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Revision: 429
Committed: Sat Dec 30 16:07:08 2023 UTC (3 months, 4 weeks ago) by tony
Content type: text/x-pascal
File size: 17343 byte(s)
Log Message:
TIBCustomDataset.PrimaryKeys when used in InternalRefresh. when more than one
   primary key is used by the dataset then the list of primary keys is now
   properly separated by a ';'.

File Contents

# Content
1 (*
2 * IBX Test suite. This program is used to test the IBX non-visual
3 * components and provides a semi-automated pass/fail check for each test.
4 *
5 * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's
6 * Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
7 * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
8 * of the License here:
9 *
10 *
11 *
12 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
13 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
14 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights
15 * and limitations under the License.
16 *
17 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman.
18 *
19 * The Original Code is (C) 2021 Tony Whyman, MWA Software
20 * (
21 *
22 * All Rights Reserved.
23 *
24 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
25 *
26 *)
27 unit Test17;
29 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
31 {Test 17: TIBDataSet Tests}
33 { Description
35 TIBDataset Insert/Update/Delete tests.
36 }
38 interface
40 uses
41 Classes, SysUtils, TestApplication, IBXTestBase, DB, IB, IBCustomDataSet;
43 const
44 aTestID = '17';
45 aTestTitle = 'TIBDataset Tests';
47 type
49 { TTest1 }
51 { TTest17 }
53 TTest17 = class(TIBXTestBase)
54 private
55 FIBDataSet1: TIBDataSet;
56 FIBDataSet2: TIBDataSet;
57 F2KeyDataset: TIBDataset;
58 procedure HandleDeleteReturning(Sender: TObject; QryResults: IResults);
59 procedure HandleBeforeOpen(DataSet: TDataSet);
60 procedure HandleAfterOpen(DataSet: TDataSet);
61 procedure HandleBeforeClose(DataSet: TDataSet);
62 procedure HandleAfterClose(DataSet: TDataSet);
63 procedure HandleBeforeInsert(DataSet: TDataSet);
64 procedure HandleAfterInsert(DataSet: TDataSet);
65 procedure HandleBeforeEdit(DataSet: TDataSet);
66 procedure HandleAfterEdit(DataSet: TDataSet);
67 procedure HandleBeforePost(DataSet: TDataSet);
68 procedure HandleAfterPost(DataSet: TDataSet);
69 procedure HandleBeforeCancel(DataSet: TDataSet);
70 procedure HandleAfterCancel(DataSet: TDataSet);
71 procedure HandleBeforeDelete(DataSet: TDataSet);
72 procedure HandleAfterDelete(DataSet: TDataSet);
73 procedure HandleBeforeScroll(DataSet: TDataSet);
74 procedure HandleAfterScroll(DataSet: TDataSet);
75 procedure HandleBeforeRefresh(DataSet: TDataSet);
76 procedure HandleAfterRefresh(DataSet: TDataSet);
77 procedure ValidatePostOK(Sender: TObject; var CancelPost: boolean);
78 procedure ValidatePostCancel(Sender: TObject; var CancelPost: boolean);
79 procedure HandlePostError(DataSet: TDataSet; E: EDatabaseError;
80 var DataAction: TDataAction);
81 protected
82 procedure CreateObjects(Application: TTestApplication); override;
83 function GetTestID: AnsiString; override;
84 function GetTestTitle: AnsiString; override;
85 procedure InitTest; override;
86 public
87 procedure RunTest(CharSet: AnsiString; SQLDialect: integer); override;
88 end;
91 implementation
93 { TTest17 }
95 procedure TTest17.HandleDeleteReturning(Sender: TObject; QryResults: IResults);
96 begin
97 writeln(OutFile,'Delete Returning');
98 ReportResult(QryResults);
99 writeln(OutFile);
100 end;
102 procedure TTest17.HandleBeforeOpen(DataSet: TDataSet);
103 Begin
104 writeln(Outfile,'Dataset Event BeforeOpen: State = ',DataSet.State);
105 end;
106 procedure TTest17.HandleAfterOpen(DataSet: TDataSet);
107 Begin
108 writeln(Outfile,'Dataset Event AfterOpen: State = ',DataSet.State);
109 end;
110 procedure TTest17.HandleBeforeClose(DataSet: TDataSet);
111 Begin
112 writeln(Outfile,'Dataset Event BeforeClose: State = ',DataSet.State);
113 end;
114 procedure TTest17.HandleAfterClose(DataSet: TDataSet);
115 Begin
116 writeln(Outfile,'Dataset Event AfterClose: State = ',DataSet.State);
117 end;
118 procedure TTest17.HandleBeforeInsert(DataSet: TDataSet);
119 Begin
120 writeln(Outfile,'Dataset Event BeforeInsert: State = ',DataSet.State);
121 end;
122 procedure TTest17.HandleAfterInsert(DataSet: TDataSet);
123 Begin
124 writeln(Outfile,'Dataset Event AfterInsert: State = ',DataSet.State);
125 end;
126 procedure TTest17.HandleBeforeEdit(DataSet: TDataSet);
127 Begin
128 writeln(Outfile,'Dataset Event BeforeEdit: State = ',DataSet.State);
129 end;
130 procedure TTest17.HandleAfterEdit(DataSet: TDataSet);
131 Begin
132 writeln(Outfile,'Dataset Event AfterEdit: State = ',DataSet.State);
133 end;
134 procedure TTest17.HandleBeforePost(DataSet: TDataSet);
135 Begin
136 writeln(Outfile,'Dataset Event BeforePost: State = ',DataSet.State);
137 end;
138 procedure TTest17.HandleAfterPost(DataSet: TDataSet);
139 Begin
140 writeln(Outfile,'Dataset Event AfterPost: State = ',DataSet.State);
141 end;
142 procedure TTest17.HandleBeforeCancel(DataSet: TDataSet);
143 Begin
144 writeln(Outfile,'Dataset Event BeforeCancel: State = ',DataSet.State);
145 end;
146 procedure TTest17.HandleAfterCancel(DataSet: TDataSet);
147 Begin
148 writeln(Outfile,'Dataset Event AfterCancel: State = ',DataSet.State);
149 end;
150 procedure TTest17.HandleBeforeDelete(DataSet: TDataSet);
151 Begin
152 writeln(Outfile,'Dataset Event BeforeDelete: State = ',DataSet.State);
153 end;
154 procedure TTest17.HandleAfterDelete(DataSet: TDataSet);
155 Begin
156 writeln(Outfile,'Dataset Event AfterDelete: State = ',DataSet.State);
157 end;
158 procedure TTest17.HandleBeforeScroll(DataSet: TDataSet);
159 Begin
160 writeln(Outfile,'Dataset Event BeforeScroll: State = ',DataSet.State);
161 end;
162 procedure TTest17.HandleAfterScroll(DataSet: TDataSet);
163 Begin
164 writeln(Outfile,'Dataset Event AfterScroll: State = ',DataSet.State);
165 end;
166 procedure TTest17.HandleBeforeRefresh(DataSet: TDataSet);
167 Begin
168 writeln(Outfile,'Dataset Event BeforeRefresh: State = ',DataSet.State);
169 end;
170 procedure TTest17.HandleAfterRefresh(DataSet: TDataSet);
171 Begin
172 writeln(Outfile,'Dataset Event AfterRefresh: State = ',DataSet.State);
173 end;
175 procedure TTest17.ValidatePostOK(Sender: TObject; var CancelPost: boolean);
176 begin
177 writeln(Outfile,'Validate Post OK called');
178 CancelPost := false;
179 end;
181 procedure TTest17.ValidatePostCancel(Sender: TObject; var CancelPost: boolean);
182 begin
183 writeln(Outfile,'Validate Post Cancel called');
184 CancelPost := true;
185 end;
187 procedure TTest17.HandlePostError(DataSet: TDataSet; E: EDatabaseError;
188 var DataAction: TDataAction);
189 begin
190 writeln(Outfile,'Post Error Called: ',E.Message);
191 DataAction := daFail;
192 end;
194 procedure TTest17.CreateObjects(Application: TTestApplication);
195 begin
196 inherited CreateObjects(Application);
197 FIBDataSet1 := TIBDataSet.Create(Application);
198 with FIBDataSet1 do
199 begin
200 Database := IBDatabase;
201 Transaction := IBTransaction;
202 Unidirectional := false;
203 SelectSQL.Add('Select * From IBDataSetTest');
204 InsertSQL.Add('Insert into IBDataSetTest(KeyField,PlainText) Values (:KeyField,:PlainText)');
205 ModifySQL.Add('Update IBDataSetTest Set KeyField = :KeyField, PlainText = :PlainText Where KeyField = :Old_KeyField');
206 DeleteSQL.Add('Delete from IBDataSetTest Where KeyField = :old_KeyField');
207 RefreshSQL.Add('Select * from IBDataSetTest Where KeyField = :KeyField');
208 GeneratorField.Field := 'KeyField';
209 GeneratorField.Generator := 'AGENERATOR';
210 GeneratorField.Increment := 1;
211 OnPostError := @HandlePostError;
212 end;
213 FIBDataSet2 := TIBDataSet.Create(Application);
214 with FIBDataSet2 do
215 begin
216 Database := IBDatabase;
217 Transaction := IBTransaction;
218 Unidirectional := false;
219 SelectSQL.Add('Select * From IBDataSetTest');
220 InsertSQL.Add('Insert into IBDataSetTest(KeyField,PlainText) Values (Gen_ID(AGenerator,1),:PlainText) Returning KeyField, TextAndKey');
221 ModifySQL.Add('Update IBDataSetTest Set KeyField = :KeyField, PlainText = :PlainText Where KeyField = :Old_KeyField Returning TextAndKey,ServerSideText');
222 DeleteSQL.Add('Delete from IBDataSetTest Where KeyField = :old_KeyField Returning KeyField');
223 RefreshSQL.Add('Select * from IBDataSetTest Where KeyField = :KeyField');
224 OnDeleteReturning := @HandleDeleteReturning;
225 BeforeOpen := @HandleBeforeOpen;
226 AfterOpen := @HandleAfterOpen;
227 BeforeClose := @HandleBeforeClose;
228 AfterClose := @HandleAfterClose;
229 BeforeInsert := @HandleBeforeInsert;
230 AfterInsert := @HandleAfterInsert;
231 BeforeEdit := @HandleBeforeEdit;
232 AfterEdit := @HandleAfterEdit;
233 BeforePost := @HandleBeforePost;
234 AfterPost := @HandleAfterPost;
235 BeforeCancel := @HandleBeforeCancel;
236 AfterCancel := @HandleAfterCancel;
237 BeforeDelete := @HandleBeforeDelete;
238 AfterDelete := @HandleAfterDelete;
239 BeforeScroll := @HandleBeforeScroll;
240 AfterScroll := @HandleAfterScroll;
241 BeforeRefresh := @HandleBeforeRefresh;
242 AfterRefresh := @HandleAfterRefresh;
243 end;
244 F2KeyDataset := TIBDataSet.Create(Application);
245 with F2KeyDataset do
246 begin
247 Database := IBDatabase;
248 Transaction := IBTransaction;
249 SelectSQL.Text := 'Select Key1, Key2 From IBXTest2';
250 InsertSQL.Text := 'Insert into IBXTest2(Key1,Key2) Values(:Key1,:Key2)';
251 RefreshSQL.Text := 'Select Key1, Key2 From IBXTest2 where Key1 = :Key1 and Key2 = :Key2';
252 end;
253 end;
255 function TTest17.GetTestID: AnsiString;
256 begin
257 Result := aTestID;
258 end;
260 function TTest17.GetTestTitle: AnsiString;
261 begin
262 Result := aTestTitle;
263 end;
265 procedure TTest17.InitTest;
266 begin
267 IBDatabase.DatabaseName := Owner.GetNewDatabaseName;
268 IBDatabase.CreateIfNotExists := true;
269 ReadWriteTransaction;
270 end;
272 procedure TTest17.RunTest(CharSet: AnsiString; SQLDialect: integer);
273 var lastKey: integer;
274 i: integer;
275 B: TBookmark;
276 begin
277 IBDatabase.CreateDatabase;
278 try
279 IBTransaction.Active := true;
280 with FIBDataSet1 do
281 begin
282 Active := true;
283 writeln(OutFile,'FIBDataSet1: Simple Append');
284 Append;
285 // writeln(outfile,'BOF = ',BOF,', EOF = ',EOF);
286 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is a test';
287 Post;
288 PrintDataSetRow(FIBDataSet1);
289 Refresh;
290 writeln(OutFile,'After Refresh');
291 PrintDataSetRow(FIBDataSet1);
292 writeln(OutFile,'Append and Update');
293 Append;
294 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is another test';
295 Post;
296 PrintDataSetRow(FIBDataSet1);
297 Edit;
298 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is the update test';
299 Post;
300 PrintDataSetRow(FIBDataSet1);
301 writeln(Outfile,'Show whole Dataset');
302 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet1);
303 writeln(OutFile,'Now delete the first row');
304 First;
305 Delete;
306 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet1);
307 writeln(Outfile,'On Post KeyField Assignment');
308 FIBDataSet1.GeneratorField.ApplyOnEvent := gaeOnPostRecord;
309 Append;
310 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'On Post KeyField test';
311 PrintDataSetRow(FIBDataSet1);
312 Post;
313 writeln(Outfile,'Row data after post');
314 PrintDataSetRow(FIBDataSet1);
315 FIBDataSet1.GeneratorField.ApplyOnEvent := gaeOnNewRecord; {restore}
317 writeln(Outfile,'Catch a Post Error - duplicate key');
318 lastkey := FieldByName('KeyField').AsInteger;
319 Append;
320 FieldByName('KeyField').AsInteger := lastkey;
321 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'On Post Error test';
322 try
323 Post;
324 except on E: Exception do
325 writeln(Outfile,'Exception handled: ',E.Message);
326 end;
328 IBTransaction.Rollback;
329 IBTransaction.Active := true;
330 DataSetCloseAction := dcSaveChanges;
331 Active := true;
332 writeln(OutFile,'FIBDataSet1: Simple Append with automatic posting on close');
333 Append;
334 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is a test';
335 Active := false;
336 Active := true;
337 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet1);
339 IBTransaction.Rollback;
340 IBTransaction.Active := true;
341 DataSetCloseAction := dcDiscardChanges;
342 Active := true;
343 writeln(OutFile,'FIBDataSet1: Simple Append with discard on close');
344 Append;
345 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is a test';
346 Active := false;
347 Active := true;
348 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet1);
350 IBTransaction.Rollback;
351 IBTransaction.Active := true;
352 writeln(Outfile);
353 writeln(Outfile,'Unidirectional editing');
354 Unidirectional := true;
355 Active := true;
356 writeln(OutFile,'FIBDataSet1: Simple Append - unidirectional');
357 Insert;
358 writeln(outfile,'BOF = ',BOF,', EOF = ',EOF);
359 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is a test - unidirectional';
360 PrintDataSetRow(FIBDataSet1);
361 Post;
362 writeln(outfile,'BOF = ',BOF,', EOF = ',EOF);
363 PrintDataSetRow(FIBDataSet1);
364 Refresh;
365 writeln(OutFile,'After Refresh - unidirectional');
366 PrintDataSetRow(FIBDataSet1);
367 writeln(OutFile,' Record Count = ',FIBDataSet1.RecordCount);
368 writeln(OutFile,'Insert and Update');
369 Insert;
370 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is another test - unidirectional';
371 Post;
372 PrintDataSetRow(FIBDataSet1);
373 Edit;
374 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is the update test - unidirectional';
375 Post;
376 PrintDataSetRow(FIBDataSet1);
377 writeln(OutFile,'Now delete the first row - unidirectional with Record Count = ',FIBDataSet1.RecordCount);
378 Active := false;
379 Active := true;
380 Delete;
381 writeln(OutFile,'Show Current Row');
382 PrintDataSetRow(FIBDataSet1);
383 writeln(OutFile,' Record Count = ',FIBDataSet1.RecordCount);
384 writeln(Outfile,'Ensure dataset saved to database');
385 Active := false;
386 Active := true;
387 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet1);
389 end;
390 writeln(Outfile,'==================================');
391 IBTransaction.Rollback;
392 IBTransaction.Active := true;
393 with FIBDataSet2 do
394 try
395 Active := true;
396 writeln(OutFile,'FIBDataSet2: Simple Append');
397 Append;
398 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is a test';
399 Post;
400 PrintDataSetRow(FIBDataSet2);
401 Refresh;
402 writeln(OutFile,'After Refresh');
403 PrintDataSetRow(FIBDataSet2);
404 writeln(OutFile,'Append and Update');
405 Append;
406 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is another test';
407 Post;
408 PrintDataSetRow(FIBDataSet2);
409 Edit;
410 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is the update test';
411 Post;
412 PrintDataSetRow(FIBDataSet2);
413 writeln(OutFile,'Now delete the first row');
414 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet2);
415 First;
416 Delete;
417 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet2);
418 OnValidatePost := @ValidatePostOK;
419 writeln(Outfile,'Validate Post OK');
420 Append;
421 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is a validated Post';
422 Post;
423 PrintDataSetRow(FIBDataSet2);
424 OnValidatePost := @ValidatePostCancel;
425 writeln(Outfile,'Validate Post Cancel');
426 Append;
427 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is a validated Post which should have been cancelled';
428 Post;
429 PrintDataSetRow(FIBDataSet2);
430 OnValidatePost := nil;
431 writeln(OutFile,'FIBDataSet2: Simple Append with Forced Refresh');
432 ForcedRefresh := true;
433 Append;
434 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is a test';
435 Post;
436 PrintDataSetRow(FIBDataSet2);
437 except on E: Exception do
438 writeln(Outfile,E.Message);
439 end;
440 IBTransaction.Rollback;
441 IBTransaction.Active := true;
442 with FIBDataSet1 do
443 try
444 Unidirectional := false;
445 Active := true;
446 writeln(outfile,'----------------------------------------------');
447 writeln(OutFile,'FIBDataSet1: Insert at start');
448 for i := 1 to 2 do
449 begin
450 Append;
451 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'Row ' + IntToStr(i);
452 Post;
453 end;
454 First;
455 Insert;
456 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is an insert test';
457 Post;
458 B := Bookmark;
459 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet1);
460 writeln(outfile,'Delete inserted row');
461 Bookmark := B;
462 Delete;
463 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet1);
464 writeln(outfile,'Repeat');
465 First;
466 Insert;
467 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is an insert test #1';
468 Post;
469 B := Bookmark;
470 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet1);
471 writeln(outfile,'Delete inserted row');
472 Bookmark := B;
473 Delete;
474 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet1);
475 writeln(outfile,'Insert/Delete after first row');
476 Next;
477 Insert;
478 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is an insert test #2';
479 Post;
480 B := Bookmark;
481 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet1);
482 writeln(outfile,'Delete inserted row');
483 Bookmark := B;
484 Delete;
485 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet1);
486 writeln(outfile,'Insert/Delete at last row');
487 Last;
488 Insert;
489 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is an insert test #3';
490 Post;
491 B := Bookmark;
492 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet1);
493 writeln(outfile,'Delete inserted row');
494 Bookmark := B;
495 Delete;
496 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet1);
497 except on E: Exception do
498 writeln(Outfile,E.Message);
499 end;
501 writeln(outfile,'Refresh Dataset wit two primary keys');
502 with F2KeyDataset do
503 try
504 Transaction.Active := true;
505 Active := true;
506 Append;
507 FieldByName('Key1').AsInteger := 1;
508 FieldByName('Key2').AsInteger := 1;
509 Post;
510 Append;
511 FieldByName('Key1').AsInteger := 1;
512 FieldByName('Key2').AsInteger := 2;
513 Post;
514 Refresh;
515 PrintDataset(F2KeyDataset);
516 except on E: Exception do
517 writeln(Outfile,E.Message);
518 end;
520 finally
521 IBDatabase.DropDatabase;
522 end;
523 end;
525 initialization
526 RegisterTest(TTest17);
528 end.


Name Value
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