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Revision: 410
Committed: Thu Jun 22 13:52:39 2023 UTC (10 months, 1 week ago) by tony
Content type: text/x-pascal
File size: 8141 byte(s)
Log Message:
Release 2.6.0 beta

File Contents

# Content
1 (*
2 * IBX Test suite. This program is used to test the IBX non-visual
3 * components and provides a semi-automated pass/fail check for each test.
4 *
5 * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's
6 * Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
7 * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
8 * of the License here:
9 *
10 *
11 *
12 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
13 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
14 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights
15 * and limitations under the License.
16 *
17 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman.
18 *
19 * The Original Code is (C) 2021 Tony Whyman, MWA Software
20 * (
21 *
22 * All Rights Reserved.
23 *
24 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
25 *
26 *)
27 unit Test18;
29 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
31 {Test 18: Cached Updates}
33 { Description
34 }
36 interface
38 uses
39 Classes, SysUtils, TestApplication, IBXTestBase, Db, IB, IBCustomDataSet;
41 const
42 aTestID = '18';
43 aTestTitle = 'Cached Updates';
45 type
47 { TTest18 }
49 TTest18 = class(TIBXTestBase)
50 private
51 FIBDataset: TIBDataSet;
52 procedure HandleUpdateRecord(DataSet: TDataSet; UpdateKind: TUpdateKind;
53 var UpdateAction: TIBUpdateAction);
54 procedure HandleUpdateError(DataSet: TDataSet; E: EDatabaseError;
55 UpdateKind: TUpdateKind; var TheUpdateAction: TIBUpdateAction);
56 procedure DoTest(aUnidirectional: boolean);
57 protected
58 procedure CreateObjects(Application: TTestApplication); override;
59 function GetTestID: AnsiString; override;
60 function GetTestTitle: AnsiString; override;
61 procedure InitTest; override;
62 public
63 procedure RunTest(CharSet: AnsiString; SQLDialect: integer); override;
64 end;
67 implementation
69 { TTest18 }
71 procedure TTest18.HandleUpdateRecord(DataSet: TDataSet;
72 UpdateKind: TUpdateKind; var UpdateAction: TIBUpdateAction);
73 begin
74 writeln(Outfile,'Update Record Called for ',UpdateKind);
75 PrintDatasetRow(DataSet);
76 UpdateAction := uaApply;
77 end;
79 procedure TTest18.HandleUpdateError(DataSet: TDataSet; E: EDatabaseError;
80 UpdateKind: TUpdateKind; var TheUpdateAction: TIBUpdateAction);
81 begin
82 writeln(Outfile,'Update Error raised: ',E.Message);
83 TheUpdateAction := uaFail;
84 end;
86 procedure TTest18.DoTest(aUnidirectional: boolean);
87 var lastkey: integer;
88 begin
89 with FIBDataSet do
90 begin
91 Unidirectional := aUnidirectional;
92 Active := true;
93 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet);
94 writeln(Outfile,'Unidirectional caching = ',aUnidirectional);
95 writeln(OutFile,'Simple Append i.e. caching of inserted records and cancel');
96 if aUnidirectional then Insert else Append;
97 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is a test';
98 Post;
99 if aUnidirectional then Insert else Append;
100 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is another test';
101 Post;
102 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet);
103 writeln(Outfile,'Cancel Updates');
104 CancelUpdates;
105 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet);
106 writeln(Outfile,'Now reopen and show empty');
107 Active := false;
108 Active := true;
109 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet);
111 writeln(Outfile);
112 writeln(OutFile,'Simple Append i.e. caching of inserted records and apply updates');
113 if aUnidirectional then Insert else Append;
114 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is a test';
115 Post;
116 if aUnidirectional then Insert else Append;
117 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is another test';
118 Post;
119 if aUnidirectional then Insert else Append;
120 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'And another';
121 Post;
122 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet);
123 writeln(Outfile,'Apply Updates');
124 ApplyUpdates;
125 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet);
126 writeln(Outfile,'Now reopen and show still there');
127 Active := false;
128 Active := true;
129 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet);
131 writeln(OutFile);
132 writeln(OutFile,'Update of First and Last records and cancel');
133 First;
134 Edit;
135 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is an updated test';
136 Post;
137 Last;
138 Edit;
139 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is another updated test';
140 Post;
141 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet);
142 writeln(Outfile,'Cancel Updates');
143 CancelUpdates;
144 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet);
145 writeln(Outfile,'Now reopen and show no change');
146 Active := false;
147 Active := true;
148 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet);
150 writeln(OutFile);
151 writeln(OutFile,'Update of First and Last records and apply');
152 First;
153 Edit;
154 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is an updated test';
155 Post;
156 Last;
157 Edit;
158 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is another updated test';
159 Post;
160 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet);
161 writeln(Outfile,'Apply Updates');
162 ApplyUpdates;
163 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet);
164 writeln(Outfile,'Now reopen and show still there');
165 Active := false;
166 Active := true;
167 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet);
169 writeln(OutFile);
170 writeln(OutFile,'Update of First and Last records and implicitly apply');
171 DataSetCloseAction := dcSaveChanges;
172 First;
173 Edit;
174 FieldByName('PlainText').AsString := 'This is an updated test (implicit apply updates)';
175 Active := false;
176 Active := true;
177 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet);
179 writeln(OutFile);
180 writeln(OutFile,'Delete First and Last records and Cancel');
181 First;
182 Delete;
183 Last;
184 Delete;
185 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet);
186 writeln(Outfile,'Cancel Updates');
187 CancelUpdates;
188 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet);
189 writeln(Outfile,'Now reopen and show no change');
190 Active := false;
191 Active := true;
192 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet);
194 writeln(OutFile);
195 writeln(OutFile,'Delete First and Last records and Apply');
196 First;
197 Delete;
198 Last;
199 Delete;
200 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet);
201 writeln(Outfile,'Apply Updates');
202 ApplyUpdates;
203 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet);
204 writeln(Outfile,'Now reopen and show no change');
205 Active := false;
206 Active := true;
207 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet);
209 writeln(OutFile);
210 writeln(OutFile, 'Test Error Handling');
211 First;
212 lastkey := FieldByName('KEYFIELD').AsInteger;
213 Append;
214 FieldByName('KEYFIELD').AsInteger := lastkey;
215 Post;
216 PrintDataSet(FIBDataSet);
217 try
218 ApplyUpdates;
219 except on E: Exception do
220 begin
221 writeln(OutFile,'Exception caught: ',E.Message);
222 end;
223 end;
224 CancelUpdates;
225 end;
226 end;
228 procedure TTest18.CreateObjects(Application: TTestApplication);
229 begin
230 inherited CreateObjects(Application);
231 FIBDataSet := TIBDataSet.Create(Application);
232 with FIBDataSet do
233 begin
234 Name := 'IBTestData';
235 Database := IBDatabase;
236 Transaction := IBTransaction;
237 SelectSQL.Add('Select * From IBDataSetTest');
238 InsertSQL.Add('Insert into IBDataSetTest(KeyField,PlainText) Values (:KeyField,:PlainText)');
239 ModifySQL.Add('Update IBDataSetTest Set KeyField = :KeyField, PlainText = :PlainText Where KeyField = :Old_KeyField');
240 DeleteSQL.Add('Delete from IBDataSetTest Where KeyField = :old_KeyField');
241 RefreshSQL.Add('Select * from IBDataSetTest Where KeyField = :KeyField');
242 GeneratorField.Field := 'KeyField';
243 GeneratorField.Generator := 'AGENERATOR';
244 GeneratorField.Increment := 1;
245 CachedUpdates := true;
246 OnUpdateRecord := @HandleUpdateRecord;
247 OnUpdateError := @HandleUpdateError;
248 end;
249 end;
251 function TTest18.GetTestID: AnsiString;
252 begin
253 Result := aTestID;
254 end;
256 function TTest18.GetTestTitle: AnsiString;
257 begin
258 Result := aTestTitle;
259 end;
261 procedure TTest18.InitTest;
262 begin
263 IBDatabase.DatabaseName := Owner.GetNewDatabaseName;
264 IBDatabase.CreateIfNotExists := true;
265 ReadWriteTransaction;
266 end;
268 procedure TTest18.RunTest(CharSet: AnsiString; SQLDialect: integer);
269 begin
270 IBDatabase.CreateDatabase;
271 try
272 IBTransaction.Active := true;
273 DoTest(false);
274 // DoTest(true); {See}
275 finally
276 IBDatabase.DropDatabase;
277 end;
278 end;
280 initialization
281 RegisterTest(TTest18);
283 end.


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