright (C) Inprise } { Corporation. All Rights Reserved. } { Contributor(s): Jeff Overcash } { } { IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express) } { Contributor: Tony Whyman, MWA Software http://www.mwasoftware.co.uk } { Portions created by MWA Software are copyright McCallum Whyman } { Associates Ltd 2011 - 2018 } { } {************************************************************************} { This unit has been significantly revised for the Lazarus port. Specially, there was a need to re-organise the code to isolate the Windows specific IPC and to introduce SV5 IPC as an alternative for Linux and other platforms. } unit IBSQLMonitor; {$Mode Delphi} {$codepage UTF8} interface uses IB, IBUtils, IBSQL, IBCustomDataSet, IBDatabase, DB, IBTypes ,SysUtils, Classes, {$IFDEF WINDOWS } Windows {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UNIX} cthreads, unix {$ENDIF} ; {Note that the original inter-thread communication between the Reader Thread and the ISQL Monitor used the Windows PostMessage interface. This is currently not useable under the FPC RTL as AllocateHWnd is not functional. It has been replaced by the use of the Synchronize method.} {$IFDEF WINDOWS} {$DEFINE USE_WINDOWS_IPC} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UNIX} {$DEFINE USE_SV5_IPC} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINUX} {$DEFINE HAS_SEMTIMEDOP} {$ENDIF} type TIBCustomSQLMonitor = class; TSQLEvent = procedure(EventText: String; EventTime : TDateTime) of object; { TIBCustomSQLMonitor } TIBCustomSQLMonitor = class(TComponent) private FOnSQLEvent: TSQLEvent; FTraceFlags: TTraceFlags; FEnabled: Boolean; procedure SetEnabled(const Value: Boolean); protected procedure ReleaseObject; {Called from Writer Thread} procedure ReceiveMessage(Msg: TObject); {Called from Reader Thread} property OnSQL: TSQLEvent read FOnSQLEvent write FOnSQLEvent; property TraceFlags: TTraceFlags read FTraceFlags write FTraceFlags; property Enabled : Boolean read FEnabled write SetEnabled default true; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Release; end; { TIBSQLMonitor } TIBSQLMonitor = class(TIBCustomSQLMonitor) published property OnSQL; property TraceFlags; property Enabled; end; TIBMonitoredService = class(TComponent) private FTraceFlags: TTraceFlags; protected property TraceFlags: TTraceFlags read FTraceFlags write FTraceFlags; end; { TIBXMonitoredService } TIBXMonitoredService = class(TComponent) private FTraceFlags: TTraceFlags; protected property TraceFlags: TTraceFlags read FTraceFlags write FTraceFlags; end; TIBXMonitoredConnection = class(TCustomConnection) private FTraceFlags: TTraceFlags; protected property TraceFlags: TTraceFlags read FTraceFlags write FTraceFlags; end; IIBSQLMonitorHook = interface ['{CF65434C-9B75-4298-BA7E-E6B85B3C769D}'] procedure RegisterMonitor(SQLMonitor : TIBCustomSQLMonitor); procedure UnregisterMonitor(SQLMonitor : TIBCustomSQLMonitor); procedure ReleaseMonitor(Arg : TIBCustomSQLMonitor); procedure SQLPrepare(qry: TIBSQL); procedure SQLExecute(qry: TIBSQL); procedure SQLFetch(qry: TIBSQL); procedure DBConnect(db: TIBDatabase); procedure DBDisconnect(db: TIBDatabase); procedure TRStart(tr: TIBTransaction); procedure TRCommit(tr: TIBTransaction); procedure TRCommitRetaining(tr: TIBTransaction); procedure TRRollback(tr: TIBTransaction); procedure TRRollbackRetaining(tr: TIBTransaction); procedure ServiceAttach(service: TIBMonitoredService); overload; procedure ServiceDetach(service: TIBMonitoredService); overload; procedure ServiceQuery(service: TIBMonitoredService); overload; procedure ServiceStart(service: TIBMonitoredService); overload; procedure ServiceAttach(service: TIBXMonitoredConnection); overload; procedure ServiceDetach(service: TIBXMonitoredConnection); overload; procedure ServiceQuery(service: TIBXMonitoredService); overload; procedure ServiceStart(service: TIBXMonitoredService); overload; procedure SendMisc(Msg : String); function GetTraceFlags : TTraceFlags; function GetMonitorCount : Integer; procedure SetTraceFlags(const Value : TTraceFlags); function GetEnabled : boolean; procedure SetEnabled(const Value : Boolean); property TraceFlags: TTraceFlags read GetTraceFlags write SetTraceFlags; property Enabled : Boolean read GetEnabled write SetEnabled; end; function MonitorHook: IIBSQLMonitorHook; procedure EnableMonitoring; procedure DisableMonitoring; function MonitoringEnabled: Boolean; implementation uses contnrs, syncobjs, CustApp, FBMessages {$IFDEF USE_SV5_IPC} ,ipc, Errors, baseunix {$ENDIF}; const cMonitorHookSize = 1024; cMsgWaitTime = 1000; cWriteMessageAvailable = 'WriterMsgQueue'; type { There are two possible objects. One is a trace message object. This object holds the flag of the trace type plus the message. The second object is a Release object. It holds the handle that the CM_RELEASE message is to be queued to. } { TTraceObject } TTraceObject = Class(TObject) FDataType : TTraceFlag; FMsg : String; FTimeStamp : TDateTime; public constructor Create(Msg : String; DataType : TTraceFlag); overload; constructor Create(obj : TTraceObject); overload; constructor Create(obj : TTraceObject; MsgOffset, MsgLen: integer); overload; end; { TReleaseObject } TReleaseObject = Class(TObject) FMonitor : TIBCustomSQLMonitor; public constructor Create(Monitor : TIBCustomSQLMonitor); end; {$IFDEF USE_SV5_IPC} {$I sv5ipc.inc} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_WINDOWS_IPC} {$I winipc.inc} {$ENDIF} type { TIBSQLMonitorHook } TIBSQLMonitorHook = class(TInterfacedObject, IIBSQLMonitorHook) private FGlobalInterface: TGlobalInterface; FTraceFlags: TTraceFlags; FEnabled: Boolean; protected procedure WriteSQLData(Text: String; DataType: TTraceFlag); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure RegisterMonitor(SQLMonitor : TIBCustomSQLMonitor); procedure UnregisterMonitor(SQLMonitor : TIBCustomSQLMonitor); procedure ReleaseMonitor(Arg : TIBCustomSQLMonitor); procedure SQLPrepare(qry: TIBSQL); virtual; procedure SQLExecute(qry: TIBSQL); virtual; procedure SQLFetch(qry: TIBSQL); virtual; procedure DBConnect(db: TIBDatabase); virtual; procedure DBDisconnect(db: TIBDatabase); virtual; procedure TRStart(tr: TIBTransaction); virtual; procedure TRCommit(tr: TIBTransaction); virtual; procedure TRCommitRetaining(tr: TIBTransaction); virtual; procedure TRRollback(tr: TIBTransaction); virtual; procedure TRRollbackRetaining(tr: TIBTransaction); virtual; procedure ServiceAttach(service: TIBMonitoredService); virtual; overload; procedure ServiceDetach(service: TIBMonitoredService); virtual; overload; procedure ServiceQuery(service: TIBMonitoredService); virtual; overload; procedure ServiceStart(service: TIBMonitoredService); virtual; overload; procedure ServiceAttach(service: TIBXMonitoredConnection); virtual; overload; procedure ServiceDetach(service: TIBXMonitoredConnection); virtual; overload; procedure ServiceQuery(service: TIBXMonitoredService); virtual; overload; procedure ServiceStart(service: TIBXMonitoredService); virtual; overload; procedure SendMisc(Msg : String); function GetEnabled: Boolean; function GetTraceFlags: TTraceFlags; function GetMonitorCount : Integer; procedure SetEnabled(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetTraceFlags(const Value: TTraceFlags); procedure ForceRelease; property TraceFlags: TTraceFlags read GetTraceFlags write SetTraceFlags; property Enabled : Boolean read GetEnabled write SetEnabled default true; end; { TWriterThread } TWriterThread = class(TThread) private { Private declarations } FGlobalInterface: TGlobalInterface; FMsgs : TObjectList; FCriticalSection: TCriticalSection; FMsgAvailable: TEventObject; procedure RemoveFromList; procedure PostRelease; public procedure ReleaseMonitor(Arg : TIBCustomSQLMonitor); protected procedure BeginWrite; procedure EndWrite; procedure Execute; override; procedure WriteToBuffer; public constructor Create(GlobalInterface: TGlobalInterface); destructor Destroy; override; procedure WriteSQLData(Msg : String; DataType : TTraceFlag); end; { TReaderThread } TReaderThread = class(TThread) private { Private declarations } st : TTraceObject; FMonitors : TObjectList; FGlobalInterface: TGlobalInterface; FCriticalSection: TCriticalSection; procedure AlertMonitors; protected procedure BeginRead; procedure EndRead; procedure ReadSQLData; procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(GlobalInterface: TGlobalInterface); destructor Destroy; override; procedure AddMonitor(Arg : TIBCustomSQLMonitor); procedure RemoveMonitor(Arg : TIBCustomSQLMonitor); end; var FWriterThread : TWriterThread; FReaderThread : TReaderThread; _MonitorHook: TIBSQLMonitorHook; bDone: Boolean; CS : TCriticalSection; const ApplicationTitle: string = 'Unknown'; { TIBCustomSQLMonitor } constructor TIBCustomSQLMonitor.Create(AOwner: TComponent); var aParent: TComponent; begin inherited Create(AOwner); FTraceFlags := [tfqPrepare .. tfMisc]; if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin aParent := AOwner; while aParent <> nil do begin if aParent is TCustomApplication then begin ApplicationTitle := TCustomApplication(aParent).Title; break; end; aParent := aParent.Owner; end; MonitorHook.RegisterMonitor(self); end; FEnabled := true; end; destructor TIBCustomSQLMonitor.Destroy; begin if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin if FEnabled and assigned(_MonitorHook) then MonitorHook.UnregisterMonitor(self); end; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TIBCustomSQLMonitor.Release; begin MonitorHook.ReleaseMonitor(self); end; procedure TIBCustomSQLMonitor.ReleaseObject; begin Free end; procedure TIBCustomSQLMonitor.ReceiveMessage(Msg: TObject); var st: TTraceObject; begin st := (Msg as TTraceObject); if (Assigned(FOnSQLEvent)) and (st.FDataType in FTraceFlags) then FOnSQLEvent(st.FMsg, st.FTimeStamp); st.Free; end; procedure TIBCustomSQLMonitor.SetEnabled(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FEnabled then begin FEnabled := Value; if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then if FEnabled then Monitorhook.RegisterMonitor(self) else MonitorHook.UnregisterMonitor(self); end; end; { TIBSQLMonitorHook } constructor TIBSQLMonitorHook.Create; begin inherited Create; FTraceFlags := [tfQPrepare..tfMisc]; FEnabled := false; end; destructor TIBSQLMonitorHook.Destroy; begin if assigned(FGlobalInterface) then FGlobalInterface.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.DBConnect(db: TIBDatabase); var st : String; begin if FEnabled then begin if not (tfConnect in FTraceFlags * db.TraceFlags) then Exit; st := db.Name + ': [Connect]'; {do not localize} WriteSQLData(st, tfConnect); end; end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.DBDisconnect(db: TIBDatabase); var st: String; begin if (Self = nil) then exit; if FEnabled then begin if not (tfConnect in FTraceFlags * db.TraceFlags) then Exit; st := db.Name + ': [Disconnect]'; {do not localize} WriteSQLData(st, tfConnect); end; end; function TIBSQLMonitorHook.GetEnabled: Boolean; begin Result := FEnabled; end; function TIBSQLMonitorHook.GetMonitorCount: Integer; begin Result := FGlobalInterface.MonitorCount end; function TIBSQLMonitorHook.GetTraceFlags: TTraceFlags; begin Result := FTraceFlags; end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.RegisterMonitor(SQLMonitor: TIBCustomSQLMonitor); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Register Monitor');{$ENDIF} if not assigned(FGlobalInterface) then FGlobalInterface := TGlobalInterface.Create; if not Assigned(FReaderThread) then FReaderThread := TReaderThread.Create(FGlobalInterface); FReaderThread.AddMonitor(SQLMonitor); end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.ReleaseMonitor(Arg: TIBCustomSQLMonitor); begin FWriterThread.ReleaseMonitor(Arg); end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.SendMisc(Msg: String); begin if FEnabled then begin WriteSQLData(Msg, tfMisc); end; end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.ServiceAttach(service: TIBMonitoredService); var st: String; begin if FEnabled then begin if not (tfService in (FTraceFlags * service.TraceFlags)) then Exit; st := service.Name + ': [Attach]'; {do not localize} WriteSQLData(st, tfService); end; end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.ServiceDetach(service: TIBMonitoredService); var st: String; begin if FEnabled then begin if not (tfService in (FTraceFlags * service.TraceFlags)) then Exit; st := service.Name + ': [Detach]'; {do not localize} WriteSQLData(st, tfService); end; end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.ServiceQuery(service: TIBMonitoredService); var st: String; begin if FEnabled then begin if not (tfService in (FTraceFlags * service.TraceFlags)) then Exit; st := service.Name + ': [Query]'; {do not localize} WriteSQLData(st, tfService); end; end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.ServiceStart(service: TIBMonitoredService); var st: String; begin if FEnabled then begin if not (tfService in (FTraceFlags * service.TraceFlags)) then Exit; st := service.Name + ': [Start]'; {do not localize} WriteSQLData(st, tfService); end; end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.ServiceAttach(service: TIBXMonitoredConnection); var st: String; begin if FEnabled then begin if not (tfService in (FTraceFlags * service.TraceFlags)) then Exit; st := service.Name + ': [Attach]'; {do not localize} WriteSQLData(st, tfService); end; end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.ServiceDetach(service: TIBXMonitoredConnection); var st: String; begin if FEnabled then begin if not (tfService in (FTraceFlags * service.TraceFlags)) then Exit; st := service.Name + ': [Detach]'; {do not localize} WriteSQLData(st, tfService); end; end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.ServiceQuery(service: TIBXMonitoredService); var st: String; begin if FEnabled then begin if not (tfService in (FTraceFlags * service.TraceFlags)) then Exit; st := service.Name + ': [Query]'; {do not localize} WriteSQLData(st, tfService); end; end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.ServiceStart(service: TIBXMonitoredService); var st: String; begin if FEnabled then begin if not (tfService in (FTraceFlags * service.TraceFlags)) then Exit; st := service.Name + ': [Start]'; {do not localize} WriteSQLData(st, tfService); end; end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.SetEnabled(const Value: Boolean); begin if FEnabled <> Value then FEnabled := Value; if (not FEnabled) and (Assigned(FWriterThread)) then begin FWriterThread.Terminate; FWriterThread.WaitFor; FreeAndNil(FWriterThread); end; end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.SetTraceFlags(const Value: TTraceFlags); begin FTraceFlags := Value end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.ForceRelease; begin if Assigned(FReaderThread) then begin FReaderThread.Terminate; if not Assigned(FWriterThread) then FWriterThread := TWriterThread.Create(FGlobalInterface); FWriterThread.WriteSQLData(' ', tfMisc); end; end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.SQLExecute(qry: TIBSQL); var st: String; i: Integer; begin if FEnabled then begin if not ((tfQExecute in (FTraceFlags * qry.Database.TraceFlags)) or (tfStmt in (FTraceFlags * qry.Database.TraceFlags)) ) then Exit; if qry.Owner is TIBCustomDataSet then st := TIBCustomDataSet(qry.Owner).Name else st := qry.Name; st := st + ': [Execute] ' + qry.SQL.Text; {do not localize} if qry.Params.GetCount > 0 then begin for i := 0 to qry.Params.GetCount - 1 do begin st := st + CRLF + ' ' + qry.Params[i].Name + ' = '; try if qry.Params[i].IsNull then st := st + ''; {do not localize} st := st + qry.Params[i].AsString; except st := st + '<' + SCantPrintValue + '>'; end; end; end; WriteSQLData(st, tfQExecute); end; end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.SQLFetch(qry: TIBSQL); var st: String; begin if FEnabled then begin if not ((tfQFetch in (FTraceFlags * qry.Database.TraceFlags)) or (tfStmt in (FTraceFlags * qry.Database.TraceFlags))) then Exit; if qry.Owner is TIBCustomDataSet then st := TIBCustomDataSet(qry.Owner).Name else st := qry.Name; st := st + ': [Fetch] ' + qry.SQL.Text; {do not localize} if (qry.EOF) then st := st + CRLF + ' ' + SEOFReached; WriteSQLData(st, tfQFetch); end; end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.SQLPrepare(qry: TIBSQL); var st: String; begin if FEnabled then begin if not ((tfQPrepare in (FTraceFlags * qry.Database.TraceFlags)) or (tfStmt in (FTraceFlags * qry.Database.TraceFlags))) then Exit; if qry.Owner is TIBCustomDataSet then st := TIBCustomDataSet(qry.Owner).Name else st := qry.Name; st := st + ': [Prepare] ' + qry.SQL.Text + CRLF; {do not localize} st := st + ' Plan: ' + qry.Plan; {do not localize} WriteSQLData(st, tfQPrepare); end; end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.TRCommit(tr: TIBTransaction); var st: String; begin if FEnabled then begin if Assigned(tr.DefaultDatabase) and (not (tfTransact in (FTraceFlags * tr.DefaultDatabase.TraceFlags))) then Exit; st := tr.Name + ': [Commit (Hard commit)]'; {do not localize} WriteSQLData(st, tfTransact); end; end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.TRCommitRetaining(tr: TIBTransaction); var st: String; begin if FEnabled then begin if Assigned(tr.DefaultDatabase) and (not (tfTransact in (FTraceFlags * tr.DefaultDatabase.TraceFlags))) then Exit; st := tr.Name + ': [Commit retaining (Soft commit)]'; {do not localize} WriteSQLData(st, tfTransact); end; end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.TRRollback(tr: TIBTransaction); var st: String; begin if FEnabled then begin if Assigned(tr.DefaultDatabase) and (not (tfTransact in (FTraceFlags * tr.DefaultDatabase.TraceFlags))) then Exit; st := tr.Name + ': [Rollback]'; {do not localize} WriteSQLData(st, tfTransact); end; end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.TRRollbackRetaining(tr: TIBTransaction); var st: String; begin if FEnabled then begin if Assigned(tr.DefaultDatabase) and (not (tfTransact in (FTraceFlags * tr.DefaultDatabase.TraceFlags))) then Exit; st := tr.Name + ': [Rollback retaining (Soft rollback)]'; {do not localize} WriteSQLData(st, tfTransact); end; end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.TRStart(tr: TIBTransaction); var st: String; begin if FEnabled then begin if Assigned(tr.DefaultDatabase) and (not (tfTransact in (FTraceFlags * tr.DefaultDatabase.TraceFlags))) then Exit; st := tr.Name + ': [Start transaction]'; {do not localize} WriteSQLData(st, tfTransact); end; end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.UnregisterMonitor(SQLMonitor: TIBCustomSQLMonitor); var Created : Boolean; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Unregister Monitor');{$ENDIF} if assigned(FReaderThread) then begin FReaderThread.RemoveMonitor(SQLMonitor); if FReaderThread.FMonitors.Count = 0 then begin FReaderThread.Terminate; { There is a possibility of a reader thread, but no writer one. When in that situation, the reader needs to be released after the terminate is set. To do that, create a Writer thread, send the release code (a string of ' ' and type tfMisc) and then free it up. } Created := false; if not Assigned(FWriterThread) then begin FWriterThread := TWriterThread.Create(FGlobalInterface); Created := true; end; FWriterThread.WriteSQLData(' ', tfMisc); {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Wait for read Terminate');{$ENDIF} FReaderThread.WaitFor; if assigned(FReaderThread.FatalException) then IBError(ibxeThreadFailed,['Reader',Exception(FReaderThread.FatalException).Message]); {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Freeing Reader Thread');{$ENDIF} FreeAndNil(FReaderThread); {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Reader Thread Freed');{$ENDIF} if Created then begin FWriterThread.Terminate; {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Wait for write Terminate');{$ENDIF} FWriterThread.WaitFor; if assigned(FWriterThread.FatalException) then IBError(ibxeThreadFailed,['Writer',Exception(FWriterThread.FatalException).Message]); FreeAndNil(FWriterThread); end; end; end; {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Unregister done'){$ENDIF} end; procedure TIBSQLMonitorHook.WriteSQLData(Text: String; DataType: TTraceFlag); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Write SQL Data: '+Text);{$ENDIF} if not assigned(FGlobalInterface) then FGlobalInterface := TGlobalInterface.Create; Text := CRLF + '[Application: ' + ApplicationTitle + ']' + CRLF + Text; {do not localize} if not Assigned(FWriterThread) then FWriterThread := TWriterThread.Create(FGLobalInterface); FWriterThread.WriteSQLData(Text, DataType); end; { TWriterThread } constructor TWriterThread.Create(GlobalInterface: TGlobalInterface); begin inherited Create(true); {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Write Object Created');{$ENDIF} FGlobalInterface := GlobalInterface; FMsgs := TObjectList.Create(true); FCriticalSection := TCriticalSection.Create; FMsgAvailable := TEventObject.Create(FGlobalInterface.Sa,true,false,cWriteMessageAvailable); Start; end; destructor TWriterThread.Destroy; begin if assigned(FMsgs) then FMsgs.Free; if assigned(FCriticalSection) then FCriticalSection.Free; if assigned(FMsgAvailable) then FMsgAvailable.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TWriterThread.Execute; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Write Thread starts');{$ENDIF} try { Place thread code here } while ((not Terminated) and (not bDone)) or (FMsgs.Count <> 0) do begin FMsgAvailable.WaitFor(cMsgWaitTime); { Any one listening? } if FGlobalInterface.MonitorCount = 0 then begin if FMsgs.Count <> 0 then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Write Thread Drop Message');{$ENDIF} RemoveFromList; end; end else { Anything to process? } if FMsgs.Count <> 0 then begin { If the current queued message is a release release the object } if FMsgs.Items[0] is TReleaseObject then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Post Release');{$ENDIF} if not Terminated then Synchronize(PostRelease); end else { Otherwise write the TraceObject to the buffer } begin WriteToBuffer; end; end else begin FCriticalSection.Enter; try if FMsgs.Count = 0 then FMsgAvailable.ResetEvent finally FCriticalSection.Leave end; end; end; except on E: Exception do begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Write Thread raised Exception: ' + E.Message);{$ENDIF} raise end end; {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Write Thread Ends');{$ENDIF} end; procedure TWriterThread.WriteSQLData(Msg : String; DataType: TTraceFlag); begin FCriticalSection.Enter; try FMsgs.Add(TTraceObject.Create(Msg, DataType)); finally FCriticalSection.Leave; end; FMsgAvailable.SetEvent end; procedure TWriterThread.BeginWrite; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Begin Write');{$ENDIF} with FGlobalInterface do begin ReadReadyEvent.PassThroughGate; {Wait for readers to become ready } WriterBusyEvent.Lock; {Set Busy State} end; {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Begin Write Complete');{$ENDIF} end; procedure TWriterThread.EndWrite; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('End Write');{$ENDIF} with FGlobalInterface do begin DataAvailableEvent.Unlock; { Signal Data Available. } ReadFinishedEvent.PassThroughGate; {Wait for readers to finish } DataAvailableEvent.Lock; {reset Data Available } WriterBusyEvent.Unlock; {Signal not Busy } end; {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('End Write Complete');{$ENDIF} end; procedure TWriterThread.WriteToBuffer; var I, len: integer; Temp: TTraceObject; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Write to Buffer');{$ENDIF} FGlobalInterface.WriteLock.Lock; try { If there are no monitors throw out the message The alternative is to have messages queue up until a monitor is ready.} if FGlobalInterface.MonitorCount = 0 then RemoveFromList else begin i := 1; len := Length(TTraceObject(FMsgs[0]).FMsg); if len <= FGlobalInterface.MaxBufferSize then begin BeginWrite; try FGlobalInterface.SendTrace(TTraceObject(FMsgs[0])) finally RemoveFromList; EndWrite end; end else try while len > 0 do begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Sending Partial Message, len = ',len);{$ENDIF} Temp := TTraceObject.Create(TTraceObject(FMsgs[0]),i,Min(len,FGlobalInterface.MaxBufferSize)); try BeginWrite; FGlobalInterface.SendTrace(Temp); Inc(i,FGlobalInterface.MaxBufferSize); Dec(len,FGlobalInterface.MaxBufferSize); finally Temp.Free; EndWrite end end; finally RemoveFromList; end end; finally FGlobalInterface.WriteLock.Unlock; end; {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Done Write');{$ENDIF} end; procedure TWriterThread.RemoveFromList; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Write Thread: Remove object From List');{$ENDIF} FCriticalSection.Enter; try FMsgs.Remove(FMsgs[0]); { Pop the written item } finally FCriticalSection.Leave; end; end; procedure TWriterThread.PostRelease; var Monitor: TIBCustomSQLMonitor; begin Monitor := TReleaseObject(FMsgs.Items[0]).FMonitor; Monitor.ReleaseObject end; procedure TWriterThread.ReleaseMonitor(Arg : TIBCustomSQLMonitor); begin FMsgs.Add(TReleaseObject.Create(Arg)); end; { TTraceObject } constructor TTraceObject.Create(Msg : String; DataType: TTraceFlag); begin FMsg := Msg; FDataType := DataType; FTimeStamp := Now; end; constructor TTraceObject.Create(obj: TTraceObject); begin FMsg := obj.FMsg; FDataType := obj.FDataType; FTimeStamp := obj.FTimeStamp; end; constructor TTraceObject.Create(obj: TTraceObject; MsgOffset, MsgLen: integer); begin FDataType := obj.FDataType; FTimeStamp := obj.FTimeStamp; FMsg := copy(obj.FMsg,MsgOffset,MsgLen) end; { TReleaseObject } constructor TReleaseObject.Create(Monitor : TIBCustomSQLMonitor); begin FMonitor := Monitor; end; { ReaderThread } procedure TReaderThread.AddMonitor(Arg: TIBCustomSQLMonitor); begin FCriticalSection.Enter; try if FMonitors.IndexOf(Arg) < 0 then FMonitors.Add(Arg); finally FCriticalSection.Leave end; end; procedure TReaderThread.AlertMonitors; var i : Integer; FTemp : TTraceObject; Monitor: TIBCustomSQLMonitor; begin for i := 0 to FMonitors.Count - 1 do begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Sending Message to Monitor ' +IntToStr(i));{$ENDIF} FTemp := TTraceObject.Create(st); Monitor := TIBCustomSQLMonitor(FMonitors[i]); Monitor.ReceiveMessage(FTemp); end; end; procedure TReaderThread.BeginRead; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Begin Read');{$ENDIF} with FGlobalInterface do begin WriterBusyEvent.PassthroughGate; { Wait for Writer not busy} ReadFinishedEvent.Lock; { Prepare Read Finished Gate} ReadReadyEvent.Unlock; { Signal read ready } {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Read Ready Unlocked');{$ENDIF} DataAvailableEvent.PassthroughGate; { Wait for a Data Available } end; {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Begin Read Complete');{$ENDIF} end; constructor TReaderThread.Create(GlobalInterface: TGlobalInterface); begin inherited Create(true); FGlobalInterface := GlobalInterface; st := TTraceObject.Create('', tfMisc); FGlobalInterface.IncMonitorCount; FMonitors := TObjectList.Create(false); FCriticalSection := TCriticalSection.Create; {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Reader Thread Created');{$ENDIF} FGlobalInterface.ReadReadyEvent.Lock; { Initialise Read Ready} Start; end; destructor TReaderThread.Destroy; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Reader Thread Destory');{$ENDIF} FGlobalInterface.ReadReadyEvent.UnLock; if assigned(FGlobalInterface) and (FGlobalInterface.MonitorCount > 0) then FGlobalInterface.DecMonitorCount; FMonitors.Free; if assigned(FCriticalSection) then FCriticalSection.Free; st.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TReaderThread.EndRead; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('End Read');{$ENDIF} FGlobalInterface.ReadReadyEvent.Lock; { reset Read Ready} FGlobalInterface.ReadFinishedEvent.Unlock; {Signal Read completed } {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('End Read Complete');{$ENDIF} end; procedure TReaderThread.Execute; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Read Thread Starts');{$ENDIF} { Place thread code here } while (not Terminated) and (not bDone) do begin ReadSQLData; if (st.FMsg <> '') and not ((st.FMsg = ' ') and (st.FDataType = tfMisc)) then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Sending Message to Monitors');{$ENDIF} if not Terminated then Synchronize(AlertMonitors); end; end; {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Read Thread Ends');{$ENDIF} end; procedure TReaderThread.ReadSQLData; begin st.FMsg := ''; BeginRead; if not bDone then try FGlobalInterface.ReceiveTrace(st) finally EndRead; end; end; procedure TReaderThread.RemoveMonitor(Arg: TIBCustomSQLMonitor); begin FCriticalSection.Enter; try FMonitors.Remove(Arg); finally FCriticalSection.Leave end; end; { Misc methods } function MonitorHook: IIBSQLMonitorHook; begin if (_MonitorHook = nil) and (not bDone) then begin CS.Enter; if (_MonitorHook = nil) and (not bDone) then begin _MonitorHook := TIBSQLMonitorHook.Create; _MonitorHook._AddRef; end; CS.Leave; end; result := _MonitorHook; end; procedure EnableMonitoring; begin MonitorHook.Enabled := True; end; procedure DisableMonitoring; begin MonitorHook.Enabled := False; end; function MonitoringEnabled: Boolean; begin result := MonitorHook.Enabled; end; procedure CloseThreads; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Closed Threads Called');{$ENDIF} if Assigned(FReaderThread) then begin FReaderThread.Terminate; FReaderThread.WaitFor; FreeAndNil(FReaderThread); end; if Assigned(FWriterThread) then begin FWriterThread.Terminate; FWriterThread.WaitFor; FreeAndNil(FWriterThread); end; end; initialization CS := TCriticalSection.Create; _MonitorHook := nil; FWriterThread := nil; FReaderThread := nil; bDone := False; {$IFDEF USE_SV5_IPC} if GetEnvironmentVariable('FBSQL_IPCFILENAME') <> '' then IPCFileName := GetEnvironmentVariable('FBSQL_IPCFILENAME') else IPCFileName := GetTempDir(true) + IPCFileName + '.' + GetEnvironmentVariable('USER'); {$ENDIF} finalization {$IFDEF DEBUG}writeln('Entered Finalisation');{$ENDIF} try { Write an empty string to force the reader to unlock during termination } bDone := True; if Assigned(_MonitorHook) then _MonitorHook.ForceRelease; CloseThreads; if Assigned(_MonitorHook) then _MonitorHook._Release; finally _MonitorHook := nil; if assigned(CS) then CS.Free; end; end.